Afifi, Tubagus (2017): Analisis Keuntungan Budidaya Tanaman Penghasil Zat Pemanis (gula) Bit (Beta vulgaris, L) Secara Pertanian Organik.
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To start this bit breeding business is not difficult. Can be started easily with small capital. Beetroot plants (Beta vulgaris L.) include short-lived vegetable crops. The use of tubers more and more and have an important role for the Indonesian economy. Needs of the bit continues to increase due to population growth, also due to changes in consumption patterns in some developing countries. Beets also produce a sweet taste (sugar). Organic fertilizer is the end result of decomposition of parts or the remains of plants and animals (living things) such as manure, green manure, compost, cake, guano, flour and so on. Likewise the use of organic pesticides is more profitable in the long run. From the analysis above can be concluded if the business of Cultivation Beet plant is very profitable where the capital Rp 4.500.000 with kentungan per month Rp 4.925.000 and turnover in 1 month. Beet is ready for harvest when the age has reached between 8-10 weeks. Harvesting is done in a simple way that is by pulling the beet plant carefully so as not to damage the tubers and then the leaves and roots are cut. However, the trunks are cut 4-5 cm left to keep the tubers fresh because the beet bits remove the sap that causes tubers to wither due to excessive evaporation.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Analisis Keuntungan Budidaya Tanaman Penghasil Zat Pemanis (gula) Bit (Beta vulgaris, L) Secara Pertanian Organik |
English Title: | Analysis of Benefits of Plant Cultivation Producing Substance Sweetener (sugar) Bit (Beta vulgaris, L) Organic Farming |
Language: | Indonesian |
Keywords: | business, beetroot, docomposition, harvest, tuber |
Subjects: | Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q5 - Environmental Economics |
Item ID: | 82987 |
Depositing User: | mrs Afni Siti |
Date Deposited: | 29 Nov 2017 11:25 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 13:49 |
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