Alrubaie, falah.K.Ali (2008): دور مؤسسات الكفالة المصرفية في حل مشكلة تمويل المشروعات الصغيرة.
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The problem addressed by the research study linked with number of economic problems and administrative and regulation, production and marketing facing small projects in the business environment, and prevent them from access to bank financing, and paid the banks to classify loans granted to these projects as high-risk loans, these comes despite The benefits of these projects, and the intense need for presence in developing countries. To correct these conditions, it should search for the appropriate formulas and solutions to treatment these problems, particularly those that prevent them from access to bank financing. The aim of this study to the definition one of those formulas or solutions, for which the bank guarantee, through explanation and analysis the nature of the role of those institutions, mechanisms and the programs used by to ensure the loans to economically feasibility of small projects, to contribute in improve their chances of access to sources of official financing, by create an enabling environment help in alleviate the bias against small projects in the business environment, which place them at a disproportionate competitive position with large projects and make them receive less funding and facing the most difficult conditions And study emphasizes that the role of those institutions is not confined to the financial side, but also to advance the field of training and research and development, to develop the skills and productivity Capabilities business owners in the area of administration and management, marketing, finance, and assist in the preparation of feasibility studies and technical assistance in the production process, Finally the Study proposed a number of recommendations to support small projects in the Libyan economy, foremost of which claim to popularization the experience of banking institutions in all Libyan cities and urged the governmental and private banks to enter into partnership with those institutions, and work to improve the investment climate for the opportunity to provide incentives for projects to support small and action of trust between banks and small and medium projects through the opening of training courses and consulting relevant professional financial aspect of the managers of those projects, and the need to take advantage of international experience in the field of bank guarantee to formulate comprehensive strategies to encourage and finance small projects in Libya.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | دور مؤسسات الكفالة المصرفية في حل مشكلة تمويل المشروعات الصغيرة |
English Title: | The role of institutions of the bank guarantee in solving the problem of financing small projects |
Language: | Arabic |
Keywords: | الكفالة المصرفية ، التمويل ،المشروعات الصغيرة |
Subjects: | G - Financial Economics > G2 - Financial Institutions and Services > G21 - Banks ; Depository Institutions ; Micro Finance Institutions ; Mortgages |
Item ID: | 13784 |
Depositing User: | falah.k.ali Alrubaie |
Date Deposited: | 02 Dec 2015 20:51 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2019 17:34 |
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