Grigorescu, Adriana and Bob, Constantin (2007): Knowledge management in proiectele de parteneriat public-privat. Published in: Volume Knowledge management No. ISBN978-973-663-662-2 (2007): pp. 32-41.
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Integration process of Romania in the European Union after January 1, 2007, assumes new connotations and implications, meaning the change of access to sources of funding. Structural Funds allow both, state institutions (public sector) and private organizations (private sector), to propose and implement projects. There are many areas where the two sectors: public and private, can do joint projects with higher impact on the socio-economic climate. Knowledge management, project management, partnership are theories and tools that can be used for the purposes of better harnessing of resources held and implementation of change in Romanian society
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Knowledge management in proiectele de parteneriat public-privat |
English Title: | Knowledge management in public-private partnership |
Language: | Romanian |
Keywords: | knowledge management, project management, private-public partnership |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D2 - Production and Organizations > D21 - Firm Behavior: Theory L - Industrial Organization > L3 - Nonprofit Organizations and Public Enterprise > L33 - Comparison of Public and Private Enterprises and Nonprofit Institutions ; Privatization ; Contracting Out |
Item ID: | 25111 |
Depositing User: | Adriana Grigorescu |
Date Deposited: | 19 Sep 2010 13:29 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2019 17:16 |
References: | Erling S. ANDERSEN, Kristoffer V. GRUDE, Tor HAUG, Goal Directed Project Management, UK, Kogan Page, Third edition, 2004 Walter BAETS - Knowledge Management and Management Learning, UK, Springer, 2005 Thomas H. DAVENPORT, Gilbert J.B. PROBST - Knowledge Management Case Book, UK, Publicis Corporate Publishing, Secound Edition, 2002 Adrian DĂNEŢ, Managementul proiectelor, Braşov, Editura Disz Tipo, 2002 Mark W. McELROY - The New Knowledge Management, UK, Butterworth & Heinemann, 2003 Adriana GRIGORESCU, Managementul proiectelor, Bucureşti, Editura Uranus, 2007 David I. McNABB - Knowledge Management in the Public Sector, US, M.E.Sharpe, 2007 Michael W. NEWELL, Marina N. GRASHINA, The Project Management / Question and Answer Book, US, AMACOM, 2003 Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guides), PM Standard, US, Third edition, 2004 |
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