Chu, Angus and Cozzi, Guido and Fan, Haichao and Hu, Dongmin (2025): Natural selection and innovation-driven growth. Forthcoming in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Labintan, Adeniyi Constant (2010): Evaluation of The Necessary of Agriculture Public Expenditure for Poverty Reduction and Food Security in Benin.
Labintan, Adeniyi Constant (2010): Evaluation of The Necessary of Agriculture Public Expenditure for Poverty Reduction and Food Security in Benin.
Liu, Yi and Matsumura, Toshihiro and Zeng, Chenhang (2018): The Relationship between Privatization and Corporate Taxation Policies.
Ma, Jie and Wang, Leonard F.S. and Sun, Ji (2022): Cross Ownership, Loan Commitment, Managerial Delegation and the “Prisoner’s Dilemma”.
Sergiu, Gojinetchi (2012): 在全球金融危机阴影下的消费者权益保护 - 欧盟,摩尔多瓦共和国和中华人民共和国的消费者权益保护的未来之路的研究 -. Forthcoming in:
Shi, Lisi and Suen, Richard M. H. (2018): The Macroeconomic Consequences of Asset Bubbles and Crashes.
Xu, Lili and Lee, Sang-Ho and Wang, Leonard (2017): Strategic Trade and Privatization Policies in Bilateral Mixed Markets. Published in: Firms' Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings , Vol. 3, (2018)
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