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Items where Subject is "C00 - General"

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Number of items at this level: 194.


ANDREI, Dalina (2019): Economic entities and history of economic thinking. Published in: MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES, Pitesti, Romania , Vol. 45, No. Anul XI, nr. III (45) / 2019 (10 January 2020): pp. 42-47.

Acevedo Rueda, Rafael Alexis (2013): El proceso de toma de decisiones: un modelo de economía conductual.

Aerts, Diederik and Broekaert, Jan and Czachor, Marek and D'Hooghe, Bart (2011): A Quantum-Conceptual Explanation of Violations of Expected Utility in Economics. Published in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 7052, No. 7052 (2011): pp. 192-198.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical.

Albers, Scott (2012): Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises. Published in: Middle East Studies On-line Journal , Vol. Volume, No. Issue 6 (8 August 2011): pp. 199-253.

Albers, Scott (2019): An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox.

Albers, Scott and Albers, Andrew L. (2013): Does “Okun’s Law” state a Pi:1 ratio? Toward a harmonic interpretation of why Okun’s Law works.

Alghalith, Moawia (2019): A New Price of the Arithmetic Asian Option: A Simple Formula.

Alghalith, Moawia (2019): The distribution of the average of log-normal variables and exact Pricing of the Arithmetic Asian Options: A Simple, closed-form Formula.

Alghalith, Moawia and Guo, Xu and Wong, Wing-Keung and Zhu, Lixing (2013): Input Demand under Joint Energy and Output Prices Uncertainties.

Arango, Efraín (2014): Curvas de Oferta-Precio No lineales para el caso de preferencias de consumo Cuasi-lineales.

Arango Sánchez, Efraín (2015): Efectos Sustitución y Renta en el caso de preferencias específicas.

Arora, Vipin (2015): Consumer Credit, Oil Prices, and the U.S. Economy.

Asghar, Saima and Oino, Isaiah (2017): Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction. Published in: Market Forces , Vol. XIII, No. 1 (1 June 2018): pp. 1-13.

Azmat, Hayat (2010): Schlock economics. Published in: www.get-morebooks.com (13 August 2011)


Baggio, Rodolfo (2015): Looking into the future of complex dynamic systems.

Barnett, William A. (2006): Is Macroeconomics a Science?

Bayat, Alireza and Mahdavi, Sadegh and Mirzaei, Farzad (2019): Self- Supplied Microgrid Economic Scheduling Based on Modified Multiverse Evolutionary Algorithm.

Bell, Peter (2019): Arbitrage Trading Strategy in Gold Futures.

Bell, Peter (2018): Dynamic Beta.

Bell, Peter (2017): Example of a Rising NPV Profile for a Mining Project.

Bell, Peter (2018): Funding Options from the Market.

Bell, Peter (2017): Introducing the Net Present Value Profile.

Bell, Peter (2018): Mining Pipe-Shaped Ore Deposits.

Bell, Peter (2018): Simulation Framework for Economic Modeling of Mineral Resources.

Bell, Peter (2018): Updating Probabilities for a Mineral Exploration Project.

Bell, Peter (2018): Valuation Simulation for a Net Smelter Return Royalty on a Mining Project.

Bell, Peter N (2014): Farmland Ownership Policy: Technical Paper.

Bell, Peter N (2014): On the optimal use of put options under trade restrictions.

Bell, Peter N (2014): The variance-minimizing hedge with put options.

Bell, Peter Newton (2014): Choosing put option parameters based on quantiles from the distribution of portfolio value.

Bell, Peter Newton (2018): Evaluating the Kemess Stream sold by Centerra Gold in 2018.

Berdellima, Arian (2012): Non-binary preferences.

Bonanno, Graziella (2014): A note: Constant Market Share Analysis.

Bouzahzah, Mohamed (2020): Méthodes quantitatives et prévisions économiques en période de crise. Intérêt et limites.

Buda, Rodolphe (1992): Dynamique urbaine et développement économique local : une revue de la littérature. Published in: Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine No. 5 (1993): pp. 869-886.

Bullock, David S. and Dadakas, Dimitrios and Katranidis, Stelios D. (2009): Measuring the Effects of Technology Change in Multiple Markets : Application to the Greek Cotton Yarn Industry.


Cadogan, Godfrey (2009): On behavioral Arrow Pratt risk process with applications to risk pricing, stochastic cash flows, and risk control.

Casson, Catherine and Fry, J. M. (2011): Revolutionary change and structural breaks: A time series analysis of wages and commodity prices in Britain 1264-1913.

Cayetano, Gea (2006): Valuing a portfolio of dependent RandD projects: a Copula approach.

Chan, Raymond H. and Clark, Ephraim and Wong, Wing-Keung (2016): On the Third Order Stochastic Dominance for Risk-Averse and Risk-Seeking Investors with Analysis of their Traditional and Internet Stocks.

Chiad, Fayacl (2012): قياس تغيرات الإنتاجية باستعمال مؤشر مالمكويست: دراسة حالة البنوك الإسلامية خلال الفترة 2003-2009. Published in: دراسات اقتصادية إسلامية , Vol. 2, No. 18 (2012): pp. 149-212.


Davis, Brent (2015): Forecasting Elections: Do Prediction Markets Tells Us Anything More than the Polls?

Demos, Guilherme and Da Silva, Sergio and Matsushita, Raul (2015): Some Statistical Properties of the Mini Flash Crashes. Published in: Mathematical Finance Letters , Vol. 2015, No. 3. (2015): pp. 1-19.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2013): Reason-Based Rationalization.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian (2015): Reason-based choice and context-dependence: An explanatory framework.

Dietrich, Franz and List, Christian and Bradley, Richard (2014): Belief revision generalized: A joint characterization of Bayes's and Jeffrey's rules. Forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Theory

de O. Cavalcanti, Ricardo and Puzzello, Daniela (2009): Stationarity without Degeneracy in a Model of Commodity Money. Forthcoming in: Economic Theory

de la Fonteijne, Marcel R. (2011): Exploring stability and other fundamentals in a simple economy model.


Eapen, Bell R (2009): Research in Cosmetic Dermatology: Reconciling medicine with business.

Escañuela Romana, Ignacio (2016): Azar, Determinismo e Indecidibilidad en la Teoría del Ciclo Económico.


Fanelli, Luca (2006): Present value relations, Granger non-causality and VAR stability.

Fedotenkov, Igor (2015): A note on the bootstrap method for testing the existence of finite moments. Forthcoming in: Statistica

Fiorani, Filo (2004): Option Pricing Under the Variance Gamma Process.

Fischer, Manfred M. and Maggi, Rico and Rammer, Christian (1991): Telecommunication Media Choice Behaviour in Academia. An Austrian-Swiss Comparison. Published in: Geographical Analysis , Vol. 24, No. 1 (1992): pp. 1-15.

Freeman, Alan (2017): Introduction to Michel Husson's 'Value and price: a critique of neo-Ricardian claims'. Published in: Capital and Class , Vol. 42, No. Vol 42, Issue 3, 2018 (1 October 2018): pp. 509-516.

Fry, J. M. (2010): Bubbles and crashes in finance: A phase transition from random to deterministic behaviour in prices.

Fry, J. M. (2009): Statistical modelling of financial crashes: Rapid growth, illusion of certainty and contagion.

Fry, John (2012): Exogenous and endogenous crashes as phase transitions in complex financial systems.


Gleria, Iram and Matsushita, Raul and Da Silva, Sergio (2007): Sistemas complexos, criticalidade e leis de potencia. Published in: Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica , Vol. 26, No. 2 (2004): pp. 99-108.

Gnidchenko, Andrey (2011): Моделирование технологических и институциональных эффектов в макроэкономическом прогнозировании.

Goswami, Mridu Prabal and Mitra, Manipushpak and Sen, Debapriya (2018): A characterization of lexicographic preferences. Forthcoming in: Decision Analysis

Gourène, Grakolet Arnold Zamereith and Mendy, Pierre (2017): Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth in WAEMU: A Multiscale Heterogeneity Panel Causality Approach.

Guo, Xu and Post, Thierry and Wong, Wing-Keung and Zhu, Lixing (2013): Moment Conditions for Almost Stochastic Dominance.

Guran, Liliana (2007): Fixed points for singlevalued operators with respect to tau-distance. Published in: Education and Creativity for a Knowledge Society , Vol. 1, No. ISBN 978-973-569-964-2 (2007): pp. 34-36.

Guran, Liliana (2010): Teoreme de punct fix pentru operatori multivoci contractivi in spatii metrice generalizate.

Góralczyk, Andrzej (2014): Economy as the value streams. Preliminary study.


Ha-Huy, Thai (2019): Savage's theorem with atoms.

Ha-Huy, Thai (2019): Savage's theorem with atoms.

Halkos, George and Kitsos, Christos (2024): Measuring uncertainty, transfer entropy and G-causality In Environmental Economics.

Halkos, George and Tzeremes, Nickolaos (2011): Does the Kyoto Protocol Agreement matters? An environmental efficiency analysis.

Horvath, Denis and Sulikova, Veronika and Gazda, Vladimir and Sinicakova, Marianna (2013): The distance-based approach to the quantification of the world convergences and imbalances - comparisons across countries and factors.

Hurvich, Cliiford and Wang, Yi (2006): A Pure-Jump Transaction-Level Price Model Yielding Cointegration, Leverage, and Nonsynchronous Trading Effects.

Huynh Truong, Huy and Walter, Nonneman (2012): Push and pull forces and migration in Vietnam. Published in:


Josheski, Dushko and Ljubica, Cikarska and Cane, Koteski (2011): The macroeconomic implication of exchange rate regimes.


KIKOMBA KAHUNGU, Michaël and MABELA MAKENGO MATENDO, Rostin and M. NGOIE, Ruffin-Benoît and MAKENGO MBAMBALU, Fréderic and OKITONYUMBE Y.F, Joseph (2013): Les fondements mathématiques pour une aide à la décision du réseau de transport aérien : cas de la République Démocratique du Congo.

KIKOMBA KAHUNGU, Michaël and OKITONYUMBE Y.F, Joseph and MABELA MAKENGO MATENDO, Rostin and NKUSU NDONGALA, Alexandre and M. NGOIE, Ruffin-Benoît and MAKENGO MBAMBALU, Fréderic (2015): Simultaneous optimization: sectorization and congolese air traffic assignment by the method of preferential reference of dominance. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR) , Vol. 3, No. 12 (December 2015)

Kakarot-Handtke, Egmont (2013): Walras’s law of markets as special case of the general Triangle Theorem: a laconic proof.

Kaldasch, Joachim (2011): Dynamic Model of Markets of Homogenous Non-Durables. Published in: British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade , Vol. 9, (21 July 2015): pp. 1-12.

Khazaei, Ehsan and Jamaledini, Ashkan (2019): Islanded Microgrid Operation Based on the Chaotic Crow Search Algorithm.

Khumalo, Bhekuzulu (2009): Revisting the Rate of Change.

Kiani, M and Panaretos, J and Psarakis, S and Saleem, M (2008): Approximations to the Normal Distribution Function and An Extended Table for the Mean Range of the Normal Variables. Published in: Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society , Vol. 7, No. 1-2 (2008): pp. 57-72.

Kim, Minseong (2015): Dimensional Analysis of Production and Utility Functions in Economics.

Kisswani, Khalid/ M. (2011): The effects of the U.S. price control policies on OPEC: lessons from the past.

Kowal, Pawel (2006): A note on differentiating matrices.

Kowal, Pawel (2006): A note on matrix differentiation.

Kyophilavong, Phouphet and Shahbaz, Muhammad and Salah Uddin, Gazi (2013): Does J-Curve Phenomenon Exist in Case of Laos? An ARDL Approach.


Leiashvily, Paata (2018): Рождение макроэкономического порядка из микроэкономического хаоса.

Leiashvily, Paata (2018): Рождение макроэкономического порядка из микроэкономического хаоса.

Leiashvily, Paata (2022): The Economy as a Nonlinear Complex System: In Search of a New Paradigm.

Leiashvily, Paata (2017): The Relativity Theory of General Economic Equilibrium. Published in: American Journal of Economics , Vol. 7(5), No. 5 (2017): pp. 216-229.

Lettieri, Antonio (2012): Diseguaglianza, conflitto sociale e sindacati in America. Published in: Moneta e Credito , Vol. Vol 65, No. N° 258 (June 2012): pp. 115-144.

Li, Minqiang (2014): Aumann and Serrano's Economic Index of Risk for Sums of Gambles.

Li, Minqiang (2007): The Impact of Return Nonnormality on Exchange Options.

Li, Minqiang (2013): On Aumann and Serrano's Economic Index of Risk.

Li, Minqiang and Peng, Liang and Qi, Yongcheng (2011): Reduce computation in profile empirical likelihood method.

Limani, Jeta and Bettinger, Régis and Dacorogna, Michel M (2017): On the diversification benefit of reinsurance portfolios.

Liu, Kaiola (2023): Quantitative and Qualitative Finance Practices: Anomaly Pattern Recognition. Published in: , Vol. 1, (27 August 2023): pp. 1-30.

Liu, Kaiola (2023): Quantitative and Qualitative Finance: ADSM. Published in: , Vol. 001, (27 August 2023): pp. 1-35.

Liu, Fei (2011): 中国产出缺口的估计(1985-2009)及两种评估方法的比较.

Liu, Fengquan (2015): The Whole Economy Approach of the Input-Output Model.


Magni, Carlo Alberto (2005): On decomposing net final values: EVA, SVA, and shadow project. Published in: Theory and Decision , Vol. 59, (2005): pp. 51-95.

Magni, Carlo Alberto (2000): Systemic Value Added, Residual Income and Decomposition of a Cash Flow Stream.

Mariscal de Gante, Álvaro and Rodríguez, Víctor (2018): Tres teorías demográficas, las evidencias disponibles y el paso de la descripción del cómo al entendimiento del porqué: Una aplicación y una crítica de tres hipótesis poblacionales en base a los casos de España y de la India (1950-2020).

Marschak, Thomas (2006): Organization Structure. Published in: Handbook of Economics and Information Systems , Vol. 2006, : pp. 205-290.

Massaro, Alessandro and Giardinelli, Vito O. M. and Cosoli, Gabriele and Magaletti, Nicola and Leogrande, Angelo (2022): The Prediction of Hypertension Risk.

Maulana, Ardian and Situngkir, Hokky (2020): Divided Information Space: Media Polarization on Twitter during 2019 Indonesian Election.

Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario and Lara-Mérida, Jennifer (2023): Digital Governance in the 21stCentury: The LiTCoDE Framework for Transparency, Leadership, and Technological Evolution A Comparative Study of Mexico and Vietnam.

Medel-Ramírez, Carlos and Medel-López, Hilario (2020): Vision of sustainability and justice in the town of Totonacapan: The philosophy of lightning children.

Mihai, Florin-Constantin and Apostol, Liviu (2012): Disparities in municipal waste management across EU-27. A geographical approach. Published in: Present Environment and Sustainable Development , Vol. 6, No. 1 (2012): pp. 169-180.

Mohajan, Haradhan (2020): Quantitative Research: A Successful Investigation in Natural and Social Sciences. Published in: Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People , Vol. 9, No. 4 (31 December 2020): pp. 52-79.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Optimization of hydroelectric power generation, case study of Roseires Dam in Sudan.

Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): Utilizing System Dynamics Models in Analyzing Macroeconomic Variables of Yemen.

Mrad, Moez and Triki, Racem (2011): Fine-tuning the equivalent strike framework for bespoke cdo tranches pricing.

Mynbayev, Kairat (2007): OLS Asymptotics for Vector Autoregressions with Deterministic Regressors. Published in: EURASIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL , Vol. 9, No. 1 (2018): pp. 40-68.


Nadda, Vipin and Rafiq, Zaman and Tyagi, Pankaj (2017): Effectiveness and Challenges of Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) in the Indian Hotel Sector. Published in: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , Vol. 7, No. 2 (20 February 2017): pp. 218-236.

Nakai, Miki and Pennoni, Fulvia (2018): A latent class analysis towards stability and changes in breadwinning patterns among coupled households.

Nakamoto, Yasuhiro (2015): Heterogeneous EIS and Wealth Distribution in a Neoclassical Growth Model.

Niu, Cuizhen and Wong, Wing-Keung and Zhu, Lixing (2016): First Stochastic Dominance and Risk Measurement.

Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel (2012): Quantitative analysis in social sciences: An brief introduction for non-economists.


Obregon, Carlos (2022): The Economics of Global Peace. Published in:

Obregon, Carlos (2021): Today’s Problems: In The Minds of The Great Economists. Published in:

Obregón, Carlos (2018): The reconstruction of capital theory: the true meaning of capital in a production function.

Olkhov, Victor (2014): Expressions of market-based correlations between prices and returns of two assets.

Olkhov, Victor (2023): Market-Based Probability of Stock Returns.

Olkhov, Victor (2023): Theoretical Economics as Successive Approximations of Statistical Moments.

Olkhov, Victor (2022): Economic Policy - the Forth Dimension of the Economic Theory.

Olkhov, Victor (2019): Methods of Economic Theory: Variables, Transactions and Expectations as Functions of Risks.

Olkhov, Victor (2019): New Essentials of Economic Theory.


Panaretos, John (1983): On Some Bivariate Discrete Distributions with Multivariate Components. Published in: Publicationes Mathematicae (Hungary) , Vol. 30, No. 1-2 (1983): pp. 177-184.

Panaretos, John and Malesios, Chrisovalandis (2012): Influential Mathematicians: Birth, Education and Affiliation. Published in: Notices of the American Mathematical Society , Vol. 59, No. 2 (2012): pp. 274-286.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolas (2020): The Mean Squared Prediction Error Paradox: A summary.

Pincheira, Pablo and Hardy, Nicolás (2019): Forecasting Aluminum Prices with Commodity Currencies.

Pincheira, Pablo and Neumann, Federico (2018): Can we beat the Random Walk? The case of survey-based exchange rate forecasts in Chile.

Pinto, Hugo and Santos, Tiago (2006): A Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento: Análise de Enquadramento no Algarve.

Podczeck, Konrad and Puzzello, Daniela (2009): Independent Random Matching. Forthcoming in: Economic Theory

Ponce, Aldo F. (2004): The Behavioralist Empire and its Enemies: a Comparative Study of Successes and Dissatisfactions in American Political Science.


Rao, B. Bhaskara (2007): Deterministic and stochastic trends in the time series models: A guide for the applied economist.

Rao, B. Bhaskara (2006): Time Series Econometrics of Growth Models: A Guide for Applied Economists.

Rao, B. Bhaskara (2006): Time Series Econometrics of Growth Models: A Guide for Applied Economists.

Rosas Martinez, Victor Hugo (2024): The Conscience Directing Evolution: The Limit to Econ Growth and Development; Smoothness and Existence of the Navier-Stokes.

Rosas Martinez, Victor Hugo (2021): On restricted optimizations: The election of the initial conditions.


Santhanakrishnan, Deepika (2020): An interim note on SPS allocation.

Schilirò, Daniele (2011): Economics and psychology.Perfect rationality versus bounded rationality.

Shahbaz, Muhammad and Hussain Shahzad, Syed Jawad and Jammazi, Rania (2016): Nexus between U.S Energy Sources and Economic Activity: Time-Frequency and Bootstrap Rolling Window Causality Analysis.

Shipman, Arthur F. (2012): Measuring the erosion of debt.

Sinha, Pankaj and Goyal, Lavleen (2012): Algorithm for construction of portfolio of stocks using Treynor’s ratio.

Sinha, Pankaj and Jayaraman, Prabha (2010): Robustness of Bayes decisions for normal and lognormal distributions under hierarchical priors.

Sinha, Pankaj and Johar, Archit (2010): Hedging Greeks for a portfolio of options using linear and quadratic programming.

Situngkir, Hokky (2012): Deconstructing Bataknese Gorga. Published in: BFI Working Paper Series No. WP-7-2012 (2 October 2012)

Skoglund, Jimmy and Chen, Wei (2010): Calculating incremental risk charges: The effect of the liquidity horizon.

Skribans, V. (2002): Prognozēšanas metodes uzņēmējdarbībā. Published in: Conference matherials No. Inženierekonomikas nozīme uzņēmējdarbības attīstībā (2002): pp. 37-43.

Skribans, V. and Počs, R. (2008): Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis. Published in: Monography (2008): pp. 1-110.

Skribans, V. and Počs, R. (2008): Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis. Published in: Monography (2008): pp. 1-110.

Skribans, V. and Počs, R. (2008): Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognozēšanas modelis. Published in: Monography (2008): pp. 1-110.

Skribans, Valerijs (2010): Разработка модели макроэкономического равновесия с использованием метода системной динамики. Published in: Государственное управление в ХХI веке: традиции и инновации: Материалы 8-ой международной конференции факультета государственного управле , Vol. 2, (2010): pp. 31-44.

Skribans, Valerijs (2011): Разработка модели системной динамики для энергетического сектора в Латвии. Published in: Материалы 9-ой международной конференции Государственное управление в XXI веке: Традиции и инновации , Vol. Часть, (2011): pp. 540-552.

Skribans, Valerijs (2010): Darbaspēka migrācijas ietekme uz darba tirgu Latvijā. Published in: LU raksti , Vol. 758, (2010): pp. 189-200.

Skribans, Valerijs (2010): Development of the Latvian energy sector system dynamic model. Published in: Proceedings of the 7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation , Vol. Vol.2:, (2010): pp. 1-8.

Skribans, Valerijs (2012): European Union Economy System Dynamic Model Development. Published in: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (2012): pp. 3687-3697.

Skribans, Valerijs (2010): Latvijas energosektora sistēmdinamikas prognozēšanas modeļa izstrāde. Published in: RTU zinātniskie raksti , Vol. 26, No. 4 (2010): pp. 34-40.

Skribans, Valerijs (2011): Makroekonomiskā aprites modeļa izstrādāšana izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi. Published in: RTU Zinātniskie raksti , Vol. 2, No. 14 (2011): pp. 46-55.

Skribans, Valerijs (2009): Nodokļu ieņēmumu modelēšana, izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi. Published in: 50th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University: RTU FEEM Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship (SCEE’2009). - Conference Proceedings (2009): pp. 474-481.

Skrypnik, Dmitriy (2016): A Macroeconomic Model of the Russian Economy. Published in: "Economics and the Mathematical Methods" , Vol. 3, (September 2016)

Solferino, Nazaria and Tessitore, M.Elisabetta (2019): Human networks and toxic relationships.

Stefanescu, Răzvan and Dumitriu, Ramona (2019): Obiective ale analizei trendurilor seriilor de timp discrete.

Su, EnDer (2014): Measuring Contagion Risk in High Volatility State between Major Banks in Taiwan by Threshold Copula GARCH Model.

Suarez, Ronny (2015): How to model the impact of political risk.

Suarez, Ronny (2012): Modeling the impact of climate change in hydropower projects’ feasibility valuation.

Suarez, Ronny (2014): Splitting up Beta’s change.


Teselios, Delia and Albici, Mihaela (2009): On financial derivatives and differential equations used in their assessment.

Torrisi, Gianpiero (2008): The model of the linear city under a triangular distribution of consumers: an empirical analysis on price and location of beverage kiosks in Catania.

Toth, Bence and Scalas, Enrico and Huber, Juergen and Kirchler, Michael (2006): The value of information in a multi-agent market model.

Turner, Grant (2018): Establishing a comprehensive census of undergraduate economics curricula:Foundational and special requirements for major programs in the U.S.


Valdivia, Daney (2015): Handbook on DSGE models: some useful tips in modeling a DSGE models.

Veenhoven, Ruut (2011): World Database of happiness: Example of a focused ‘Findings Archive’. Published in: German Data Forum RatSWD No. Working paper nr.169 (February 2011)

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): Postulating the theory of experience and chance as a theory of co~events (co~beings). Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 25-43.

Vorobyev, Oleg Yu. (2016): The bet on a bald. Published in: Proceedings of the XV FAMEMS-2016 Conference and the Workshop on Hilbert's sixth problem, Krasnoyarsk, Russia (30 September 2016): pp. 98-101.

van den Hauwe, Ludwig (2007): John Maynard Keynes and Ludwig von Mises on Probability.


Weinem, Michael (2018): The significance of faith proven by decision theory – Pascal's wager game is correct and refutes atheism completely.

Wells, Julian (2017): Marx reads Quetelet: a preliminary report.


Xu, Guo and Wing-Keung, Wong and Lixing, Zhu (2013): Almost Stochastic Dominance for Risk-Averse and Risk-Seeking Investors.

Xu, Guo and Wing-Keung, Wong and Lixing, Zhu (2013): Comparisons and Characterizations of the Mean-Variance, Mean-VaR, Mean-CVaR Models for Portfolio Selection With Background Risk.


Yalincak, Orhun Hakan (2005): Criticism of the Black-Scholes Model: But Why Is It Still Used? (The Answer Is Simpler than the Formula).

Yang, Yingrui (2017): Sub-economic impulse and consciousness with quantum chromodynamic modeling.

Yucel, Eray (2011): A Review and Bibliography of Early Warning Models.

Yucel, Eray and Tokel, Emre (2010): Fibonacci Hierarchies for Decision Making.


Zhou, Richard (2010): Counterparty Risk Subject To ATE.

Zhou, Richard (2010): Counterparty Risk Subject To ATE.

Zhukovskaya, Lidia and Zhukovskiy, Vladislav and Mukhina, Julia (2023): A New Approach To Guaranteed Solutions Of Multicriteria Choice Problems: Pareto Consideration Of Savage–Niehans Risk And Outcomes. Published in:

Zhukovskiy, Vladislav and Zhukovskaya, Lidia and Mukhina, Yulia (2023): A New Approach To Optimal Solutions Of Noncooperative Games: Accounting For Savage–Niehans Risk. Published in:

Zhukovskiy, Vladislav and Zhukovskaya, Lidia and Mukhina, Yulia and Samsonov, Sergey (2023): Guaranteed Solution For Risk-Neutral Decision Maker: An Analog Of Maximin In Single-Criterion Choice Problem. Published in:

Zhukovskiy, Vladislav and Zhukovskaya, Lidia and Smirnova, Lidia (2023): Synthesis of equilibrium. Published in:


Şensoy, Ahmet (2012): Analysis on Runs of Daily Returns in Istanbul Stock Exchange.

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