Skoglund, Jimmy and Chen, Wei (2010): Calculating incremental risk charges: The effect of the liquidity horizon.
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The recent incremental risk charge addition to the Basel (1996) market risk amend- ment requires banks to estimate, separately, the default and migration risk of their trading portfolios that are exposed to credit risk. The new regulation requires the total regulatory charges for trading books to be computed as the sum of the market risk capi- tal and the incremental risk charge for credit risk. In contrast to Basel II models for the banking book no model is prescribed and banks can use internal models for calculating the incremental risk charge. In the calculation of incremental risk charges a key compo- nent is the choice of the liquidity horizon for traded credits. In this paper we explore the e¤ect of the liquidity horizon on the incremental risk charge. Speci�cally we consider a sample of 28 bonds with di¤erent rating and liquidity horizons to evaluate the impact of the choice of the liquidity horizon for a certain rating class of credits. We �find that choosing the liquidity horizon for a particular credit there are two important effects that needs to be considered. Firstly, for bonds with short liquidity horizons there is a miti- gation effect of preventing the bond from further downgrades by trading it frequently. Secondly, there is the possibility of multiple defaults. Of these two effects the multiple default effect will generally be more pronounced for non investment grade credits as the probability of default is severe even for short liquidity periods. For medium investment grade credits these two effects will in general o¤set and the incremental risk charge will be approximately the same across liquidity horizons. For high quality investment grade credits the effect of the multiple defaults is low for short liquidity horizons as the frequent trading effectively prevents severe downgrades.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Calculating incremental risk charges: The effect of the liquidity horizon |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | credit risk; incremental risk charge; liquidity horizon; Basel III |
Subjects: | C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C0 - General > C00 - General |
Item ID: | 31535 |
Depositing User: | Jimmy Skoglund |
Date Deposited: | 14 Jun 2011 13:33 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 10:57 |
References: | Basel Committee, 1996, �Amendment to the Capital Accord to include market risks. Available at: Basel Committee, 2006, �International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards - A Revised Framework Comprehensive Version. Available at: Basel Committee, 2009, �Guidelines for computing incremental risk in the trading book�. Available at: Black, F and Scholes, M 1973 �The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities�, Journal of Political Economy, 81 CreditMetrics, 1999, CreditMetrics Documentation. Fons, J, 1994, �Using default rates to model the term-structure of credit risk�, Financial Analysts Journal, 50, 25-32. Israel, R.B., Rosenthal, J.S. and Wei, J.Z, 2001, �Finding generators for Markov Chains via empirical transition matrices, with applications to credit ratings�, Mathematical Finance 11(2), 245-265. Jarrow, R.A., D. Lando and S.M. Turnbull, 1997, �A Markov model for the term struc- ture of credit risk spreads�, The Review of Financial Studies 10, 481-523. Longstaff, A and Schwartz, E.S., 1995, �A Simple Approach to Valuing Risky Fixed and Floating Rate Debt�, Journal of Finance, 50, 789-819. Merton, R.C., 1974, �On the Pricing of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure of Interest Rates�, Journal of Finance, 2, 449-470. Moody�s Investor Service, July, 1997, �Moody�s Rating Migration and Credit Quality Correlation 1920-1996�. Sarig, O and Warga, A, 1989, �Bond price data and bond market liquidity�, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 24, 367-378. |
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