Sharma, Chanchal Kumar (2014): Governance,Governmentality and Governability: Constraints and Possibilities of Decentralization in South Asia. Published in: Keynote Address, International Conference on Local Representation of Power in South Asia, Organized by Department of Political Science, GC University, Lahore (Pakistan) (12 November 2014): pp. 1-28.

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This paper presents an integrated analytical framework for the study of participatory local democracy weaved around the concepts of Governance, Governability and Governmentality. Drawing lessons from international experience, It focuses on the key determinants of the success of the local governments, in the absence of which all the cosmetic attempts to betray institutional semblance to democratic decentralization will fall short of delivering welfare enhancing outcomes.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Governance,Governmentality and Governability: Constraints and Possibilities of Decentralization in South Asia |
English Title: | Governance,Governmentality and Governability: Constraints and Possibilities of Decentralization in South Asia |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | decentralization, South Asia, local governance, governmentality, governability, democracy |
Subjects: | H - Public Economics > H7 - State and Local Government ; Intergovernmental Relations H - Public Economics > H7 - State and Local Government ; Intergovernmental Relations > H70 - General H - Public Economics > H7 - State and Local Government ; Intergovernmental Relations > H77 - Intergovernmental Relations ; Federalism ; Secession I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I0 - General |
Item ID: | 61349 |
Depositing User: | Chanchal Kumar Sharma |
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2015 20:19 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 19:00 |
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