Rao, Gargi P (2009): An investigation into poverty among domestic maids in Lusaka, Zambia. Published in: VDM Publishers Germany (30 September 2011): 01-47.
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Despite tall claims of GDP growth, Zambian Poverty remained un addressed. Zambia has drafted its first Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) in 2002-2005 and mainstreamed the successive poverty reduction strategies into the National Development Plans beginning with the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) 2006-2010. Zambia after independence has progressively moved southwards in terms of GDP growth and achieved the status of Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC). Nevertheless, Zambia’s progress reports show some achievements in GDP growth and containing poverty during the initial years of FNDP. The midterm review reports show that there has been a growth in GDP and poverty reduction in Zambia, and more reduction in urban poverty. These claims have led me to find out “Has the GDP growth during the Fifth National Development Plan resulted in poverty reduction among the most vulnerable women workers- the domestic maids in Lusaka?”
In the process of determining this, a review of Zambian Economy, the urban poverty levels; growth in GDP before and after FNDP; and living standards of randomly selected Domestic Maids from different compounds in Lusaka have been analyzed, evaluated and related to poverty reduction, growth and development theories.
To support the analysis, a questionnaire (Appendix-I) was designed and data was collected from eight domestic maids. Apart from the primary data collection process, some data was recorded from the offices of Government of Zambia, FNDP, PRSP, and living standard surveys conducted by the United Nations Organization present in Zambia.
From the information composed the appropriate data has been utilized effectively to analyze it and arrive at conclusions. In conclusion it is found that the growth in GDP and reduction in poverty levels have no tangible impact on the poverty levels of domestic maids in Lusaka.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | An investigation into poverty among domestic maids in Lusaka, Zambia |
English Title: | An Investigation into Poverty among Domestic Maids in Lusaka, Zambia |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Domestic Maids, Poverty Reduction, Lusaka, Zambian Economy, Hingly Indebted Poor Country |
Subjects: | R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R1 - General Regional Economics > R11 - Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, Environmental Issues, and Changes |
Item ID: | 35717 |
Depositing User: | Gargi Rao |
Date Deposited: | 05 Jan 2012 00:36 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 09:32 |
References: | BIBLIOGRAPHY African Development Bank, 2007 “Living Conditions Poverty in Zambia 1991-2006,” Lusaka. Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, 2007 World Book of United States of America Central Statistical office, 2008. Volume 69. www.zamstats.gov.zm December 2008 Glanville, Alan, 1997 “Economics from a Global Perspective” Oxford, United Kingdom Government of Zambia, 2006 “Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) 2006-2010”, Republic of Zambia, Government of Zambia, 2007. “A Prosperous Middle –Income Nation by 2030.”Vision 2030. Pettman, Jan, 2005 Zambian security and conflict. Julian Friedmann Publishers Ltd. Chapter 4 “The Economy” Ranker, l., 2003 “Political and Economic Liberalisation in Zambia-1991-2001” The Nordic Africa Institute, Shaoul, Jean, 2007 “Zambia: poverty and backwardness made in London and Washington”. 27 august 2007 UNDP, 2007, ‘Economic Polices Case Studies of Zambia’ United Nations Development Programme, Zambia. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), 2007 Zambia: Lusaka Urban Profile World Bank, 2004, “Poverty reduction strategy paper for Zambia”. A document of the civil society for poverty reduction (CSPR). 2004 World Bank, 2005, “An overview of Zambia’s economic and poverty situation.” Chapter 1. Lusaka, World Bank, 2005, “Macroeconomic framework, strategies and policies for poverty reduction”. Chapter 11, Lusaka Websites: www.zamstats.gov.zm unstats.un.org http://glossary.econguru.com/economic-term/absolute+poverty |
URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/35717 |