NABABAN, TONGAM SIHOL (2014): MEMBANGUN SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP UNTUK MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING GLOBAL (BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INCREASING GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS). Published in: Proceeding of National Seminar and Call For Paper, Faculty of Economics, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, Indonesia No. ISBN : 978-979-19940-3-3 (22 May 2014)
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Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index or the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI) In 2013 positioned Indonesia at ranked 76 of 118 countries. Compared with the ASEAN countries, the position are still far below Singapore (13), and still below Malaysia (57), Brunei Darussalam (58), Thailand (65). This fact shows that Indonesia has not been optimal in building its entrepreneurial yet. To enhance the development of entrepreneurship, the Indonesian government has launched a National Entrepreneurship Movement (GKN), with the aim to increase the number of Indonesia’s entrepreneurs, where now the number of entrepreneurs approximately 0.25% of the total population. In an effort to maintain and improve the position of entrepreneurship that has been achieved today, entrepreneurial practitioners should build sustainable entrepreneurship for creating a strong entrepreneurial competitiveness, sustainable and mutually supportive by involving the synergies of the various elements of society. With the creation of sustainable entrepreneurship, the competitiveness level can be realized nationally and globally. The sustainable entrepreneurship focuses on entrepreneurial skills to achieve the success through social and environmental change or social innovations. Entrepreneurship is not only generating economic success but also the entrepreneurs (sustainable entrepreneurs) should be able to manage the "triple bottom line" (company profitability, potential benefits to the environment, and potential benefits to the community) by balancing economic health, social equity and environmental sustainability through the entrepreneurial behaviors. Lately, a lot of scientific discussions concerning entrepreneurship theory and practice related to sustainable entrepreneurship in a goal-oriented society, ethics, economics, and ecology have bee done. Even some studies on sustainable entrepreneurship have been more developed compared with the business and environment studies, especially in matters of affecting changes in social practices and business environments. However, the question is "How do we understand the characteristics, motivation and factors driving sustainable ecopreneurs to innovate?" The next question is, "How can the implementation of sustainable entrepreneurship in Indonesia in order to be able to compete on a global level?". This paper aims to discuss the conceptual approach of sustainable entrepreneurship and to outline how sustainable entrepreneurs to innovate in bringing additional benefits for the community and the environment.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Language: | Indonesian |
Keywords: | Keywords: sustainable entrepreneurship, competitiveness, social, global, environment. |
Subjects: | Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics ; Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q0 - General > Q01 - Sustainable Development |
Item ID: | 65292 |
Depositing User: | Dr. Tongam Sihol Nababan |
Date Deposited: | 29 Jun 2015 04:41 |
Last Modified: | 26 Sep 2019 11:13 |
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