Byrne, Joseph P and Nagayasu, Jun (2011): Common factors of the exchange risk premium in emerging European markets.
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Existing empirical evidence suggests that the Uncovered Interest Rate Parity (UIRP) condition may not hold due to an exchange risk premium. For a panel data set of eleven emerging European economies we decompose this exchange risk premium into an idiosyncratic (country-specific) element and a common factor using a principal components approach. We present evidence of stationary idiosyncratic and common factors. This result leads to the conclusion of a stationary risk premium for these countries, which is consistent with previous studies often documenting a stationary premium in developed countries. Furthermore, we report that the variation in the premium is largely attributable to a common factor influenced by economic developments in the United States.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Common factors of the exchange risk premium in emerging European markets |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Uncovered Interest Rate Parity, Emerging Economies, Exchange Risk Premiums, Common Factors |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F4 - Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance > F41 - Open Economy Macroeconomics |
Item ID: | 31393 |
Depositing User: | Nagayasu Jun |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jun 2011 13:42 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 22:20 |
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