Puiu, Cristina (2010): Aprecierea optimalitatii zonei monetare Euro. Forthcoming in:
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The aim of this paper is to analyze whether the Euro zone is an optimal currency area. The analysis takes into consideration the existing literature and the empirical data for several criteria of the optimum currency area theory. Since the introduction of the euro there have been significant advancements in fulfilling some of the criteria, but there is still a need of further progress in terms of wage flexibility, fiscal and political integration. The final conclusion is that Euro zone is not an optimum currency area.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Aprecierea optimalitatii zonei monetare Euro |
English Title: | Assessing whether the Euro zone is an optimal currency Area |
Language: | Romanian |
Keywords: | euro, optimum currency area, Economic and Monetary Union. |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F1 - Trade > F15 - Economic Integration E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics > E4 - Money and Interest Rates > E42 - Monetary Systems ; Standards ; Regimes ; Government and the Monetary System ; Payment Systems F - International Economics > F3 - International Finance > F33 - International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions |
Item ID: | 28659 |
Depositing User: | Cristina Puiu |
Date Deposited: | 06 Feb 2011 19:44 |
Last Modified: | 01 Oct 2019 17:23 |
References: | 1. Cerna Silviu, Teoria zonelor monetare optime, Editura Universitaii de Vest, Timisoara, 2006 2. Kenen Peter, The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: An Eclectic View, University of Chicago Press, 1969, la http://ideas.repec.org/ a/eee/inecon/v1y1971i1p127-131.html [Accesat 5.04.2010] 3. Grubel Herbert, The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, Canadian Journal of Economics, 1970, la http://www.jstor.org/ pss/133681 [Accesat 10.12.2009] 4. Giersch Herbert, On the Desirable Degree of Flexibility of Exchange Rates, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1973, la http://econpapers.repec.org/article/sprweltar /v_3a1093ay_3a1973_3ai_ 3a2_3ap_ 3a191-213.htm [Accesat 21.12.2009] 5. Corden Max, The Adjustment Problem in Krause and Salant, European Monetary Unification and its Meaning for the United States, Washington, 1973, la http://ideas.repec.org/a/eee/inecon/ v5y1975i1p106-106.html [Accesat 21.12.2009] 6. Ingram James, "Comment: The Currency Area Problem." in Mundel and Swoboda, Monetary Problems in the International Economy, University of Chicago Press, 1969, la http://ideas.repec.org/a/eee/inecon/v1y19 71i1p127-131.html [Accesat 5.04.2010] 7. Mckinon R.I., Optimum Currency Area, American Economic Review, 53, 1963, p.717, citat dupa coord. Cerna Silviu, Economie monetara si financiara internaionala, Editura Universitaii de Vest, Timisoara, 2005 8. Mongelli Francesco Paolo, European economic and monetary integration and the optimum currency area theory, 2008, la http://ec.europa.eu/economyfinance/ publications/publication 12081_en.pdf [Accesat 5.04.2010] 9. Pelkmans Jacques, Integrare Europeana. Modele si Analiza economica, Ed.a II-a, Editura Institutul European din România, Bucuresti, 2003 10. ***, Labour Market Programmes (LMP), OECD, la http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/ 2008 doc.nsf/linkto/DELSA-ELSA-WD-SEM%282008%2910 [Accesat 21.03.2010] 11. ***, OECD Indicators of Employment Protection, la http://www.oecd.org/document/ 34/ 0,3343,en_2649_33927_40917154_1_1_1_1,00.html [Accesat 21.03.2010] 12. ***, Taxing Wages 2007/2008: 2008 Edition, OECD, la http://www.oecd.org/docu ment/6/0,3343,en_2649_34533_42714758_1_1_1_1,00.html[Accesat 10.03.2010] 13. Dumitru Ionut, Adoptarea mai rapida a euro de catre România - de la dorina la putina, 2009, la http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/18612/1/MPRA_paper_18612.pdf [Accesat 10.03.2010] |
URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/28659 |