Sampagnaro, Gabriele and Battaglia, Francesca (2010): Reliability and Heterogeneity of Real Estate Indexes and their Impact on the Predictability of Returns.
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This paper addresses the issue of data quality in the real estate market. In many countries, the returns indices for direct markets are provided by several sources differing in terms of the methodology adopted and index weights. These differences produce a lack of informative standardization, which could negatively affect the ability of market participants to make predictions. By focusing on the Italian real estate market, the aim of the paper is therefore twofold: to investigate the reliability of property data sources, and to assess the impact for financial intermediaries involved in real estate investments. Our results show a significant level of divergence between the data, and considerable implications for those financial institutions dealing with them. These findings conflict with the requirements of an efficient (or at least sub-efficient) market.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Reliability and Heterogeneity of Real Estate Indexes and their Impact on the Predictability of Returns. |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | real estate, data divergence, IRR, efficient frontier |
Subjects: | G - Financial Economics > G1 - General Financial Markets > G11 - Portfolio Choice ; Investment Decisions L - Industrial Organization > L8 - Industry Studies: Services > L85 - Real Estate Services L - Industrial Organization > L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance > L15 - Information and Product Quality ; Standardization and Compatibility |
Item ID: | 23378 |
Depositing User: | Gabriele sampagnaro |
Date Deposited: | 20 Jun 2010 04:26 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 17:12 |
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