Freeman, Alan (1991): National Accounts in Value Terms: The Social Wage and Profit Rate in Britain 1950-1986. Published in: Quantitative Marxism, Ed. Paul Dunne No. Book (1 March 1991)
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This paper reproduces, for archival purposes, chapter 5, of the same name, which appeared in Dunne (1991). It represents one of the first systematic attempts that I know of, to present complete ‘Value National Accounts’, that is to say, accounts presenting social reproduction in terms of the value categories of Karl Marx.
The critical requirement is not, as might be thought, the reduction of money categories to labour time categories: though this is desirable particularly when comparing or aggregating the accounts of different countries or in tracing the movement of an economy over time, if the Monetary Equivalent (MELT – see Ramos 2004) has been changing. Rather, it is to ‘transform’ the accounts in such a way that there is a single source of value added (labour) instead of, as in the standard accounts, the normal three sources of value which are Marx’s ‘Holy Trinity’ of capital, land and labour.
The consequence of bestowing on land and capital the property of creating value means that money sums such as interest and rent, instead of being presented as deductions from the value added or, in national accounts terms ‘transfers’ from labour to capital, are treated as if they were sources of value in their own right, mystifying not only the production process itself but the distribution of the produced value between social classes.
The paper proposed, and quantified for the UK economy, an alternative presentation in which these mystifications are corrected, and on this basis, established a ‘completed scheme of reproduction’ showing the role of productive and unproductive labour respectively in the UK economy.
The paper also marked a watershed in the evolution of what was to become the Temporal Single System Interpretation (TSSI) of Marx’s theory of value. I had not at that time met Andrew Kliman. However, very shortly after this paper, working with Paolo Giussani, we arrived independently from Andrew Kliman at the formulations of Marx’s schemas of reproduction that the key features of TSSI. I entered into correspondence with Andrew Kliman shortly after this, and the IWGVT was established not long after that.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Institution: | The University of Greenwich |
Original Title: | National Accounts in Value Terms: The Social Wage and Profit Rate in Britain 1950-1986 |
English Title: | National Accounts in Value Terms: The Social Wage and Profit Rate in Britain 1950-1986 |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Liquidity; Value; Quantification; MELT; MEL; Money; Labour; Marx; TSSI; Temporalism |
Subjects: | B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925 > B12 - Classical (includes Adam Smith) B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B1 - History of Economic Thought through 1925 > B14 - Socialist ; Marxist E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics > E0 - General > E01 - Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and Wealth ; Environmental Accounts |
Item ID: | 52760 |
Depositing User: | Alan Freeman |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jan 2014 09:57 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 16:48 |
References: | Althusser. L. and E. Balibar (1970). Reading Capital. London: Verso Benetti, C. Berthomieu and Cartelier, J. (1979). Qui Travaille pour Qui? Cahiers Libre No. 354. Maspero, Paris Dunne, P. (1991) (ed). Quantitative Marxism. Cambridge: Polity Press Gill, L. (1976). L’Economie Capitaliste: un Analyse Marxiste. Montreal: Presses Socialistes Internationales. 2 Vols. Grüske (1978). K. –D. 1978 Die personale Budgetinzidenz, Göttingen: Vandenhoeke and Ruprecht Hake, W. (1972). Unverteilings effekte des Budgets, Fine Analyse Seiner Personalen Inzidenz. Göttingen: Vandenhoeke and Ruprecht Hanusch et al (1982). Verteiling öffentlicher Realtransfers durf Empfängergruppen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Latouche, S, (1975). Le Projet Marxiste: Analyse Economique et Materialisme Historique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris. Marx, K. (1969, 1978). Theories of Surplus Value. London: Lawrence and Wishart Moseley (1985). ‘The rate of surplus value in the postwar US Economy: a critique of Weisskopf’s estimates’. Cambridge Journal of Economics 9 (March). 57-79. Ochoa, E. (1984). ‘Labour values and prices of production: an interindustry study of the US economy, 1947-72’. PhD Thesis, Ann Arbor, MI Petrovic, P. (1987). ‘the deviation of production prices from labour values: some methodology and empirical evidence’. Cambridge Journal of Economics 11 (September): 197-210 Ramos, A. (2004). ’ Labour, Money, Labour-Saving Innovation and the Falling Rate of Profit’, in Freeman, A., A. Kliman and J. Wells, (eds) The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics, Edward Elgar. 2004, pp. 67-84 Rubin, I. (1972). Essays on Marx’s Theory of Value. Detroit, MI: Black and Red. Shaikh (1984). ‘The Transformation from Marx to Sraffa’, in Mandel, E. and Freeman, A (eds). Ricardo, Marx, Sraffa: the Langston Memorial Volume. London: Verso. Sharpe, A. (1982). ‘A survey of empirical Marxian economics’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Union for Radical Political Economy, Allied Social Science Association, New York, 28-30 December 1982. |
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