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Items where Subject is "F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions"

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Abdul Aziz, Muhammad and Widodo, Tri (2017): Exchange Market Pressure: Evidences from ASEAN Inflation Targeting Countries.

Abu Hatab, Assem (2015): The Impact of Regional Integration on Intra-Arab Trade in Agrifood Commodities: A Panel Data Approach. Published in: Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics , Vol. 25, No. 2 (15 August 2015): pp. 21-36.

Abu-Qarn, Aamer and Abu-Bader, Suleiman (2006): On the optimality of a GCC Monetary Union: Structural VAR, Common Trends and Common Cycles Evidence. Published in: The World Economy , Vol. 31, No. 5 (2008): pp. 612-630.

Adesoye, A. Bolaji and Atanda, Akinwande Abdulmaliq (2012): Development Finance Institutions in Nigeria: Structure, Roles and Assessment.

Alasrag, Hussien (2010): Global Financial crisis and Islamic finance.

Asongu, Simplice (2014): Real Effective Exchange Rate Imbalances and Macroeconomic Adjustments: evidence from the CEMAC zone.

Asongu, Simplice and Nnanna, Joseph (2019): REER Imbalances and Macroeconomic Adjustments: evidence from the CEMAC zone. Published in: Foreign Trade Review , Vol. 55, No. 3 (March 2020): pp. 372-381.

Asongu, Simplice A (2013): REER Imbalances and Macroeconomic Adjustments in the Proposed West African Monetary Union.

Azali, M. and Royfaizal, R.C. and Lee, C. (2008): Japanese Yen as an alternative vehicle currency in Asian.


BOUKEF JLASSI, NABILA and HAMDI, HELMI (2013): Financial liberalization, disaggregated capital flows and banking crisis: Evidence from developing countries. Forthcoming in: Economic Modelling

Bacha, Obiyathulla I. (2008): A Common Currency Area for MENA Countries? A VAR Analysis of viability. Published in: The International Journal of Emerging Markets , Vol. 3, No. 2 (2008): pp. 197-215.

Balogun, Emmanuel Dele (2009): Alternative reconsideration of output growth differrential for the West African Monetary Zone.

Balogun, Emmanuel Dele (2008): An alternative reconsideration of macroeconomic convergence criteria for West African Monetary Zone.

Barnett, William and Gaekwad, Neepa (2017): The Demand for Money for EMU: A Flexible Functional Form Approach.

Barnett, William and Gaekwad, Neepa (2021): Multilateral Divisia monetary aggregates for the Euro Area.

Bayari, Celal (2020): The Neoliberal Globalization Link to the Belt and Road Initiative: The State and State-Owned-Enterprises in China [alternative title: Bilateral and Multilateral Dualities of the Chinese State in the Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative].

Beckmann, Rainer and Hebler, Martin and Kösters, Wim and Neimke, Markus (2000): Theoretische Konzepte zum Europäischen Integrationsprozeß: Ein aktueller Überblick. Published in: IEW Diskussionsbeiträge , Vol. 2000, No. No. 31 (January 2000)

Bednarik, Radek (2009): Bretton-Woodský měnový systém: Systém fixních nebo de-facto plovoucích kurzů? Forthcoming in: MEKON 2009 , Vol. 1, No. 11 (21 May 2009)

Bojeşteanu, Elena and Manu, Ana Simona (2011): Analiza empirică a sincronizării ciclului de afaceri şi a similarităţii şocurilor între România şi zona euro.

Bonatti, Luigi and Fracasso, Andrea (2014): Modeling the Transition Towards Renminbi's Full Convertibility: Implications for China’s Growth.

Bonga, Wellington Garikai (2019): Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Zimbabwe.

Bonpasse, Morrison (2007): The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for the World (2007 Edition). Published in:

Bonpasse, Morrison (2006): The Single Global Currency: Common Cents for the World. Published in:

Bonpasse, Morrison (2009): The single global currency - common cents for the world (2008 Edition).

Broll, Udo and Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Wahl, Jack E. (2003): Information, unternehmensinterne Kommunikation und Risikopolitik.

Bukvić, Rajko (2016): Девизна политика Југославије 1945–1990: искуства и поуке. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference Eurobrand, 18-20 November 2016, Kragujevac, Serbia (2016): pp. 40-60.

Bunea-Bontaş, Cristina Aurora and Lăzărică, Marinela and Petre, Mihaela Cosmina (2009): Capital adequacy and risk management - premises for strengthening financial system stability. Published in: Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration, Conference Volume , Vol. 2, (December 2009): pp. 122-134.


Cafiso, Gianluca (2002): Mandato e Attività del Fondo Monetario Internazionale.

Campbell, Douglas L. (2012): Estimating the Impact of Currency Unions on Trade Using a Dynamic Gravity Framework.

Campbell, Douglas L. (2011): Estimating the impact of currency unions on trade using a dynamic gravity framework.

Campbell, Douglas L. and Chentsov, Aleksandr (2017): Breaking Badly: The Currency Union Effect on Trade.

Canale, Rosaria Rita (2011): Default risk and fiscal sustainability in PIIGS countries.

Carrera, Jorge Eduardo (1995): Efectos precio y comercio en un area monetaria asimetrica. Published in: Económica , Vol. 42, No. 2 : pp. 89-124.

Carrera, Jorge Eduardo and Cicowiez, Martín and Lacunza, Hernán and Saavedra, Marcelo (2005): Interdependencia y regímenes cambiarios en Mercosur: un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general computado para su medición.

Cheng, Gong (2015): The Global Financial Safety Net through the Prism of G20 Summits.

Cheng, Gong and Lennkh, Rudolf Alvise (2018): RFAs' Financial Structures and Lending Capacities: a Statutory, Accounting and Credit Rating Perspective.

Cheng, Lian and Luo, Junru and Liu, Lin (2018): Is Renminbi a (Truly) International Currency? An Evaluation Based on Offshore Foreign Exchange Market Trading Patterns.

Chin, Lee and Azali, M (2010): Currency Linkages among ASEAN. Published in: Singapore Economic Review , Vol. 55, No. 3 (2010): pp. 459-470.

Clifton, Judith and Díaz Fuentes, Daniel and Gómez, Ana Lara (2017): The European Investment Bank: a new database (1958-2012).

Cobham, David (2022): Monetary policy frameworks since Bretton Woods, across the world and its regions.

Cobham, David (2022): Monetary policy frameworks since Bretton Woods, across the world and its regions.

Cobham, David (2018): A comprehensive classification of monetary policy frameworks for advanced and emerging economies.

Cohen, Joseph N. (2008): Managing the Faustian bargain: monetary autonomy in the pursuit of development in Eastern Europe and Latin America.

Cruz Rodriguez, Alexis (2009): Choosing and assessing exchange rate regimes: A survey of the literature.

Cruz-Rodriguez, Alexis (2014): ¿Puede un índice de sostenibilidad fiscal predecir la ocurrencia de crisis cambiarias? Evidencias para algunos países seleccionados.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2005): Ciclos Económicos Sincronizados y Uniones Monetarias en Centroamérica y la República Dominicana.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2016): Exchange Arrangements and Currency Crises: What´s the matter with the exchange rate classification?

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2016): Exchange Arrangements and Speculative Attacks: Is there a link?

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2022): Exchange arrangements and economic growth. What relationship is there?

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2014): Is there a relationship between fiscal sustainability and currency crises? International evidence based on causality tests. Published in: International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research , Vol. 7, No. 1 (2014): pp. 69-87.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2011): Prediction of Currency Crises using a Fiscal Sustainability Indicator. Published in: Revista de Análisis Económico , Vol. 26, No. 2 (December 2011): pp. 39-60.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2013): The Relationship between Fiscal Sustainability and Currency Crises in Some Selected Countries. Published in: REVIEW OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES , Vol. 13, No. 4 (31 December 2013): pp. 176-194.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2015): Sostenibilidad fiscal y crisis cambiarias: Un análisis empírico. Published in: Análisis Económico , Vol. 30, No. 73 (2 May 2015): pp. 31-49.

Cruz-Rodríguez, Alexis (2016): An empirical assessment of exchange arrangements and inflation performance.


D'Avino, Carmela (2014): US Banks’ International Balance Sheet Linkages: A Data Survey.

Dabrowski, Marek and Radziwill, Artur (2007): Regional vs. Global Public Goods: The Case of Post-Communist Transition. Published in: CASE Network Studies and Analyses No. 336 (February 2007)

Dai, Meixing (2006): Independent inflation-targeting regime versus monetary union: An analysis of dynamic stability under endogenous inflation expectations.

Daniele, SCHILIRO' (1998): L’Europa, l’economia politica e la sua storia.

Danila, Marius (2016): Recalibrarea sistemului bancar european in contextul noilor cerinte si realitati. Published in: Economistul No. 8 (16 April 2016): pp. 11-16.

De Sousa, Jose (2011): The currency union effect on trade is decreasing over time. Forthcoming in: Economics Letters

Delis, Manthos and Politsidis, Panagiotis and Sarno, Lucio (2018): Foreign currency lending.

Dubas, Justin (2012): Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth. Published in: Southwestern Economic Review , Vol. 39, No. 1 (2012): pp. 121-137.

Dumitru, Ionut (2009): Adoptarea euro in Romania.

Dąbrowski, Marek A. and Papież, Monika and Śmiech, Sławomir (2019): Classifying de facto exchange rate regimes of financially open and closed economies: A statistical approach.

Dąbrowski, Marek A. and Papież, Monika and Śmiech, Sławomir (2021): Output volatility and exchange rates: New evidence from the updated de facto exchange rate regime classifications.

Dąbrowski, Marek A. and Wróblewska, Justyna (2019): Insulating property of the flexible exchange rate regime: A case of Central and Eastern European countries.


Economou, Emmanouel/Marios/Lazaros and Nickos, Kyriazis and Papadamou, Stephanos (2017): How effective quantitative easing is in relation to the Gold Standard? A historical approach based on the US experience.


Filacek, Jan and Horvath, Roman and Skorepa, Michal (2006): Monetary Policy before Euro Adoption: Challenges for EU New Members.

Fischer, Justina A.V. and Pastore, Francesco (2015): Completing the Monetary Union of Europe as mid-term solution of the Euro crisis.

Fischer, Justina AV (2012): Ist eine Deregulierung der Arbeitsmärkte in den südlichen EU-Staaten zur Bekämpfung der Eurokrise sinnvoll?

Fracasso, Andrea and Grassano, Nicola and Vittucci Marzetti, Giuseppe (2014): The gravity of foreign news coverage in the EU: does the euro matter?


Galindo Lucas, Alfonso (2004): Pasado, presente y futuro del fondo monetario internacional. Published in: Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales No. Programa Organismos Internacionales WP (2006)

Gammadigbé, Vigninou (2013): Endogénéité des critères d'une zone monétaire optimale: un réexamen.

Georgescu, George (2005): Criza organizaţiilor internaţionale. Published in: Revista Bilant No. 14 (20 November 2005): pp. 62-65.

Georgescu, George (2016): The world trade data distortion and its contagious impact. A brief comment on the WTO “Made in the World” initiative.

Ghassan, Hassan B. (2016): Re-examining the equation of exchange according to Shariah rationale money. Published in: Turkish Economic Review , Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2018): pp. 402-415.

Gloede, Oliver and Menkhoff, Lukas (2010): Die griechisch-europäische Krise: Ungleichgewichte, Finanzmärkte und die Stabilität des Euroraums.

Gluschenko, Konstantin (2024): How the dollar became the world currency.

Goderis, Benedikt and Wagner, Wolf (2009): Credit Derivatives and Sovereign Debt Crises.

Gorga, Carmine (2017): Why Countries Shouldn't Sell Their Natural Resources To Foreigners. Published in: TalkMarkets , Vol. NA, No. Internet newsletter (21 April 2017): NA.

Goyal, Ashima (2002): Reform proposals from developing Asia: finding a win-win strategy. Published in: Chapter 7 from DEBATING THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE (2002)

Guimaraes, Bernardo and Iazdi, Oz (2013): IMF conditionalities, liquidity provision, and incentives for fiscal adjustment.


Haidar, Jamal (2015): Can the Euro Survive?

Handler, Heinz (2013): The eurozone: piecemeal approach to an optimum currency area.

Harashima, Taiji (2011): A Mechanism of Inflation Differentials and Current Account Imbalances in the Euro Area.

Harashima, Taiji (2015): A Way Out of the Euro Crisis: Fiscal Transfers Are Indispensable for Sustainability in a Union with Heterogeneous Members.

Hauskrecht, Andreas and Stuart, Bryan and Hankel, Wilhelm (2010): The Euro-Project at Risk.

Havranek, Tomas (2009): Rose Effect and the Euro: Is the Magic Gone?

He, Dong (2012): Renminbi Internationalisation: A Primer. Published in:

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Blockchains and Extra-Terrestrial Nations: Role of Blockchains in the Socio-Political Milieu of Future Extra-Terrestrial Settlements. Published in: Conflict Studies: International Cooperation eJournal , Vol. 04, No. 17 (18 May 2017)

Hegadekatti, Kartik (2017): Towards Regional Monetary Unions through Blockchain Networks. Published in: Comparative Political Economy: Monetary Policy eJournal , Vol. 05, No. 49 (27 April 2017)

Hegadekatti, Kartik and S G, Yatish (2016): Banking Systems in an Economy Dominated by Cryptocurrencies. Published in: Monetary Economics: Central Banks - Policies & Impacts eJournal , Vol. 01, No. 81 (27 November 2016): pp. 1-16.

Hegadekatti, Kartik and S G, Yatish (2016): The K-Y Protocol: The First Protocol for the Regulation of Crypto Currencies (E.g.-Bitcoin). Published in: Monetary Economics: International Financial Flows, Financial Crises, Regulation & Supervision eJournal , Vol. Vol 1, No. Issue 9 (15 March 2016)

Hegadekatti, Kartik and S G, Yatish (2016): Proof-of-Sovereignty (PoSv) as a Method to Achieve Distributed Consensus in Crypto-Currency Networks. Published in: Development of Innovation eJournal , Vol. 4, No. 45 (27 September 2016)

Heinrich, Gregor (2007): Central banking in a regional economic setting: Possible contributions to integration.

Heinrich, Gregor (2015): Designing a Financial Stability Architecture for a Regionally Integrated Financial Space: The European Experience.

Heinrich, Gregor (2013): El posible impacto de las reformas internacionales en América Latina y el Caribe.

Heinrich, Gregor and García Dubón, Enrique (2011): The development of a regional payment system in Central America: A step towards further integration and economic development. Published in: Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems , Vol. 5, No. 3 (September 2011): pp. 229-245.

Hernandez-Verme, Paula (2002): Inflation, Growth and Exchange Rate Regimes in Small Open Economies.

Hernandez-Verme, Paula and Wang, Wen-Yao (2009): Multiple Reserve Requirements, Exchange Rates, Sudden Stops and Equilibrium Dynamics in a Small Open Economy.

Hertrich, Markus (2015): The Costs of Implementing a Unilateral One-Sided Exchange Rate Target Zone. Forthcoming in:

Hessami, Zohal (2011): What determines trust in international organizations? An empirical analysis for the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO.

Hoang, Viet-Ngu and Nguyen, Duc Khuong and Pham, Tuan Anh (2019): On the Effects of Monetary Policy in Vietnam: Evidence from a Trilemma Analysis.

Horvath, Roman (2006): Modelling Central Bank Intervention Activity under Inflation Targeting.

Hossain, Monzur (2010): An Analysis of Exchange Rate Regime Duration.

Hossain, Monzur (2009): Do Currency Regime and Developmental Stage Matter for Real Exchange Rate Volatility? A Cross-Country Analysis.

Hou, Jia and Knaze, Jakub (2019): The Effect of Exchange Rate Regimes on Business Cycle Synchronization: A Robust Analysis.


Jahjah, Samir and Wei, Bin and Yue, Zhanwei (2013): Exchange Rate Policy and Sovereign Bond Spreads in Developing Countries. Published in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking , Vol. 45, No. 7 (October 2013): pp. 1275-1300.

Javed, Omer (2013): Determinants of Institutional Quality: A Case Study of IMF Programme Countries.

Javed, Omer (2014): Institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth: a case study of IMF programme countries.

Jean Louis, Rosmy and Balli, Faruk and Osman, Mohamed (2010): On the choice of an anchor for the GCC currency: does the symmetry of shocks extend to both the oil and the non-oil sectors. Published in: International Economics and Economic Policy , Vol. 9(1), (April 2012): pp. 83-110.

Jean Louis, Rosmy and Brown, Ryan and Balli, Faruk (2011): On the Feasibility of Monetary Union: Does It Make Sense to Look for Shocks Symmetry across Countries When None of the Countries Constitutes an Optimum Currency Area? Published in: Economic Modelling , Vol. vol 28, No. 6 (2011): pp. 2701-2718.

Jeon, Bang Nam and Zhang, Hongfang (2007): A currency union or an exchange rate union: evidence from Northeast Asia. Published in: Journal of Economic Integration , Vol. 22, No. 2 (1 June 2007): pp. 256-287.

Jonung, Lars (2004): To be or not to be in the euro? Benefits and costs of monetary unification as perceived by voters in the Swedish euro referendum 2003. Published in: The Cato Journal , Vol. 24, No. numbers 1-2 (2004): pp. 123-149.

Josheski, Dushko and Fotov, Risto and Lazarov, Darko and Koteski, Cane (2011): Institutions and growth revisited: OLS, 2SLS, G2SLS random effects IV regression and panel fixed (within) IV regression with cross-country data.


Karbowski, Adam (2021): Forms of forfaiting.

Kartika, Dwintha Maya (2015): The absence of currency-related trade policies in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its future inclusion.

Khan, Haider (2023): Dedollarization: The Role of Expanded BRICS and the Global South.

Khan, Haider (2023): Towards a New Global Financial Architecture for the Global South.

Khan, Haider (2008): Making Globalization Work: Towards Global Economic Justice.

Kirrane, Chris (2017): An Appraisal of IMF Policies to the AFC.

Kirrane, Chris (2007): EMU and the IMF.

Kirrane, Chris (1994): Implications of EMU for the European Community. Published in: European Economic Integration Review , Vol. 12, (January 1994): pp. 17-35.

Kirrane, Chris (1996): Maastricht and Monetary Cooperation. Published in: European Economic Integration Review , Vol. 14, (January 1996): pp. 49-59.

Kirrane, Christopher (2017): Looking Back to the Asian Crisis. Published in: Asian Journal of Political Economy , Vol. 4, (January 2017): pp. 58-67.

Kishor, N. Kundan and Ssozi, John (2009): Is the East African Community an Optimum Currency Area?

Kohnert, Dirk (2005): African Monetary Unions - Dominated by the North? On the Relevance of Rational Economic Reasoning Under African Conditions. Published in:

Kohnert, Dirk (1998): Der Euro, ein Segen für Afrika? Folgen der Anbindung der afrikanischen Franc-Zone an den Euro. Published in: Afrika-Jahrbuch No. 1997 (1998): pp. 59-70.

Kowalski, Tadeusz (2012): The economic and monetary union countries vs. the global crisis. Published in: Working papers. Faculty of international business and economics. Poznan University of Economics No. WP/2012/04

Kowalski, Tadeusz and Kowalski, Pawel and Wihlborg, Clas (2007): Poland. The EMU entry strategy vs. the monetary issues. Published in: Poznan University of Economics Review , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2007): pp. 59-88.

Krichel, Thomas (1993): Seigniorage, taxation and myopia in EMU.

Krichene, Noureddine and Ghassan, Hassan B. (2017): The Preeminence of Gold and Silver as Shariah Money. Published in: Thunderbird International Business Review , Vol. 61, No. DOI: 10.1002/tie.22040 (20 March 2019): pp. 821-835.

Krueger, Malte (2013): Sezession: Ein gefährliches Spiel. Published in: ROME Discussion Paper (July 2013): pp. 1-9.

Kuikeu, Oscar (2021): A Bird eye from covid-19 crisis on the Relevance of the cfa franc devaluation of January 1994 and the honeymoon effect: an assessment with the equilibrium real exchange rate. Cases of Cameroonian, Gabonese and Central African Republic economies.

Kuikeu, Oscar (2022): Les coûts de l’inflation.

Kuikeu, Oscar (2021): Real Exchange Rate Misalignment : concepts and measurement in the context of coronavirus crisis for developing countries as central African Republic knowing civil war.

Kuikeu, Oscar (2021): The Relevance on assessing Real Exchange Rate Misalignment under lessons from covid-19 crisis.

Kuikeu, Oscar (2021): Ré-appréhension de la conception de norme du Taux de change: le rôle du facteur capital, facteur travail et de la position extérieure de la nation.


Labrinidis, George (2014): The forms of world money. Published in: Research on Money and Finance Discussion Papers No. 45 (7 May 2014)

Labrinidis, George (2018): The roots of the Euro. Published in: Voice of People Discussion Papers No. 6 (23 April 2018)

Lee, Chin and M., Azali (2005): Exchange rate misalignments in ASEAN-5 countries. Published in: Labuan Bulletin of International Business & Finance , Vol. 3, No. 1 (2005): pp. 11-31.

Lee, Chin and M., Azali (2013): Financial Integration among ASEAN+3 Countries: Evidence from Exchange Rates. Published in: International Journal of Business and Social Science , Vol. 4, No. 17 (2013): pp. 246-252.

Lefebvre, Dominique (1997): Euro Internationalization. Published in: Review of Financial Economy (1 January 1997): pp. 126-140.

Levy, Daniel and Mayer, Tamir and Raviv, Alon (2020): Academic Scholarship in Light of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Textual Analysis of NBER Working Papers.

Levy-Yeyati, Eduardo and Sturzenegger, Federico and Gluzmann, Pablo (2007): Fear of Appreciation. Forthcoming in: Journal of development economics

Liu, Tao (2015): Trade finance and international currency.

Liu, Tao (2016): Trade finance and international currency: a moneatary search approach.

Liu, Tao and Lu, Dong and Zhang, Ruifeng (2017): Currency choice in international trade: a new monetarist approach and firm-level evidence.

Long, Dara and Samreth, Sovannroeun (2008): The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence from the Philippines Using ARDL Approach.

Louis, Rosmy and Balli, Faruk and Osman, Mohammad (2008): On the feasibility of monetary union among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: does the symmetry of shocks extend to the non-oil sector? Published in: Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 2, No. 36 (15 April 2012): pp. 319-334.

Lucke, Bernd (2022): Growth Effects of European Monetary Union: A Synthetic Control Approach.

Lucke, Bernd (2022): Growth Effects of European Monetary Union: A Synthetic Control Approach.


M., Azali and Lee, Chin (2009): Asian Financial Integration during the Pre- and Post-crisis Periods. Published in: Journal of International of Economic Review , Vol. 2, No. 1-2 (2009): pp. 103-112.

Magud, Nicolas and Reinhart, Carmen and Rogoff, Kenneth (2011): Capital Controls: A Meta-analysis Approach.

Marzo, Massimiliano and Zagaglia, Paolo (2010): Gold and the U.S. Dollar: Tales from the turmoil.

Marzovilla, Olga (2010): Impact of global economic imbalance on migrant workers and economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Forthcoming in: Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica

Marzovilla, Olga (2010): The impact of global economic imbalance on migrant workers and economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Forthcoming in: Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica

Marzovilla, Olga and Mele, Marco (2010): From dollar peg to basket peg:the experience of Kuwait in view of the GCC monetary unification. Forthcoming in: Global & Local Economic Review

Menkhoff, Lukas (2009): Internationale Währungsmarktstabilität durch eine Globalwährung?

Mihai, Gabriel (2016): Bill Of Exchange - A Modern And Efficient Instrument Of Payment Within The Commercial Relations. Published in: Journal of euro and competitiveness , Vol. 3, No. 7 (5 June 2016): pp. 15-21.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2023): Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions in Africa: Fiscal Dominance or Monetary Dominance?

Mogaji, Dr Peter Kehinde (2017): Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions and Tests for Monetary Dominance in the West African Monetary Zone.

Mohammed, Shehu Tijjani (2009): A New World Monetary System: Keynes' view revisited.

Mundaca, Gabriela (2015): Multi-product firms, exports and exchange rate policies. Evidence from an emerging economy.

Munro, John H. (2006): South German silver, European textiles, and Venetian trade with the Levant and Ottoman Empire, c. 1370 to c. 1720: a non-Mercantilist approach to the balance of payments problem, in Relazione economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico, seccoli XIII - XVIII, ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi. Published in: Atti delle “Settimana di Studi” e altri convegni, Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “Francesco Datini” (Florence: Le Monnier) , Vol. 38, No. 1 (2007): pp. 907-962.

Mykhaylova, Olena (2009): Welfare implications of country size in a monetary union.


NGUENA, Christian L. (2012): Objectif de Stabilité des Prix et Croissance Economique en Zone CEMAC: Une Approche en Données de Panel.

Nakatani, Ryota (2020): Macroprudential Policy and the Probability of a Banking Crisis.

Nassirou, Aïchat (2017): Chocs macroéconomiques et intégration d’une union économique et monétaire: cas du Nigéria.

Neal, Larry and Garcia-Iglesias, Concepcion (2012): The economy of Spain in the eurozone before and after the crisis of 2008. Forthcoming in:

Nganou, Jean-Pascal and Kebede, Ephraim (2012): Sources of Growth in Post-Conflict Burundi: From Destruction to Production.

Nguema-Affane, Thierry (2014): The Principal Components Approach to Quota Formulation at the IMF: 2011 Economic Size and Quota Formula Update.


Niftiyev, Ibrahim (2020): Dollarlaşma prosesi və monetar siyasər: Ekvador nümunəsi. Published in: İpək yolu No. 3 (2020): pp. 95-106.

Noland, Marcus (2022): Asia's push for monetary alternatives. Published in: Asia Pacific Issues No. 156 (1 December 2022): pp. 1-8.

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O'Connor, Fergal and Lucey, Brian and Batten, Jonathan and Baur, Dirk (2015): The Financial Economics of Gold - a survey.

Obregon, Carlos (2023): Social Choice and Institutionalism. Published in:

Oehler-Sincai, Iulia Monica (2013): Financial contagion reloaded: the case of Cyprus. Published in: Global Economic Observer , Vol. 1, No. 1/2013 (2013): pp. 66-74.


Papanikolaou, Nikolaos (2015): The road towards the establishment of the European Banking Union.

Parsley, David and Popper, Helen (2019): GDP Synchronicity and Risk Sharing Channels in a Monetary Union: Blue State and Red States.

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Pasimeni, Paolo (2013): An Optimum Currency Crisis.

Paun, Cristian (2010): Banii, băncile centrale, politica monetară şi reglementarea sistemului bancar modern. Published in: Revista OEconomica , Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 2010)

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Piffaretti, Nadia F. (2008): Reshaping the International Monetary Architecture and Addressing Global Imbalances: Lessons from the Keynes Plan.

Pitrou, Cyril (2015): Graph representation of balance sheets: from exogenous to endogenous money.

Popa, Catalin C. (2008): Globalizarea Economica si Institutiile Financiare Internationale. Published in: Naval Academy Publishing House - Editura Academiei Navale 'Mircea cel Batran', Constanta No. ISBN 978-973-1870-32-8 (1 June 2008)

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Puiu, Cristina (2010): Aprecierea optimalitatii zonei monetare Euro. Forthcoming in:

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