Azham, Ali and Teck Heang, Lee and Yusof, Nor Zalina and Ojo, Marianne (2007): Development of auditing in Malaysia: legal, political and historical influences.

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This work investigates the role and contribution of external auditing as practised in the Malaysian society during the forty year period from independence in 1957 to just before the onset of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. It applies the political economic theory introduced by Tinker (1980) and refined by Cooper & Sherer (1984), which focuses on the social relations aspects of professional activity rather than economic forces alone. In a case study format where qualitative data was gathered mainly from primary and secondary source materials, the study found that the function of auditing in the Malaysian society in most cases is devoid of any essence of mission; instead it is created, shaped and transformed by the pressures which give rise to its development over time. The largely insignificant role that it serves is intertwined within the contexts in which it operates.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Development of auditing in Malaysia: legal, political and historical influences |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | external audit; Malaysia; politics; history; economy; Companies Act 1965; Companies Act 1985; British Companies Acts; Accountants Act 1967; Asian Financial Crisis |
Subjects: | K - Law and Economics > K2 - Regulation and Business Law M - Business Administration and Business Economics ; Marketing ; Accounting ; Personnel Economics > M4 - Accounting and Auditing G - Financial Economics > G0 - General > G01 - Financial Crises |
Item ID: | 28138 |
Depositing User: | Dr Marianne Ojo |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2011 06:14 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2019 07:12 |
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- Development of auditing in Malaysia: legal, political and historical influences. (deposited 19 Jan 2011 06:14) [Currently Displayed]