Aliu, Armando and Aliu, Dorian (2013): Power of Global Transnational Networks: Civilizing of World Order. Published in: HeiDOK – The Heidelberg Document Repository (5 August 2013): pp. 1-10.
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Can be a world order shaped by equivalents in the framework of the supranational model of Europe with the same legitimacy and with the same effectiveness? In this study was argued that Civilizing World Order (CWO) by Transnational Norm-Building Networks (TNNs) should have the legitimacy and effectiveness of the European Union supranational order. In this context, the concept of decentration (supra: centralization and infra: decentralization) which includes the nexus of voice (democratic participation) and entitlement (legal-social rights and duties) was examined. In this study, as methodology, published secondary data and online resources were used in order to reinforce the hypothesis.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Power of Global Transnational Networks: Civilizing of World Order |
English Title: | Power of Global Transnational Networks: Civilizing of World Order |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | TNNs, CWO, Legitimacy, Effectiveness, Sovereignty |
Subjects: | F - International Economics > F0 - General > F01 - Global Outlook F - International Economics > F6 - Economic Impacts of Globalization H - Public Economics > H1 - Structure and Scope of Government H - Public Economics > H7 - State and Local Government ; Intergovernmental Relations > H70 - General K - Law and Economics > K1 - Basic Areas of Law K - Law and Economics > K3 - Other Substantive Areas of Law > K33 - International Law P - Economic Systems > P0 - General |
Item ID: | 49717 |
Depositing User: | Lecturer Armando Aliu |
Date Deposited: | 12 Sep 2013 16:58 |
Last Modified: | 02 Oct 2019 05:24 |
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