Hagendorf, Klaus (2006): A Note on Ronald Meek's 'Studies in the Labour Theory of Value'.
Hagendorf, Klaus (2009): Towards a Political Economy of the Hunters and Gatherers: A Study in Historical Materialism.
Hagendorf, Klaus (2009): Labour Values and the Theory of the Firm: Part I: The Competitive Firm.
Hagendorf, Klaus (2009): Arbeitswerte und die Theorie der Unternehmung. Teil I: Die Unternehmung unter vollständiger Konkurrenz.
Hagendorf, Klaus (2011): Crowding out capitalism: A law of historical materialism.
Hagendorf, Klaus (2008): The labour theory of value: a marginal analysis.
Hagendorf, Klaus (2012): Crowding out Capitalism: A Law of Historical Materialism.
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