Gentilucci, Eleonora (2018): Intellectual property rights and the commodification of nature: the case of seeds.
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The paper uses the Ostromian analytical framework of CPRs and commons definitions, in order to analyze the effect of the introduction of IPRs on the seeds. The main contribution of this research is twofold. On the one hand it allows to validate the initial hypothesis (H1) namely that, throughout the history, until the introduction of IPRs on the living (S0), seeds were CPRs and commons and, after the introduction of IPRs (S1), seeds became private goods. The analysis carried out shows that seeds are commons of knowledge and natural resource and that the introduction of IPRs has allowed the appropriation of a resource that was previously common. This is the “commodification” process. On the other hand study deeps a specific tool to overcome the enclosure imposed by IPRs, to seeds: namely the application of free software principles to seeds. This enables a return to the reverse process of “commonification”.
Item Type: | MPRA Paper |
Original Title: | Intellectual property rights and the commodification of nature: the case of seeds |
English Title: | Intellectual property rights and the commodification of nature: the case of seeds |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Seeds, Knowledge commons, Common-pool resources, Intellectual property rights, Free software. |
Subjects: | B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches > B5 - Current Heterodox Approaches > B52 - Institutional ; Evolutionary O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O1 - Economic Development > O13 - Agriculture ; Natural Resources ; Energy ; Environment ; Other Primary Products O - Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth > O3 - Innovation ; Research and Development ; Technological Change ; Intellectual Property Rights > O34 - Intellectual Property and Intellectual Capital P - Economic Systems > P1 - Capitalist Systems > P14 - Property Rights P - Economic Systems > P1 - Capitalist Systems > P16 - Political Economy |
Item ID: | 90527 |
Depositing User: | Doctor Eleonora Gentilucci |
Date Deposited: | 17 Dec 2019 14:54 |
Last Modified: | 17 Dec 2019 14:54 |
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