Parinov, Sergey (2022): Экономическая координация как результат координирующего поведения агентов.
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This study is based on the hypothesis that human's natural abilities to take into account the activities of other people manifest themselves as a coordinating behavior, which in the economy is realized in the form of a purposeful coordinating activity of human agents. The instrument of coordination, in this case, is the individual and collective mental models of the agents, which concept is being developed by the Cognitive Science. Coordinating activity is the fundamental process of coordination and is present in all coordinating economic systems. On this methodological basis, an approach is proposed that explains the content of coordination processes in the economy, and the formation of a hybrid structure from the forms of coordination. By creating coordination processes, agents seek to maximize the gain from their joint activities. As a result, a certain structure is formed in the economy from the main forms of coordination: contractual (network), hierarchical, stigmergy, and a form based on rules. The features of these main forms of coordination are considered, including the conditions for the emergence of hybrid forms. It has been established that the market coordination process is a symbiosis of the main forms of coordination working together as a complex hybrid. An analysis of the properties of the system of economic coordination processes showed that they critically depend on the nature of communications between the participants in joint activities and on their “computational capabilities”. The transfer of agent communications to the virtual environment of the information and communication technologies and the use of computers to increase the calculation capabilities of the agents for coordinating their activities can lead to a partial merger of the main forms of coordination, as well as to the creation of coordination processes without the use of a monetary and financial system. The social significance of research and development aimed at improving the processes of economic coordination is discussed as one of the most important current tasks of mankind. A possible research program is being considered to scientifically support this new mankind task.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Экономическая координация как результат координирующего поведения агентов |
English Title: | Economic coordination as a coordinating behavior of human agents |
Language: | Russian |
Keywords: | coordinating behavior; economic coordinating activity; mental model; content of economic coordination; structure of coordination processes; properties of the coordination system; improvement of the coordination system; new mankind task; research program |
Subjects: | O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O1 - Economic Development O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O3 - Innovation ; Research and Development ; Technological Change ; Intellectual Property Rights P - Economic Systems > P0 - General |
Item ID: | 112190 |
Depositing User: | Sergey Parinov |
Date Deposited: | 03 Mar 2022 23:47 |
Last Modified: | 03 Mar 2022 23:47 |
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