Akıncı, Zafer (2015): The Effect of Parents Approach on Children Academic Achievement. Published in: International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review , Vol. 3, No. 4 (January 2015): pp. 49-104.
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that affect academic achievement. The concept of family, attachment styles, different parent attitudes and reflection on children academic lifes of these attitudes are examined.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | The Effect of Parents Approach on Children Academic Achievement |
English Title: | The Effect of Parents Approach on Children Academic Achievement |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Academic achievement, parental approach, moderateness. |
Subjects: | Z - Other Special Topics > Z1 - Cultural Economics ; Economic Sociology ; Economic Anthropology Z - Other Special Topics > Z1 - Cultural Economics ; Economic Sociology ; Economic Anthropology > Z19 - Other |
Item ID: | 61395 |
Depositing User: | Zeki Yuksekbilgili |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2015 21:20 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 12:46 |
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URI: | https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/61395 |