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Can central bankers’ talk predict bank stock returns? A machine learning approach

Katsafados, Apostolos G. and Leledakis, George N. and Panagiotou, Nikolaos P. and Pyrgiotakis, Emmanouil G. (2024): Can central bankers’ talk predict bank stock returns? A machine learning approach.

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We combine machine learning algorithms (ML) with textual analysis techniques to forecast bank stock returns. Our textual features are derived from press releases of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). We show that ML models produce more accurate out-of-sample predictions than OLS regressions, and that textual features can be more informative inputs than traditional financial variables. However, we achieve the highest predictive accuracy by training ML models on a combination of both financial variables and textual data. Importantly, portfolios constructed using the predictions of our best performing ML model consistently outperform their benchmarks. Our findings add to the scarce literature on bank return predictability and have important implications for investors.

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