Liu, Shih-fu and Huang, Wei-chi and Lai, Ching-chong (2020): Could Fiscal Policies Overcome a Deep Recession at the Zero Lower Bound?
Liu, Shih-fu and Huang, Wei-chi and Lai, Ching-chong (2020): Could Fiscal Policies Overcome a Deep Recession at the Zero Lower Bound?
Lu, You-Xun and Chen, Shi-kuan and Lai, Ching-chong (2022): Monetary Policy and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Model with Incumbents and Entrants.
Lu, You-Xun and Chen, Shi-kuan and Lai, Ching-chong (2022): Subsidies, Entry, and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Model with Incumbents and Entrants.
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