Rotariu, Ilie (2007): Globalization and Tourism: Study case Romania.
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The globalization process is seen from an Eastern point of view under Western theories. A particular option is offered under bio structure and entropy theories. A detailed analyze of Romanian tourism before ’90 s tries to save statistics and information classified during communists. Among the ways of extending globalization, the economical transition in former socialist countries is pointed out with an example on Romanian tourism. A large space is allowed to evaluate the future of global economy and trends for Romanian tourism to joint it.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Globalization and Tourism: Study case Romania |
English Title: | Globalization and Tourism: Study case Romania |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | globalization, tourism, Romanian tourism, transition, experience economy |
Subjects: | L - Industrial Organization > L8 - Industry Studies: Services > L83 - Sports ; Gambling ; Restaurants ; Recreation ; Tourism |
Item ID: | 19837 |
Depositing User: | ilie rotariu |
Date Deposited: | 13 Jan 2010 23:53 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 16:46 |
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Available Versions of this Item
Globalizare si turism: studiu de caz Romania. (deposited 29 Dec 2009 00:04)
- Globalization and Tourism: Study case Romania. (deposited 13 Jan 2010 23:53) [Currently Displayed]