Harashima, Taiji (2021): Consequence of Heterogeneous Economic Rents under the MDC-based Procedure.
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If preferences of households are heterogeneous, there is no guarantee that a steady state exists other than corner solutions, and only the most advantaged household will eventually possess all the capital in the economy. This is also true if economic rents are obtained persistently and unevenly among households. I examine whether this is true even if households behave not on the basis of rational expectations but on the basis of keeping the most comfortable capital-wage ratio and show that there is no guarantee in this case as well.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Consequence of Heterogeneous Economic Rents under the MDC-based Procedure |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Capital accumulation; Economic rents; Heterogeneity; Inequality; Steady state |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D6 - Welfare Economics > D63 - Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement E - Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics > E2 - Consumption, Saving, Production, Investment, Labor Markets, and Informal Economy > E21 - Consumption ; Saving ; Wealth |
Item ID: | 105765 |
Depositing User: | Taiji Harashima |
Date Deposited: | 10 Feb 2021 05:17 |
Last Modified: | 10 Feb 2021 05:17 |
References: | Becker, Robert A. (1980) “On the Long-run Steady State in a Simple Dynamic Model of Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Households,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 375–382. Harashima, Taiji (2010) “Sustainable Heterogeneity: Inequality, Growth, and Social Welfare in a Heterogeneous Population,” MPRA (The Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 24233. Harashima, Taiji (2012) “Sustainable Heterogeneity as the Unique Socially Optimal Allocation for Almost All Social Welfare Functions,” MPRA (The Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 40938. Harashima, Taiji (2016) “Ranking Value and Preference: A Model of Superstardom,” MPRA (The Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 74626. Harashima, Taiji (2017a) “Sustainable Heterogeneity: Inequality, Growth, and Social Welfare in a Heterogeneous Population,” in Japanese, Journal of Kanazawa Seiryo University, Vol. 51, No.1, pp. 31-80.(原嶋 耐治 「持続可能な非均質性―均質ではない構成員からなる経済における不平等、経済成長及び社会的厚生―」、『金沢星稜大学論集』第51巻第1号、31~80頁) Harashima, Taiji (2017b) “The Mechanism behind Product Differentiation: An Economic Model” Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Vol. 8, No. 2. pp. 95-111. Harashima, Taiji (2018a) “Do Households Actually Generate Rational Expectations? “Invisible Hand” for Steady State,” MPRA (The Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 88822. Harashima, Taiji (2018b) “Ranking Value and Preference: A Model of Superstardom,” in Japanese, Journal of Kanazawa Seiryo University, Vol. 52, No.1, pp. 27 - 40. (原嶋 耐治「順位価値と順位選好―スーパースターの経済モデル―」 『金沢星稜大学論集』 第52巻第1号(通巻132号) 27~40頁) Harashima, Taiji (2018c) “Superstars in Team Sports: An Economic Model,” MPRA (The Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 86360. Harashima, Taiji (2018d) “Why Is Executive Compensation So High? A Model of Executive Compensation” (2018) Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 59-68. Harashima, Taiji (2019) “Do Households Actually Generate Rational Expectations? “Invisible Hand” for Steady State,” in Japanese, Journal of Kanazawa Seiryo University, Vol. 52, No.2, pp. 49-70.(「家計は実際に合理的期待を形成して行動しているのか―定常状態への「見えざる手」―」『金沢星稜大学論集』第52巻第2号(通巻133号) 49~70頁) Harashima, Taiji (2020a) “Preventing Widening Inequality: Economic Rents and Sustainable Heterogeneity,” MPRA (The Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 103377. Harashima, Taiji (2020b) “Sustainable Heterogeneity as the Unique Socially Optimal Allocation for Almost All Social Welfare Functions,” in Japanese, Journal of Kanazawa Seiryo University, Vol. 54, No.1, pp. 71 - 95. (原嶋 耐治「殆ど全ての社会的厚生関数に対して唯一の社会的に最適な配分をもたらすものとしての持続可能な非均質性」『金沢星稜大学論集』第54巻第1号(通巻136号)71~95頁) Porter, Michael E. (1980) Competitive Strategy, Free Press, New York. Porter, Michael E. (1985) Competitive Advantage, Free Press, New York. |
URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/105765 |