Muradov, Adalat and Hasanli, Yadulla and Hajiyev, Nazim (2019): Assessment of the integration relationships between science and education at the doctoral. Published in: (February 2019): p. 1210.
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In this article the integration between science and education has been studied. The number of indexed scientific articles in Azerbaijan is accepted as a explained variable, which is pulled up from SCOPUS scientific bibliographic base and its dependence on the number of admitted PhD students has been assesed running the econometric model. In addition, the dependence of explained variable on the GDP value, education and science has been calculated by running the econometric models. As a result, the ratio of Doctor of Science to Doctor of Philosophy has been calculated.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Assessment of the integration relationships between science and education at the doctoral |
English Title: | Assessment of the integration relationships between science and education at the doctoral |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | science, education, integration, PhD, econometrics |
Subjects: | A - General Economics and Teaching > A1 - General Economics > A10 - General |
Item ID: | 94109 |
Depositing User: | Professor Adalat Muradov |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jul 2019 08:23 |
Last Modified: | 17 Oct 2019 17:00 |
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