Tian, Guoqiang and Yang, Liyan (2005): How are Income and Non-Income Factors Different in Promoting Happiness? An Answer to the Easterlin Paradox.
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This paper develops a formal economic theory to explain the Easterlin paradox-average happiness levels do not necessarily increase as countries grow wealthier. The theory analyzes the different roles of income and non-income factors in promoting people's happiness, and provides a foundation for studying happiness from the perspectives of social welfare maximization and individuals' self-interested rationality. It is shown that, for a certain class of economies, whether Easterlin paradox appears depends on the level of non-income factors. Happiness rises with income only up to a critical point that is determined by the level of the non-income factors; but once the critical income level is achieved, raising income further will lead to Pareto ineffcient allocations and decrease people's happiness. One policy implication is that government should promote a balanced growth between income and non-income factors. The empirical analysis provides some preliminary evidence consistent with the theory's predictions.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | How are Income and Non-Income Factors Different in Promoting Happiness? An Answer to the Easterlin Paradox |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Easterlin Paradox, Happiness, Social Comparison, Pareto Optimality |
Subjects: | D - Microeconomics > D6 - Welfare Economics > D62 - Externalities D - Microeconomics > D6 - Welfare Economics > D61 - Allocative Efficiency ; Cost-Benefit Analysis H - Public Economics > H2 - Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue > H23 - Externalities ; Redistributive Effects ; Environmental Taxes and Subsidies |
Item ID: | 41209 |
Depositing User: | Guoqiang Tian |
Date Deposited: | 12 Sep 2012 12:50 |
Last Modified: | 27 Sep 2019 09:31 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/41209 |