Bonaventura, Luigi and Consoli, Andrea (2009): La scelta dei criteri di priorità per il giudice penale: effetti sui carichi pendenti e sul costo sociale.
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Courts management is going to become a very important branch in the study of jurisdiction, following with rising interest in finding out how productive courts are. The aim of this paper is to analyse caseload management and the outcomes of different choice criteria for dealing with criminal trials. Following the current political debate relating to “blocca-processi” we will focus on quantitative effects of priorities and guidelines in caseload trial management. We will use detailed data from ISTAT to define the workload of a representative judge and select the different crimes on his desktop: most serious crimes (red crimes), average offences (yellow crimes) and light crimes (green crimes). Using an agent-based-model (abm) we tested different criteria: the actual legal framework (first in first out), the provision of priorities based on seriousness of the offences, and a criterion based on crime diffusion. Since reducing crime is the same as decreasing social losses caused by crime, the reduction of social cost of crime becomes an output of judicial services. Preliminary test results show that each criterion affects workload and caseload for different crimes, also considering the social costs of each crime.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | La scelta dei criteri di priorità per il giudice penale: effetti sui carichi pendenti e sul costo sociale |
English Title: | Priorities criteria and criminal caseload management |
Language: | Italian |
Keywords: | Sistema giudiziario; carichi pendenti; criteri di priorità; costo sociale |
Subjects: | K - Law and Economics > K4 - Legal Procedure, the Legal System, and Illegal Behavior > K40 - General H - Public Economics > H8 - Miscellaneous Issues > H83 - Public Administration ; Public Sector Accounting and Audits |
Item ID: | 14559 |
Depositing User: | Luigi Bonaventura |
Date Deposited: | 10 Apr 2009 07:04 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 22:41 |
References: | Consiglio d'Europa (2006), European judicial systems, CEPEJ. Di Paola L. (2003), Quanto lavora un magistrato?, in Diritto e Giustizia, n.2. Guarda G. (2005), Giustizia, va risolto il nodo delle risorse. E' inutile spendere di più se manca la professionalità nella gestione, in Diritto e Giustizia, n.4. Musy A. (1999), Un manager in tribunale: costi e tempi della giustizia civile: analisi economica, riforme, strumenti alternativi, in Biblioteca delle libert a, XXXIV. Kostoris R. (2003), Giustizia, garanzie ed e cienza: delicati equilibri e sugges- tioni, in Diritto e Giustizia, n.25. Oliveri del Castllo R. (2003), La natura ibrida del processo penale genera inefficienza - a metà strada tra inquisizione e garantismo, in Diritto e Giustizia, n.45. Pezzella V. (2003), Produttività dei magistrati: finalmente non più solo statistiche?, in Diritto e Giustizia, n.2. Pezzella V. (2005), Tribunali e procure, il nodo degli sprechi: tutti i rimedi possibili e per ora ignorati, in Diritto e Giustizia, n.20. Tijms H.C.(2003), "Algorithmic Analysis of Queues", chapter 9 in A First Course in Stochastic Models, Wiley, Chichester. |
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