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Items where Subject is "L0 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 144.


Abito, Jose Miguel (2019): Estimating Production Functions with Fixed Effects.

Ackermann, Jeff (2016): The Effect of Franchising on Store Performance: Evidence from an Ownership Change.

Albahari, Alberto and Barge-Gil, Andrés and Pérez-Canto, Salvador and Modrego-Rico, Aurelia (2013): The Influence of Science and Technology Park Characteristics on Firms’ Innovation Results.

Ali, Amjad and Audi, Marc and ŞENTÜRK, İsmail and Roussel, Yannick (2021): Do Sectoral Growth Promote CO2 Emissions in Pakistan? Time Series Analysis in Presence of Structural Break.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2014): Coming of age, seeking legitimacy: The historical trajectory of African management research. Forthcoming in: Critical Perspectives on International Business

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2014): Explanations for strategic persistence in the wake of others’ failures.

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph (2015): A unified framework for incorporating decision-.making into explanations of business failure. Forthcoming in: Industrial Management and Data System

Amankwah-Amoah, Joseph and Lu, Yindfa (2018): Historical Evolution of Entrepreneurial Development in the Global South: The Case of Ghana, 1957-2010. Forthcoming in: Science and Public Policy (19 July 2018)

Aminu, Alarudeen and Raifu, Isiaka Akande (2019): ICT sector, output and employment generation in Nigeria: Input-output approach.

Amsden, Alice and Singh, Ajit (1993): The optimal degree of competition and dynamic efficiency in Japan and Korea. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 38, No. 3/4 (1994): pp. 940-951.

Angelopoulos, Michail and Pollalis, Yannis (2019): Use of open data as a tool for successful lean management in public services: evidence from Greece.

Armstrong, Mark (2008): Collection sales: good or bad for journals?

Armstrong, Mark and Vickers, John (2015): Which demand systems can be generated by discrete choice?

Aslam, Muhammad (2005): The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Supplementing Large Industries in Pakistan with Particular Emphasis on Automobile Industry.

Azar, Ofer H. and Brock, David M. (2007): A Citation-Based Ranking of Strategic Management Journals. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy


Baer, Werner and Fonseca, Manuel A. R. da and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins (1986): Structural changes in Brazil's industrial economy, 1960-80. Published in: World Development , Vol. 15, No. 2 (1987): pp. 275-286.

Balci, Adnan and Bruna, Maria and Budd, Chris and He, Dongdo and Hjorth, Poul G. and Krzyżanowski, Grzegorz and Kubala, Krystian and Lund, Christian and Martensen, Berit and Schmidt, Gitte and Sikora, Monika and Smug, Damian (2013): Heveas problem: The Fountain.

Barrenechea, Martin (2015): Process innovations, patent litigation and time effects.

Bayat, Alireza and Khazaei, Ehsan and Mahdavi, Sadegh (2019): Economic-Based Synchronization and Control of New Fractional-Order Chaotic System Based on Lyapunov Theorem.

Bayat, Alireza and Mahdavi, Sadegh and Mirzaei, Farzad (2019): Self- Supplied Microgrid Economic Scheduling Based on Modified Multiverse Evolutionary Algorithm.

Benzarour, Choukri (2022): التدخل لتحسين أدوار ونتائج قطاع الحرف اليدوية في الجزائر: التطلع إلى المستقبل، وتحديد عناصر الممارسة الفعالة.

Bista, Raghu (2018): Understanding corporate social responsibility of the corporate sector to Sustainable Development Goal for energy in Nepal. Published in: Journal of Advanced Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2 June 2019): pp. 13-22.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2012): Heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi-product monopolist under finite life-cycles of production technologies.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2011): Endogenous specialization of heterogeneous innovative activities of firms under technological spillovers.

Bondarev, Anton A. (2012): The long run dynamics of heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi product monopolist. Published in: Journal of Economics of Innovation and Technology , Vol. 21, No. 8 (December 2012): pp. 775-799.

Bouguezzi, Fehmi (2010): Technology transfer in a linear city with symmetric locations.

Braha, Dan and Stacey, Blake and Bar-Yam, Yaneer (2011): Corporate competition: A self-organized network. Forthcoming in: Social Networks , Vol. doi:10, No. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2011.05.004 (2011)

Bukvić, Rajko (2020): Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector in the Period 2016–2018. Published in: Економика , Vol. 66, No. 2 (2020): pp. 17-35.

Bukvić, Rajko (1999): Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije. Published in: Ekonomika , Vol. 35, No. 1–2 (409–410) (1999): pp. 4-16.

Bukvić, Rajko (2022): Пет сила vs Дуги реп. Published in: Нова галаксија No. 3 (2022): pp. 76-89.

Bădilă, Andreea Iuliana and Sucilă căs. Pahoni, Cipriana and Mihuţ, Cosmin and Filip, Dan Andrei and Ciubotaru, Iulian Marcel and Luca, Cătălin-Viorel and Mănescu, Alexandra Florina and Pipoș, Cristina and Popa (Lupu), Diana Gabriela and Dinu (Dragomir), Maria Magdalena and Petric, Paulian Timotei and Bran, Răzvan and Constantin, Veronica and Postăvaru, Gianina Ioana and Ciolan, Ioana Monica and Papuc, Valentin and Moșoi, Ștefan Cristian and Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Clucerescu (Tănase), Emilia Elena and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Mihaela, Ruxanda and Marin, Camelia and Enescu, Camelia and Ealangi, Ionuț and Purcaru, Mihai and Pop, Alexandra Raluca and Bojincă, Moise (2012): Research and Science Today Supplement No.1(3)/2012. Published in: Research and Science Today


Castellacci, Fulvio (2010): Firm heterogeneity, international cooperations and export participation.

Castellacci, Fulvio (2008): Innovation and the competitiveness of industries: comparing the mainstream and the evolutionary approaches. Published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change , Vol. 75, (2008): pp. 984-1006.

Castellacci, Fulvio (2007): Technological regimes and sectoral differences in productivity growth.

Castellacci, Fulvio (2011): Theoretical models of heterogeneity, growth and competitiveness: insights from the mainstream and evolutionary economics paradigms. Forthcoming in: (2011)

Castellacci, Fulvio and Zheng, Jinghai (2010): Technological regimes, Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and firm level productivity growth.

Chan, Kemin and Hong, Yu (2018): Simulation of Spar Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Subjected to Misaligned Wind-Wave Loading Using Conservation of Momentum Method.

Chelaru, Dan-Adrian and Apostol, Liviu and Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Ursu, Adrian (2013): Restructuring the post-industrial landscape of Bistrita subcarpathian valley. Published in: 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on INFORMATICS, GEOINFORMATICS AND REMOTE SENSING, SGEM 2013,Conference Proceedings , Vol. 1, (June 2013): pp. 881-888.

Cincunegui, Jorge and Feal-Zubimendi, Soledad and Scherger, Valeria (2007): Empresas recuperadas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Corchon, Luis and Marini, Marco A. (2017): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume I: Theory. An Introduction. Forthcoming in: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization No. Edward Elgar (1 January 2018)

Corchon, Luis and Marini, Marco A. (2017): Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II: Applications. An Introduction. Forthcoming in: Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Volume II: Applications. No. Edward Elgar (1 January 2018)

Cosh, Andy and Hughes, Alan and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (1996): Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits. Published in: Centre for Business Research Working Paper Series No. WP030 (March 1996)

Cyrenne, Philippe (2001): A Quality of Play Model of a Professional Sports League.

Cyrenne, Philippe (1993): Vertical Integration versus Vertical Separation: An Equilibrium Model.


Danson, Michael and Todeva, Emanuela (2016): Government and Governance of Regional Triple Helix Interactions. Published in: Industry and Higher Education , Vol. 1, No. 30 (2016): pp. 13-26.

Driskell, David (2022): Strategies for sustainable data centers: technology and sustainability in modern society. Published in: Journal of Cyber Security Technology and Management , Vol. 2, No. 3 (15 June 2022): pp. 16-24.


Elasrag, Hussein (2013): دور المشروعات الصغیرة والمتوسطة فى التنمیة الصناعیة لمصر.

Elasrag, Hussein (2014): دور رأس المال الفكري في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الدول الخليجية.


Garcia, Angel and Jaumandreu, Jordi and Rodriguez, Cesar (2004): Innovation and jobs: evidence from manufacturing firms.

Garrues-Irurzun, Josean (2008): El Irati, Compañía General de Maderas, Fuerzas Hidráulicas y Tranvía Eléctrico de Navarra: una empresa autoproductora comercial de electricidad, 1904-1961. Published in: Working papers of the Fundación Sepi (Madrid) No. 9701 (2008): pp. 1-143.

Garrues-Irurzun, Josean (2008): Servicio público de aguas y servicio privado de producción y distribución de electricidad en Pamplona, 1893-1961. Published in: Working papers of the Fundación Sepi (Madrid) No. 9810 (2008): pp. 1-194.

Gheorghe, Anamaria Elena and Manole, Andrada Ligia and Andronache, Alin and Cristescu, Cătălin and Luca, Cătălin Viorel and Constantin, Pompiliu Nicolae and Rogojanu, Dumitru Cătălin and Luca, Constantin and Duţă, Andeea Emilia and Mărcău, Flavius Cristian and Ciorei, Mihaela Andreea and Marin, Ştefan Claudiu and Mihalache, Gabriela and Liţoiu (MurăriIţa), Cristina and Cigăreanu, Elena and Purcaru, Mihai and Bușe, Dan and Papuc, Valentin (2012): Research and Science Today No.3. Published in: Research and Science Today

Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Brandes, Wolfgang and Vollpert, Tobias (2003): Economic Implications of Intellectual Property Rights for the Biotechnology Sector: A Comparative Analysis of the European-Japanese Situations.

Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Brandes, Wolfgang and Volpert, Tobias (2003): Economic Implications of Intellectual Property Rights for the Biotechnology Sector: A Comparative Analysis of the European-Japanese Situations.

Guajardo, Guillermo (2009): Between the Workshop and the State: Training Human Capital in Railroad Companies in Mexico and Chile, 1850-1930.


HALICIOGLU, Ferda (2008): Euro 2008’i Neden İspanya kazandı ?

Hachicha, Wafik and Masmoudi, Faouzi and Haddar, Mohamed (2008): A Taguchi method application for the part routing selection in Generalized Group Technology: A case Study.

Haque, Adnan ul and Faizan, Riffat and Zehra, Nasreen and Baloch, Akhtar and Nadda, Vipin and Riaz, Fayyaz (2015): Leading Leadership style to motivate cultural-oriented female employees in the I.T sector of developing country: I.T Sectors responses from Pakistan. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 9 (18 October 2015): pp. 280-302.

Heng, Stefan (2019): Industry 4.0 creating a buzz in western hemisphere: But watch out for China pulling into the fast lane. Published in: Machado, Carolina und Davim, J. Paulo (Eds.). “Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends and Solutions in Management and Engineering”; Taylor & Francis; ISBN 9780815354406 (8 June 2020): pp. 43-76.


Jamaledini, Ashkan and Khazaei, Ehsan (2024): Green Economy: A Progression Towards Realizing Sustainable Development in the Realm of International Environmental Law.

Jamaledini, Ashkan and Soltani, Ali and Khazaei, Ehsan (2019): Modified Charged System Search Algorithm for Economic Optimal Scheduling of Microgrid in Grid-Connected Mode.

Jamaledini, Ashkan and Soltani, Ali and Khazaei, Ehsan (2020): Region Search Optimization Algorithm for Economic Energy Management of Grid-Connected Mode Microgrid.

Jennings, Frederic (2023): What Went So Wrong in Economics.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część I – Propozycje podziału. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 43-57.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część II – Formuły cen węgla brunatnego. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 59-68.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych. Published in: Górnictwo i geologia IX (Mining and geology IX) , Vol. Seria:, No. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Górnictwa Politechniki Wrocławskiej Nr 118 (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw Univ. of Technology No.118) (23 March 2007): pp. 69-80.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES/06 (20 September 2006): pp. 26-31.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Lignite price and split of profit negotiation in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant. Published in: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection MPES’06 (20 September 2006): pp. 32-37.

Jurdziak, Leszek (2006): Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych. Published in: Górnictwo Odkrywkowe (Opencast Mining) , Vol. XLIX, No. No.1-2 (January 2007): pp. 81-88.


Khadraoui, Djamel and Christophe, Feltus (2009): ICT Governance Acquisition Requirement Principle: Toward the Selection of the Suitable Exploitation Mode of a Secure e-Business Architecture for Small and Medium Enterprises.

Khazaei, Ehsan and Jamaledini, Ashkan and Soltani, Ali (2020): Economic Operation of Islanded Microgrids Based on the Region Search Evolutionary Algorithm.

Khazaei, Ehsan and Jamaledini, Ashkan and Soltani, Ali (2019): Economic Self-Operation of Microgrids By Gravitational Emulation Local Search Algorithm.

Kopel, Michael and Marini, Marco A. (2016): Organization and Governance in Social Economy Enterprises: an Introduction. Published in: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics , Vol. 87, No. 3 (1 September 2016): pp. 309-313.

Kotsios, Panayotis (2010): Regulatory Barriers to Entry in Industrial Sectors. Published in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 2010 PROCEEDINGS

Koundouri, Phoebe and Christantoni, Maria and Landis, Conrad and Loloni, Maria and Oikonomidis, Socratis and Plataniotis, Angelos (2023): Towards Sustainability of the Greek Port Sector – The Case Study of Lavrio. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Pittis, Nikitas and Plataniotis, Angelos (2022): The Impact of ESG performance on the Financial Performance of European Area Companies: An empirical examination. Published in:

Koundouri, Phoebe and Schwaag Serger, Sylvia and Plataniotis, Angelos (2022): Sustainability and resilience through transformative innovation policy, at national and regional level. Published in:


Landeo, Claudia M. and Spier, Kathryn E. (2007): Naked Exclusion: An Experimental Study of Contracts with Externalities.

Ledenyov, Dimitri O. and Ledenyov, Viktor O. (2015): Information theory of firm.

Lee, Neil (2011): Free to grow? Assessing the barriers faced by actual and potential high growth firms.

Lema, Rasmus and Berger, Axel and Schmitz, Hubert (2013): China's Impact on the Global Wind Power Industry. Published in: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs , Vol. 42, No. 1 (2013): pp. 37-69.

Lopez, Iris Faye and Moreno, Frede (2024): Strategic Governance of Flood and Drought Management: A Case Study of Zamboanga City, Philippines.

Lou, Weifang and Prentice, David and Yin, Xiangkang (2008): The Effects of Product Ageing on Demand: The Case of Digital Cameras.

Lúcio, José and Marques, Bruno Pereira (2014): Aspectos Locativos do Investimento Alemão em Portugal. Published in: Ribeiro, F. (org.) Alemanha: Portugal – Aspectos em Revista, Cadernos de Cultura n.º 5 (2.ª série), Centro de História da Cultura da FCSH da UNL & Edições Húmus (2014): pp. 69-84.


Maestracci, Dr Aria (2021): An Analysis of the Hypes, Realities, and Opportunities Associated With Digital Freight Business Models. Published in: Journal of Cyber Security Technology and Management , Vol. 2, No. 2 (15 January 2021): pp. 8-13.

Maghami, Mohammadreza and Navabi asl, Shahin and Rezadad, Mohamad ismail and Ale ebrahim, Nader and Gomes, Chandima (2015): Qualitative and quantitative analysis of solar hydrogen generation literature from 2001 to 2014. Published in: Scientometrics No. First online: 09 September 2015 (9 September 2015): pp. 1-13.

Mahdavi, Sadegh and Amin Froutani-Fard, Amin (2017): Reactive Power Management of a DFIG Wind System in Microgrids Based on Economics of the System.

Mahdavi, Sadegh and Bayat, Alireza and Mirzaei, Farzad (2019): Economic Operation of Grid-Connected Microgrid By Multiverse Optimization Algorithm.

Manna, Ester (2013): Mixed Duopoly with Motivated Teachers.

Marchini, Andrea and Servili, Maurizio and Diotallevi, Francesco (2009): Valutazioni economiche dei processi estrattivi e di valorizzazione dei reflui oleari.

Mazumdar, Surajit (2008): The analysis of business groups: Some observations with reference to India.

McAndrews, James and Menand, lev (2020): Shadow Digital Money.

Miao, Chun-Hui (2005): Consumer myopia, compatibility and aftermarket monopolization.

Miao, Chun-Hui (2017): The Costly Quest for a Better Price - A Model of Search and Information Costs.

Mirzaei, Farzad and Mahdavi, Sadegh and Bayat, Alireza (2019): Economic Operation of Unit Commitment Using Multiverse Optimization Algorithm.

Müller, Alberto and Campana, Juan Manuel (2021): La profundización industrial como opción para un patrón sostenible para la Argentina. Published in: Revista Estado y Políticas Públicas No. 16 (May 2021): pp. 67-100.


Naithani, Pranav (2016): Impact of health and recreation on work-life balance: A case study of expatriates. Published in: International Journal of Social Science and Business , Vol. 1, No. 1 (2016): pp. 33-45.

Neamtu, Liviu and Neamtu, Adina Claudia (2007): Companies’ market penetration and activity patterns in european market. Published in: Annals of the Oradea University, fascicle of Economical Science , Vol. vol I-, No. tom XVI, (2007): pp. 1063-1067.

Noori, Ehsan and Khazaei, Ehsan and Tavaro, Mehdi and Bardideh, Farhad (2019): Economically Operation of Power Utilities Base on MILP Approach.

Novarese, Marco and Wilson, Chris M. (2013): Being in the Right Place: A Natural Field Experiment on List Position and Consumer Choice.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2024): Nigerian Firms and Digital Transformation:Incubations, Unipoding and Prospects.

Nwaobi, Godwin (2024): Productive Sectors and Digital Diffusion(Adoption) in Nigeria: Empirical Evidence.


Parkhomenko, Alexander and Redkina, Anastasia (2006): Эконометрические оценки гедонических индексов цен на персональные компьютеры в России: пример рынка г. Екатеринбурга.

Pelagidis, Theodore (1997): La flexibilité du travail dans le secteur du textile et de l' habillement en Grèce du Nord. Published in: Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations , Vol. 52, No. 1 (1997): pp. 114-137.

Peng, Zhen and Lian, Yujun and Forson, Joseph Ato (2017): Peer Effects in R&D Investment Policy: Evidence from China. Published in: International Journal of Economics and Finance (10 August 2020): pp. 1-18.

Pinto, Claudio (2018): Performances management when modelling internal structure.

Pitelis, Christos (2007): Edith Penrose and a learning-based perspective on the MNE and OLI. Published in: Management International Review , Vol. 47, No. 2 (2007): pp. 207-219.

Piątkowski, Marcin J. (2020): Results of SME Investment Activities: A Comparative Analysis among Enterprises Using and Not Using EU Subsidies in Poland. Published in: Administrative Sciences , Vol. 10, No. 1 (8 January 2020): pp. 1-26.

Pongou, Roland and Tchantcho, Bertrand and Diffo Lambo, Lawrence (2008): Political Influence in Multi-Choice Institutions: Cyclicity, Anonymity and Transitivity.


Radanliev, Petar and De Roure, Dave and Cannady, Stacy and Mantilla Montalvo, Rafael and Nicolescu, Razvan and Huth, Michael (2019): Analysing IoT cyber risk for estimating IoT cyber insurance.

Radanliev, Petar and De Roure, Dave and R.C. Nurse, Jason and Nicolescu, Razvan and Huth, Michael and Cannady, Stacy and Mantilla Montalvo, Rafael (2019): Cyber Security Framework for the Internet-of-Things in Industry 4.0.

Radanliev, Petar and De Roure, David and R.C. Nurse, Jason and Burnap, Pete and Anthi, Eirini and Ani, Uchenna and Maddox, La’Treall and Santos, Omar and Mantilla Montalvo, Rafael (2019): Definition of Internet of Things (IoT) Cyber Risk – Discussion on a Transformation Roadmap for Standardization of Regulations, Risk Maturity, Strategy Design and Impact Assessment.

Ramirez-Urquidy, Martin and Mungaray, Alejandro (2003): Nafta and industrial efficiency in Baja California. Published in: Momento Economico No. 129-130 (December 2003): pp. 124-136.

Ramly, Amir Tengku and Syukur, Dudung Abdul (2017): Strategic Management of Organization Development and Civil Service Based PumpingHR Model at Ibn Khaldun University Bogor. Published in: Integrated Journal of Business and Economics , Vol. 2, No. 1 : pp. 64-75.

Rashid, Muhammad Mustafa (2019): Berkeley Blues; Ford Community Corps Partnership: Integrating Environmental Ethic, Bioethics and the Ethics of Emerging Technology into a Comprehensive Leadership Philosophy. A Regional Study, Detroit Michigan. (Covid, Edition).

Reddy, Kotapati Srinivasa (2015): Extant Reviews on Entry-mode/Internationalization, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Diversification: Understanding Theories and Establishing Interdisciplinary Research.

Rhodes, Andrew (2013): Re-examining the Effects of Switching Costs.

Rodrigues, David and Seruca, Manuel (2019): A Novel Practical and Fast Economic Method Based on Nonconvex Quadratic Programming.


Sammut-Bonnici, Tanya and Wensley, Robin (2002): Darwinism, probability and complexity: market- based organizational transformation and change explained through the theories of evolution. Published in: International Journal of Management Reviews , Vol. 4, No. 3 (2002): pp. 291-315.

Schilirò, Daniele (2015): Innovation in small and medium enterprises in the United Arab Emirates.

Seruca, Manuel and Mota, Andrade and Rodrigues, David (2019): Solving the Economic Scheduling of Grid-Connected Microgrid Based on the Strength Pareto Approach.

Siebert, Ralph Bernd (2010): Learning-by-Doing and Cannibalization Effects at Multi-Vintage Firms: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry. Published in: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy , Vol. Vol. 1, No. Issue 1 (Advances) (5 May 2010)

Siebert, Ralph Bernd and Graevenitz, Georg von (2010): Licensing in the Patent Thicket - Timing and Benefits.

Silveira Gontijo, Tiago and Motta Alves, Fabiana Alexandra (2018): A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY ON INDUSTRY 4.0. Published in: International Journal of Professional Business Review , Vol. 4, No. 2 (23 December 2019): pp. 35-42.

Singh, Ajit (1995): Institutional requirements for full employment in advanced economies. Published in: International Labour Review , Vol. 135, No. 4-5 (December 1995): pp. 1-45.

Sinha, Avik (2015): Organizational Productivity and Absorptive Capacity: A Conceptual Modeling. Published in: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences , Vol. 10, No. 8 (2015): pp. 1278-1285.

Situngkir, Hokky (2013): Indonesian Innovations on Information Technology 2013: Between Syntactic and Semantic Textual Network. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-2-2013

Soltani, Ali and Tashakor, Behnam (2019): A New Nonconvex quadratic programming Technique: Practical and Fast Solver Method.

Sta. Maria Yee, Melcah and Moreno, Frede (2024): Evaluating the efficacy and efficiency of online information dissemination strategies of a public college in Zamboanga City, Philippines: Implications for enhancing administrative communication in public sector organization.

Sulasula, Josephine (2023): Entrepreneurial dimension of Public Universities in the Philippines' Zamboanga Peninsula Region: Best practices and controversies.


Tavakoli, Amir and Mirzaei, Farzad and Tashakori, Sajad (2018): A New Optimal Operation Structure For Renewable- Based Microgrid Operation based On Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm.

Tavaro, Mehdi and Noori, Ehsan and Khazei, Ehsan and Bardideh, Farhad (2019): Microgrid Economic Operation Under Islanded Mode Using Charge System Search Algorithm.

Teymourzadeh, Rozita and Othman, Masuri (2006): An Improved Recursive and Non-recursive Comb Filter for DSP Applications. Published in: The 6th Asian Control Conference (15 May 2006): pp. 413-417.

Teymourzadeh, Rozita and Othman, Masuri (2006): An Overview of the Decimation process and its VLSI implementation. Published in: Research Student Seminar SPS2006 (1 February 2006): pp. 207-211.

Teymourzadeh, Rozita and Othman, Masuri (2006): VLSI Implementation of Cascaded Integrator Comb Filters for DSP Applications. Published in: 4th National Technical Postgraguate Symposium, Techpos (20 January 2006): pp. 54-58.

Trofimov, Ivan D. (2018): Industry rates of return in Korea and alternative theories of competition: equalising convergence versus tendential equalisation.

Tsoulfidis, Lefteris and Tsaliki, Persefoni (2011): Classical competition and regulating capital: theory and empirical evidence. Published in: (2011)


Vargas Barrenechea, Martin (2008): Licensing Probabilistic Patents and Liability Rules: The Duopoly Case.


Xiao, Yan-Fei and Zhao, Jia-Hua and Liao, Shuang-Hong (2012): Study on Economic Carrying Capacity of Industries Transfer from the Coastal areas to the Central region in China based on Employment Change Forecast.

Xu, Hangtian and Itoh, Hidekazu (2017): Density economies and transport geography: Evidence from the container shipping industry.


Yawson, Robert M. and Greiman, Bradley (2014): Stakeholder Analysis as a Tool for Systems Approach Research in HRD. Published in: Proceedings of the 21st Annual AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas (19 February 2014): pp. 1-28.


Ćwiklicki, Marek (2011): Współczesne oblicza tayloryzmu. Published in: Rozwój koncepcji i metod zarządzania (2011): pp. 135-157.

Ćwiklicki, Marek and Czekaj, Janusz (2013): Możliwe i rekomendowane sposoby grupowania i porządkowania współczesnych metod i koncepcji zarządzania.

Ćwiklicki, Marek and Czekaj, Janusz (2014): Uwarunkowania tworzenia innowacji organizacyjnych.

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