Sampaio, José João (2002): Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo. Existe um Determinismo Tecnológico? Published in: Actas do 6º Encontro de Controladores de Tráfego Aéreo No. Volume Especial (2002): pp. 78-85.
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This is a brief reflection on complex work systems automation, studying the Air Traffic Control Services. We study the compatibility of air traffic control systems automation against the necessary preservation of human nature complexity and the social integration of individuals, through a contribution to a less mechanical and more creative social work.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo. Existe um Determinismo Tecnológico? |
English Title: | Is there a Technological Determinism in Complex Work Systems? The Air Traffic Control Case |
Language: | Portuguese |
Keywords: | complex systems automation; cognitive automation; human factors; technological factors;system design |
Subjects: | A - General Economics and Teaching > A1 - General Economics > A13 - Relation of Economics to Social Values D - Microeconomics > D8 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty > D80 - General A - General Economics and Teaching > A1 - General Economics > A14 - Sociology of Economics |
Item ID: | 9837 |
Depositing User: | Jose Joao Martins Sampaio |
Date Deposited: | 05 Aug 2008 13:18 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2019 16:44 |
References: | BEVERLY D. Sanford, et al. (1993) "Center / TRACON automation system:Development and evaluation in the field", 38th Annual ATC Associatio n Conference Proceedings - EUROCONTROL (1999), EATCHIP Operational Concept Document (OCD). DOMOGALA Phillipe (1998), "To be or not to be Human in a Computerised Environment", The Controller, 37. ERZBERG Heinz, (2000)"Welcome to CTAS". KAUFMANN Arnold, Pezé Jacques (1978), Sub-Homens e Super- Máquinas, Lisboa,Editorial Pórtico. LEARMOUNT David (2000), "Data Overload", Flight International 7-13. MORIN Edgar, s.d., O Paradigma Perdido - A Natureza Humana. Mem Martins, Europa América. SAMPAIO José (2002), Errar (ainda) é Humano? Revista Sociedade e Trabalho,Lisboa, Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade; SAMPAIO José (2002), Factor Humano ou Factor Tecnológico? O Caso dos Serviços de Tráfego Aéreo, Actas do IX Encontro Nacional de Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho, Lisboa - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Celta Editora. SLOAN Alfred p. (2000) global airline industry study, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation). TARNOWSKI Etienne (1999) " Understanding design philosophy can help pilots benefict from modern automated flight systems", ICAO Journal, 54 . Towards the 21st Century - IFATCA Magazine special number. YNTEMA, D. s.d., "Keeping track of several things at once", Human factors, 6. |
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