Mazumdar, Surajit (2008): The analysis of business groups: Some observations with reference to India.
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This paper uses some available but not necessarily commonly known information on Indian business groups as the basis for interrogating some of the recent analysis of the business group in developing countries, analysis which seeks to explain why such groups exist and their consequences. The paper argues that much of this analysis is unsatisfactory both in terms of the questions posed and also the research methods adopted
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | The analysis of business groups: Some observations with reference to India |
English Title: | The analysis of business groups: Some observations with reference to India |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | business groups; india |
Subjects: | L - Industrial Organization > L0 - General L - Industrial Organization > L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior |
Item ID: | 19628 |
Depositing User: | Surajit Mazumdar |
Date Deposited: | 30 Dec 2009 10:14 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 08:25 |
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