Menkhoff, Lukas (2009): Internationale Währungsmarktstabilität durch eine Globalwährung?
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In our current time the idea of a global currency seems to be pathbreaking. However, the introduction of such a currency requires a uniform governance which implicates that countries lose national autonomy. Presently, countries prefer national monetary policy and national financial regulation. Moreover, it is not obvious that integration of the world economy is already advanced enough to justify a global currency (if one takes criteria applied to regional currencies as a benchmark). With increasing economic integration and succesful international coooperation, howver, this scenario may change in the future.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Internationale Währungsmarktstabilität durch eine Globalwährung? |
English Title: | International Monetary Stability via a Global Currency? |
Language: | German |
Keywords: | exchange rates, international monetary arrangements, global currency |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F3 - International Finance > F31 - Foreign Exchange F - International Economics > F3 - International Finance > F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions |
Item ID: | 18386 |
Depositing User: | Lukas Menkhoff |
Date Deposited: | 09 Nov 2009 00:16 |
Last Modified: | 05 Oct 2019 05:10 |
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