Roman, Monica and Goschin, Zizi (2011): Does religion matter? Exploring economic performance differences among Romanian emigrants. Forthcoming in: Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies , Vol. 10, No. 29 (2011)
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Although migration and religion have traditionally developed as two separate research topics, in the current context of globalization and trans-nationalism attention begins to focus on the way they interconnect. Religion received little attention in Romanian studies on migration undertaken so far. Using the results of our survey among Romanian international migrants of different religious faiths, this paper aims to raise interest in migration-religion relationship and, at the same time, to improve the understanding of the economic performance factors in a migration context by focusing on the distinctive characteristics of Romanian religious minorities. We address both the theoretical and the empirical dimension of this topic, making use of various statistical methods. Our main findings are consistent with the assumption that religious belief is reflecting upon the behavior and economic performance of Romanian migrants.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Does religion matter? Exploring economic performance differences among Romanian emigrants |
English Title: | Does religion matter? Exploring economic performance differences among Romanian emigrants |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | religious minorities, international migration, economic performance, remittances, Romania |
Subjects: | C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C1 - Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology: General > C10 - General Z - Other Special Topics > Z1 - Cultural Economics ; Economic Sociology ; Economic Anthropology > Z12 - Religion J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J6 - Mobility, Unemployment, Vacancies, and Immigrant Workers > J61 - Geographic Labor Mobility ; Immigrant Workers R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R2 - Household Analysis > R23 - Regional Migration ; Regional Labor Markets ; Population ; Neighborhood Characteristics |
Item ID: | 31779 |
Depositing User: | Monica Roman |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jun 2011 19:19 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 15:24 |
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