Mendez, Ildefonso (2008): The Role of Partnership Status and Expectations on the Emancipation Behaviour of Spanish Graduates.
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Leaving the nest in Southern Europe, and to a lesser extend in other countries, is a decision taken simultaneously by two young adults who form a new household. However, nothing is known about the e¤ect of partnership status on children�s eman- cipation since conventional datasets do not collect this information. To �ll this gap we have collected a unique dataset of 1.600 individuals that is representative of the population of graduates at the University of Murcia aged 25 to 29 years at the time of the �rst interview in 2004. Non-emancipated respondents were reinterviewed 12 and 24 months following the initial interview and we elicited their subjective beliefs about the one-year-ahead probability of several personal and job-related outcomes. Our empirical results indicate that having a partner is as relevant as being em- ployed for men to emancipate. For women, the marginal e¤ect of having a partner is three times larger than that of working. Expectations measures reveal informa- tion about the realization of the reference outcome not otherwise available from objective variables. Moreover, partnered respondents� expectations about living with their partner and about their employed partners losing their job or becom- ing unemployed are strong predictors of future emancipation even conditional upon numerous observable characteristics.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | The Role of Partnership Status and Expectations on the Emancipation Behaviour of Spanish Graduates |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | youth, emancipation, partner, expectations |
Subjects: | J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J1 - Demographic Economics > J13 - Fertility ; Family Planning ; Child Care ; Children ; Youth D - Microeconomics > D8 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty > D84 - Expectations ; Speculations J - Labor and Demographic Economics > J1 - Demographic Economics > J12 - Marriage ; Marital Dissolution ; Family Structure ; Domestic Abuse |
Item ID: | 8655 |
Depositing User: | Ildefonso Mendez Martinez |
Date Deposited: | 08 May 2008 06:44 |
Last Modified: | 01 Oct 2019 16:52 |
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