tavassoli, nahid and noghani, farzaneh and noghanibehambari, hamid (2022): Gender Gap in Education as a Portable Cultural Element: Evidence from First and Second Generation Immigrants.
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This paper illustrates the intergenerational transmission of the gender gap in education among first and second-generation immigrants. Using the Current Population Survey (1994-2018), we find that the difference in female-male education persists from the home country to the new environment. A one standard deviation increase of the ancestral country’s female-male difference in schooling is associated with 17.2% and 2.5% of a standard deviation increase in the gender gap among first and second generations, respectively. Since gender perspective in education uncovers a new channel for cultural transmission among families, we interpret the findings as evidence of cultural persistence among first generations and partial cultural assimilation of second generations. Moreover, Disaggregation into country-groups reveals different paths for this transmission: descendants of immigrants of lower-income countries show fewer attachments to the gender opinions of their home country. Average local education of natives can facilitate the acculturation process. Immigrants residing in states with higher education reveal a lower tendency to follow their home country attitudes regarding the gender gap.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Gender Gap in Education as a Portable Cultural Element: Evidence from First and Second Generation Immigrants |
English Title: | Gender Gap in Education as a Portable Cultural Element: Evidence from First and Second Generation Immigrants |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Gender Gap, Immigration, Human Capital, Education, Assimilation |
Subjects: | I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I2 - Education and Research Institutions J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J1 - Demographic Economics > J15 - Economics of Minorities, Races, Indigenous Peoples, and Immigrants ; Non-labor Discrimination J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J1 - Demographic Economics > J16 - Economics of Gender ; Non-labor Discrimination |
Item ID: | 113514 |
Depositing User: | Ms Nahid Tavassoli |
Date Deposited: | 30 Jun 2022 07:05 |
Last Modified: | 30 Jun 2022 07:05 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/113514 |