Marinescu, Dan Constantin and Mija, Eduard and Preda, Lucian and Iacob-Ridzi, Tiberiu and Petrilean, Dan Codrut and Gaf-Deac, Maria (2016): Impactul pe plan economic, tehnic, social si asupra mediului al nefinalizarii instalatiei de desulfurare de la S.E. Paroseni. Published in: FOREN , Vol. 5, No. 1 (2016)
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Through the approval of the Kyoto Protocol, the ONU Convention held in Europe and has taken to reduce the emissions of sulfur in large combustion installations through the development of projects for desulphurization flue gas in coal burning power plants to improve the reports relating to the impact on the environment. Desulphurization technology represents stations through which combustion products are treated in the process of burning coal of fossil fuels in order to reduce the concentration of SO2 (sulfur dioxide). The case study refers the Paroșeni power plant, one of the consumers of Jiul Valley hard coal, which, in these circumstances may remain a long run user of the local coal mines produced hard coal. So, the presence of hard coal in the energy mix of National Energy System could be preserved, taking into account the uncertain future of Mintia power plant, the second user of the mentioned above hard coal.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Impactul pe plan economic, tehnic, social si asupra mediului al nefinalizarii instalatiei de desulfurare de la S.E. Paroseni. |
English Title: | The economical, technical social and environmental impact of non-finalizing the desulphurisation facility at Paroseni power plant |
Language: | Romanian |
Keywords: | desulfurare SE Paroșeni, protocol, Kyoto, energie, cărbune, emisii, șlam dens, absorbție, neutralizare, regenerare, oxidare , precipitații , calcar. |
Subjects: | Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q4 - Energy > Q43 - Energy and the Macroeconomy |
Item ID: | 81160 |
Depositing User: | Dr. Dan Codrut Petrilean |
Date Deposited: | 17 Jan 2018 07:15 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 20:52 |
References: | 1. Maria-Teresa Calvete, ANPM – JASPERS Ghiduri sectoriale pentru Evaluarea Impactului asupra Mediului, Proiecte pentru instalaţii de desulfurare a gazelor de ardere aplicate instalaţiilor mari de ardere; pag.6, pag.9, pag.14; 2. Strategia de dezvoltare energetică a României pe termen lung 2002 – 2015, 2002; 3. ANPM,Directiva 2001/80/CE privind limitarea emisiilor de anumiţi poluanţi în aer din instalaţiile mari de ardere (Directiva LCP); 4. Klaus-Dieter Warnatz, Modernizarea instalatiilor existente in Romania: Implementarea Directivei 2001/80/CE prin planuri de reducerea emisiilor specifice instalatiilor; pag. 2 5. Transelectrica - Proiect tehnic – Contract 142/2010 SE Paroseni; 6. Gaf Deac I.I., A new View on Technologies Based on Natural Resources Complementary to Technologies Based on Informatics and Informational Resources,- International interdisciplinary Conference, Ministry Of Education and Research, North University of Baia Mare, College of Nyiregyhaza, Hungary, 6th Edition, Baia Mare- România; 7. Scientific Bulletin, Serie C, Volume XIX, Fascicle: Mechanics, Tribology, Machine Manufacturing Technology, 1st Volume, May 27-28, 2005,pp.221-226, (ISSN 1224-3264, ISBN 973-87237-1-x); 8. Chiril,G., Iliaş,N., Radu,S.M., Gruneanțu, I., - Environmental protection and opportunities for harnessing jiu Valley's hard coal energetic potential. First International Conference on MOLDAVIAN RISKS - FROM GLOBAL TO LOCAL SCALE 16-19 May 2012, Bacau, România; 9. Irimie I. S., Petrilean D. C.,Environmental Impact Assessment for Dismantling an Energetic Complex Using Thermodynamic Concepts, "International Conference on ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, ECOSYSTEMS and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" (EEESD '13), Lemesos, Cyprus, March 21-23, ISBN: 978-1-61804-167-8, pp.76-81, 2013; 10. Petrilean D. C,Irimie S. I., Băleanu V., Stănilă S. - Multicriterial analysis of environmental impacts in thermoelectric power station areas, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. June 2014, Vol.13, No. 6, 1383-1388; 11. Pasculescu V.M., Suvar M., Pasculescu D. The necessity of implementing modern protection systems into the National Energetic System, Scientific Bulletin of the “POLITEHNICA” University of Timişoara. Vol. 56(70), Special ISSUE S1, 2011,pag. 55-58, Editura POLITEHNICA, ISSN 1224 – 6077. |
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