Frank, Luis (2021): Revisión de modelos para la desestacionalización y proyección de series macroeconómicas trimestrales. Año 2021.
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The paper presents a review of the seasonal ARIMA models used to deseasonalize and project the main macroeconomic variables of Argentina. The review was mainly motivated by the impact of the COVID pandemic starting in early 2020. The results confirmed the necessity of the review - despite only four quarters passed since the last revision - and the suitability of the outlier-variables introduced during the pandemic, except for foreign trade series. Nevertheless, a closer inspection of the results show that models should have been revised two or three quarters after the start of the pandemic to ensure that the specifications were consistent with the intervention done on each series.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Revisión de modelos para la desestacionalización y proyección de series macroeconómicas trimestrales. Año 2021. |
English Title: | Review of models for the seasonal adjustment of monthly and quarterly series of economic activity. Year 2021. |
Language: | Spanish |
Keywords: | seasonal adjustment of series, seasonal ARIMA |
Subjects: | C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods > C8 - Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology ; Computer Programs > C82 - Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data ; Data Access |
Item ID: | 112278 |
Depositing User: | Luis Frank |
Date Deposited: | 08 Mar 2022 18:37 |
Last Modified: | 08 Mar 2022 18:37 |
References: | EUROSTAT, 2020. Guidance on treatment of COVID-19 crisis effect on data. Methodological note. Disponible en: Foley P., 2021. Seasonal Adjustment of Irish Official Statistics During the COVID-19 Crisis. Statistical Journal of the IAOS 37(1):57-66. Frank L., 2020a. Revisi\'on de modelos para la desestacionalizaci\'on de series mensuales y trimestrales de actividad econ\'omica. MPRA Paper No. 111423. Disponible en: \Frank L., 2020b. Nota metodol\'ogica sobre la proyecci\'on de exportaciones de bienes y servicios reales. MPRA Paper No. 111424. Disponible en: IMF, 2017. Quarterly National Accounts Manual. 2017 Edition. Disponible en Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, 2020. Informe de avance del nivel de actividad. Cuarto trimestre de 2020. Cuentas nacionales vol. 5, nro. 4/Informes técnicos vol. 5, nro 51. ISSN 2545-6636. U.S. Census Bureau, 2017. X-13ARIMA-SEATS Reference Manual. Accessible HTML Output Version. Version 1.1. Disponible en: |
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