Goodwin, Roger L (2014): Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0.

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This book is a practical reference guide accompanied with an Excel Workbook. This book gives an elementary introduction of the weighted standard deviational ellipse. This book also presents the computational aspects of the weighted exponential distributions as well. For the examples given, calculations are performed using VBA for Excel. This book makes comparisons (and shows the computations via VBA for Excel) using the likelihood functions with spatial data of the weighted ellipses. Lastly, the book covers spherical statistics. Throughout the text, the reader can see how to perform these difficult calculations and learn to adapt the code for his research.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0 |
English Title: | Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0 |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | spatial, remote sensing, longitudinal data, statistics, weibull distribution, roger goodwin, roger l goodwin, goodwin, roger l. goodwin exponential distribution, weighted data, map point, google earth, weighted regression, ellipse, area, random variables, spherical statistics, VBA for Excel, mean center, eccentricity, axis length, rotation, weighted mean center, mean latitude, mean longitude, distribution fitting, spherical variance, eigenvalue, eigenvector |
Subjects: | C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C4 - Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special Topics > C46 - Specific Distributions ; Specific Statistics |
Item ID: | 64442 |
Depositing User: | Mr. Roger L Goodwin |
Date Deposited: | 18 May 2015 19:11 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 15:15 |
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Available Versions of this Item
Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0. (deposited 03 May 2015 13:54)
Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0. (deposited 05 May 2015 06:31)
- Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.3. (deposited 02 Jun 2015 04:27)
- Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0. (deposited 18 May 2015 19:11) [Currently Displayed]
Random Variables, Their Properties, and Deviational Ellipses: In Map Point and Excel, v 4.0. (deposited 05 May 2015 06:31)