Larin, Sergey and Ryazantsev, Alexey and Khrustalev, Evgeny (2023): Methodological approach to assess the efficiency of the implementation and practical use of the results of scientific research. Published in: Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship , Vol. 17, No. 5 (23 May 2023): pp. 1027-1030.
Ryazantsev, Alexey and Larin, Sergey and Khrustalev, Oleg (2023): Инновационно-ориентированные методы и механизмы управления наукоемким и высокотехнологичным комплексом. Published in: Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship , Vol. 17, No. 7(156) (18 August 2023): pp. 1141-1146.
Ryazantsev, Alexey and Khrustalev, Evgeny and Larin, Sergey and Ryazantseva, Daria (2023): Взаимосвязь и взаимодополняемость социальной и экономической политики. Published in: Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship , Vol. 17, No. 7(156) (23 July 2023): pp. 18-25.
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