Moretto, Antonio Carlos and Rodrigues, Rossana Lott and Sesso Filho, Umberto Antonio and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Maia, Katy (2012): Regiões polarizadas no Paraná: relações inter setoriais e inter regionais em 2006.
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This study aimed to quantify the inter sectoral and inter-regional relations and compare the productive structure of five polarized regions of the Parana state economy, namely: Curitiba, Ponta Grossa, Londrina, Maringá and Cascavel gathered on a inter-regional input-output system for 2006. The main results indicate that: a) the region polarized by Curitiba was mostly responsible for the total demanded by other regions of the system, 38.56%, so that they could meet their final demand, b) the rest of the system impacted on least 20% of the economy of Curitiba and Londrina compared with 1995, which may indicate greater diversification of local production or greater commercial relations with other regions outside of Paraná c) all polarized regions showed production structure reasonably dynamic, although Curitiba, Cascavel and Ponta Grossa have shown less regional dependence on the demand generation for its products and services, d) the region polarized by Curitiba accounted for 54.42% of the value of total production of Paraná, and that 51.74% were caused by its own final demand, e) the polarized region by Curitiba was inducer of final demand of the other regions in the Parana interregional system in 2006.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Regiões polarizadas no Paraná: relações inter setoriais e inter regionais em 2006 |
English Title: | Polarized regions in Paraná: intersectoral and interregional relations in 2006 |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | regiões polarizadas; relações setoriais; economia regional |
Subjects: | R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R1 - General Regional Economics > R12 - Size and Spatial Distributions of Regional Economic Activity R - Urban, Rural, Regional, Real Estate, and Transportation Economics > R1 - General Regional Economics > R15 - Econometric and Input-Output Models ; Other Models |
Item ID: | 46996 |
Depositing User: | Joaquim José Martins Guilhoto |
Date Deposited: | 15 May 2013 16:32 |
Last Modified: | 03 Oct 2019 01:19 |
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