Alrubaie, falah.K.Ali (2004): اتجاهات التنويع الإنتاجي في قطاع الصناعة التحويلية وأثرها على الاقتصاد العراقي.
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The main problem facing the Iraqi economy waylay in excessive dependence on one product is crude oil, which is dominated on major contribution in GDP, exports and public revenue and this product prone to structural changes, technological changes and fluctuations on oil prices in international markets, in addition to the fluctuations in Iraq's relations with the international community and with his neighborhood specially during the period (1980-2003) and concomitant wars and international harsh sanctions imposed lasted (1991-2003) following its invasion of Kuwait in 1991, the result of all these developments diversification efforts suffered a serious setback setting the Iraqi economy in a rattrap. This study focuses on study the period (1975 - 1990) in order to determine the size achievement in the diversification production field, because that period has special attention by concerned in the affairs of planning and economic policy in Iraq, as a historic opportunity to diversify the productive structure of the Iraqi economy and transformation the agricultural- extract structure to industrial - extract the industrial structure, the diversification efforts during that period based on increase the rates of investment in petrochemical industries, oil refining industry and other industries that depend on oil, natural gas, which Iraq enjoyed States a clear competitive advantage. However, the wars and deteriorate political conditions had prevented the achievement of these goals, and the Iraqi economy has remained suffered from negative effects on the continued overdependence on oil revenues, This study focuses on analysis the trends Production diversification in the Iraqi economy by measuring levels of production diversification in the manufacturing sector in branches, activities and patterns, small and large scale, import substitution and encourage exports activities , to diagnose the reality of production diversification. Finally the study recommend to re-study the comparative advantages of domestic resources and financial, human and technical , to re-evaluate the policies of industrialization by focuses on the industries that have ability to raise value-added manufacturing and diversify manufacturing production , in order to strengthen the role of export industries and the industries which contribute to reducing dependence on the oil sector ,and which achieve a higher value-added ,and offer more job opportunities, and more productivity, to raise growth rates in the long term, and diversification the structure of Production in Iraqi economy
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | اتجاهات التنويع الإنتاجي في قطاع الصناعة التحويلية وأثرها على الاقتصاد العراقي |
English Title: | Production Diversification Trends In The Manufacturing Sector And Its Impact On Iraqi Economy |
Language: | Arabic |
Keywords: | اتجاهات التنويع الإنتاجي في قطاع الصناعة التحويلية وأثرها على الاقتصاد العراقي |
Subjects: | L - Industrial Organization > L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing > L60 - General |
Item ID: | 8563 |
Depositing User: | falah.k.ali Alrubaie |
Date Deposited: | 03 May 2008 16:08 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2019 19:12 |
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