Ščasný, Milan and Máca, Vojtěch and Melichar, Jan and Rečka, Lukáš (2015): Kvantifikace environmentálních a zdravotních dopadů (externích nákladů) z povrchové těžby hnědého uhlí v Severočeské hnědouhelné pánvi v těžebních lokalitách velkolomů Bílina a ČSA a využití vydobytého hnědého uhlí ve spalovacích procesech pro výrobu elektřiny a tepla na území ČR.
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This study quantifies environmental and health impacts attributable to revoking the territorial ecological restrictions on open-pit mining of brown coal at Bílina and ČSA mines in the Northern Bohemia mining area, following four options as proposed in 2015 by the Czech government. These impacts are attributable to brown coal mining and burning brown coal in combustion processes to generate electricity and heat and are relevant to the area of the Czech Republic only. Environmental and health impacts are monetarized and mean the external cost from mining and usage of brown coal. Dose response function and Impact pathway analysis are applied to quantify the external costs. External cost of not revoking the territorial ecological restrictions (option 1) declines from 1,200 mil. CZK per annum to zero in 2038, when the mining of brown coal is terminated. For the whole period 2015-2050 the external cost reaches 14 billion CZK cumulatively. Revoking the territorial ecological restrictions at Bílina mine (option 2) increases the external cost by 200 – 500 mil. CZK per annum and by 10 billion CZK cumulatively for the whole period 2015-2050. Revoking the territorial ecological restrictions at Bílina mine and partly at ČSA mine (option 3) differs from option 2 only during 2024-2033 due to partial revoking the territorial ecological restrictions at ČSA mine, when the external cost increases by additional 700 mil. CZK per annum compared to option 1. The cumulative external cost is 14 billion CZK higher in option 3 than in option 1. The complete revoking the territorial ecological restrictions (option 4) leads to cumulative external cost higher by 25 billion CZK compared to option 1. With respect to international pollution transfer and global effects on climate change, the scope of the analysis has crucial role for evaluation of impacts of the national regulation. The underlying scenario of this analysis assumes the impacts on Czech inhabitants only which account for 8-10% of the impacts on the whole EU population. Impacts on energy mix are analysed by partial equilibrium model TIMES.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Kvantifikace environmentálních a zdravotních dopadů (externích nákladů) z povrchové těžby hnědého uhlí v Severočeské hnědouhelné pánvi v těžebních lokalitách velkolomů Bílina a ČSA a využití vydobytého hnědého uhlí ve spalovacích procesech pro výrobu elektřiny a tepla na území ČR |
English Title: | Quantification of environmental and health impacts (external costs) attributable to open-pit brown coal mining in Bílina Mine and ČSA Mine in the Northern Bohemia and burning the brown coal to generate electricity and heat in the Czech Republic |
Language: | Czech |
Keywords: | external cost; health benefits; ExternE; impact pathway analysis; coal mining; burning coal; electricity generation; TIMES model |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D6 - Welfare Economics > D62 - Externalities I - Health, Education, and Welfare > I3 - Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty > I31 - General Welfare, Well-Being Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q4 - Energy > Q47 - Energy Forecasting Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q5 - Environmental Economics > Q51 - Valuation of Environmental Effects |
Item ID: | 66600 |
Depositing User: | Dr. Milan Ščasný |
Date Deposited: | 21 Mar 2016 18:29 |
Last Modified: | 28 Sep 2019 19:11 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/66600 |