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Number of items: 46.


Antonescu, Daniela (2018): Studiu retrospectiv privind organizarea administrativ-teritorială a României, în ultimii 100 de ani.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Empirical analysis of foreign direct investments at NUTS 2 region, in European Union and Romania. Published in: Elsevier, Procedia Economics and Finance 22 ( 2015 ) No. Procedia Economics and Finance 22 ( 2015 ) 681 – 689 : pp. 681-689.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Innovation at Regional Level.




Antonescu, Daniela (2011): Nouvelles perspectives theoriques du developpement economique au niveau regional. Published in: Elements de planification territoriale et developpement regional (2 December 2011): pp. 29-50.

Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Dimensiunea economică a orașului confortabil.

Antonescu, Daniela (2017): Liveable city from an economic perspective.

Antonescu, Daniela (2013): Regional development policy in context of Europe 2020 Strategy.

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): New cohesion and regional policy in 2021-2027 period. Forthcoming in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): Territorial inequalities and convergence – techniques and analysis methods. Forthcoming in:

Antonescu, Daniela (2019): Impact of Regional Operational Programme on cultural heritage. The Romanian Case. Published in: Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning No. 4/2019 - SUSTAINABILITY (3 November 2019)

Antonescu, Daniela (2020): Sectorul Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii în timpul crizei COVID-19. Cazul României.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): Aspecte relevante privind piața forței de muncă în contextul coeziunii teritoriale Post-Covid.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (27 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

Antonescu, Daniela (2022): The relation between digitalization and regional development in Romania. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 4, No. 2 (28 December 2022): pp. 64-77.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Theoretical approaches of endogenous regional development.

Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Export specialisation and regional growth, in Romania.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Evaluation of public interventions at regional level; the new evidence for actual programming period.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Theoretical approaches of regional development.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Theoretical approaches of regional development.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Regional convergence – theoretical approaches.

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania. Published in: Regionalizare si politici regionale , Vol. 1, No. Editura Lumen (2014)

Antonescu, Daniela (2010): Implementarea Programului Operaţional Regional în condiţiile actuale de instabilitate economică. Published in: Quality - Access to Success , Vol. 11, No. 11th Volume, no. 113, Special – 2010 ISSN: 1582-2559 (18 June 2010): pp. 814-825.

Antonescu, Daniela (2004): Specializarea regională în România –analize comparative în Top-10. Published in: Tribuna Economica (2004)

Antonescu, Daniela (2014): Territorial Pact in context of Europe 2020.

Antonescu, Daniela (2012): Identifying regional disparities in Romania: a convergence process perspective in relation to European Union's territorial structures. Published in: Procedia Economics and Finance Volume , Vol. 3, (3 November 2012): pp. 1148-1155.

Antonescu, Daniela and Antonescu, Raluca-Mirela (2013): Dezvoltarea durabila a agro-turismului in Uniunea European si in Romania. Published in: http://conferinta2013.academiacomerciala.ro/ (November 2013): pp. 119-128.

Antonescu, Daniela and Chisăgiu, Livia (2016): Inactivity vs. Youth Employment, at regional level A Case Study: ROMANIA.

Antonescu, Daniela and Dumitrascu, Monica and Geacu, Sorin and Grigorescu, Ines (2015): Overview and perspectives of protected natural areas in Romania.

Antonescu, Daniela and Platon, Victor (2009): The regional dimension of the SME Sector in Romania. Published in: Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis , Vol. vol.I, No. vol.I, 1, 2009 (2009): pp. 17-26.

Antonescu, Daniela and Platon, Victor (2010): Trends and challenges in the absorption of EU Funds through the Regional Operational programm 2007-2013. Published in: Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, nr. 1, 2010 (pp. 11-21 ) , Vol. 19, No. Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, nr. 1, 2010 (pp. 11-21 ) (1 May 2010): pp. 1-21.

Antonescu, Daniela and Popa, Florina (2014): Dezvoltarea regională şi planificarea teritorială în contextul noii politici de coeziune (2014-2020).

Axenciuc, Victor and Georgescu, George (2017): Gross Domestic Product – National Income of Romania 1862 – 2010. Secular statistical series and methodological foundations. Published in: Romanian Academy Publishing House (16 October 2017)


Daniela, Antonescu and Ioana, Florescu (2023): Spatial patterns of regional regional inequalities in European Union in pandemic time. Empirical evidence from NUTS-2 regions. Published in: JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS , Vol. 15, No. VOLUME 15, NUMBER 3, NOVEMBER 2023 (25 November 2023): pp. 596-611.

Daniela, Antonescu and Ioana Cristina, Florescu (2024): The dynamics of regional inequalities in Romania. Comparative analysis between the major crises – financial and sanitary. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 1, No. 6(1), 5–27 (1 February 2024): pp. 5-29.

Daniela, Antonescu (2021): Romania’s urban policy in the context of COVID-19 pandemic time. Published in: Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development , Vol. 3, No. 2 (24 December 2021): pp. 85-102.


Platon, Victor (2016): Introductory report on environmental taxes in Republic of Moldova.

Platon, Victor (2009): Convergenţa-Divergență Instituţională în Domeniul Protecţiei Mediului.

Platon, Victor and Frone, Simona and Constantinescu, Andreea and Jurist, Sorina (2020): Atenuarea impactului COVID-19, în România, prin gestionarea corespunzătoare a deșeurilor medicale periculoase.


Victor, Platon (2001): Costuri ale transpunerii în România a directivelor UE privind protecția mediului.

Victor, Platon and Nicolae, Stratan and Violeta, Ivanov and Raisa, Leon (2003): ANNUAL REPORT 2002 of the National Ecological Fund.

Victor, Platon and Valentina, Vasile and Florin, Pavelescu (2005): Study on the Potential and Needs of the New Member States Country report: Romania.


Zaman, Gheorghe and Antonescu, Daniela (2015): Endogenous regional growth and foreign trade, in Romania.

Zaman, Gheorghe and Goschin, Zizi and Partachi, Ion and Herteliu, Claudiu (2007): The Contribution of Labour and Capital to Romania's and Moldova's Economic Growth. Published in: Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods , Vol. 2, No. 1

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