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Number of items: 101.


Amsden, Alice and Singh, Ajit (1993): The optimal degree of competition and dynamic efficiency in Japan and Korea. Published in: European Economic Review , Vol. 38, No. 3/4 (1994): pp. 940-951.


Baafi Antwi, Joseph and Oppong Kwakye, Francis (2010): Globalization and its influence on Economic Growth performance.

Baafi Antwi, Joseph and Oppong Kwakye, Francis (2010): Urban governance and planning for Economic growth.

Bailey, David and Lenihan, Helena and Singh, Ajit (2008): Tiger, tiger, burning bright? industrial policy lessons from Ireland and East Asia for small African economies. Published in: Good growth and governance in Africa: Re-thinking development strategies, Noman, Botchway, Stein and Stiglitz (eds.) (2 March 2012): pp. 406-436.

Bennett, Daniel and Nikolaev, Boris and Aidt, Toke (2016): Institutions & Well-being. Published in: European Journal of Political Economy , Vol. 45, (2016): pp. 1-10.

Bonilla, George J.J. and Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2023): Multi-Stakeholder Ecosystem for Standardization of AI in Industry.

Borooah, Vani and Dubey, Amaresh and Iyer, Sriya (2007): The Effectiveness of Jobs Reservation: Caste, Religion, and Economic Status in India. Published in: Development & Change , Vol. 38, No. 3 (2007): pp. 423-455.

Borooah, Vani and Iyer, Sriya (2005): The Decomposition of Inter-Group Differences in a Logit Model: Extending the Oaxaca-Blinder Approach with an Application to School Enrolment in India. Published in: Journal of Economic and Social Measurement , Vol. 30, (2005): pp. 279-293.


Darmouni, Olivier and Geisecke, Oliver and Rodnyanky, Alexander (2019): The Bond Lending Channel of Monetary Policy.

Deakin, Simon and Singh, Ajit (2008): The stock market, the market for corporate control and the theory of the firm: legal and economic perspectives and implications for public policy. Published in: Bjuggren, P., and Mueller, D.C., (eds.) The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment, Elgar Publications (1 January 2009): pp. 185-222.

Demiris, Nikolaos and Kypraios, Theodore and Smith, L. Vanessa (2012): On the epidemic of financial crises.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic (2024): Industrial Policy for Emerging Technologies: The Case of Narrow AI and the Manufacturing Value Chain as Blueprint for the Industrial Metaverse.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic (2024): Policy-Driven Industrial Ecosystems. An Executive Summary and Managerial Implications.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Floetgen, Rob Jago and Urmetzer, Florian (2024): Performance of B2B Platform Partnership Management.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Fogel, Benjamin A. (2023): The Interconnected Century of Technology. How Ecosystems, Platforms, and Alliances Determine Global Innovation. Forthcoming in: Blog "Marshall Plan 75" (21 April 2023)

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2023): Tech Sovereignty and Industrial Ecosystems.

Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2023): Policy-Driven Industrial Ecosystems.


Edwards, Jeremy (2017): Did Protestantism promote economic prosperity via higher human capital?

Erdogdu, Erkan (2013): Essays on Electricity Market Reforms: A Cross-Country Applied Approach.

Erdogdu, Erkan (2013): A cross-country analysis of electricity market reforms: Potential contribution of New Institutional Economics. Published in: Energy Economics , Vol. 39, No. 5 (September 2013): pp. 239-251.


Fennell, Shailaja and Kaur, Amandeep and Singh, Ajit (2013): India and the Eurozone: a commentary on the political economy of adjustment and correction. Published in: Contributions to Political Economy , Vol. 32, No. 1 June 2013 (1 June 2013): pp. 151-167.

Fingleton, Bernard (2018): Exploring Brexit with dynamic spatial panel models : some possible outcomes for employment across the EU regions.


Galor, Oded and Munshi, Kaivan and Wilson, Nicolas (2013): Inclusive Institutions and Long-Run Misallocation.

Gerasimou, Georgios (2010): Rational indecisive choice.

Glen, Jack and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (2000): Competition, corporate governance and financing of corporate growth in emerging markets. Published in: Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge Discussion Papers in Accounting and Finance No. AF46 (1 July 2000): pp. 1-47.

Glen, Jack and Singh, Ajit and Mathias, Rudolph (1998): How competitive are the emerging markets? an analysis of corporate rates of return from nine emerging markets. Published in: IMF Working Paper No 99/32 (1 March 1999): pp. 1-44.


Howes, Candace and Singh, Ajit (1994): Long term trends in the world economy: the gender dimension. Published in: World Development , Vol. 23, No. 11 (1 November 1995): pp. 1895-1911.

Howes, Candace and Singh, Ajit (1994): Long term trends in the world economy: the gender dimension. Published in: World Development , Vol. 23, No. 11 (1995): pp. 1895-1911.


Javdani, Moshen and Chang, Ha-Joon (2019): Who Said or What Said? Estimating Ideological Bias in Views Among Economists.

Jones, Nikoleta and Malesios, Chrisovaladis and Iosifides, Theodoros and Sophoulis, Costas (2008): Social capital in Greece: Measurement and comparative perspectives. Published in: South European Society and Politics · (2008)


Kuriakose, Francis and Kylasam Iyer, Deepa (2017): The Curious Case of Choice Architect: Examining the Philosophical Inconsistencies of Libertarian Paternalism.

Kuriakose, Francis and Kylasam Iyer, Deepa (2018): Job Polarisation in India: Structural Causes and Policy Implications. Forthcoming in: Indian Journal of Labour Economics


Oparinde, Adewale (2010): Investigating the relationship between income, health and biomass consumption: a panel data analysis.

Oparinde, Adewale and Hodge, Ian (2011): Building livelihood resilience: a case study of factors affecting farm households’ adoption of coping and adaptive strategies in rural Nigeria.


Pillai, Neiil (Nehaal) and Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic and Urmetzer, Florian (2024): Entrepreneurial Ecosystems as an Enabler of Technological Sovereignty: The Case of the Indian Short Form Video Market.


Robertson, Donald and Sarafidis, Vasilis and Symons, James (2010): IV Estimation of Panels with Factor Residuals.


Sen, Abhijit and Singh, Ajit (2012): India has achieved creditable growth - letter to the Financial Times editor. Published in: Letter : Financial Times (20 June 2012)

Sheng, Andrew and Singh, Ajit (2013): Islamic Stock Markets in a Global Context. Published in: Economic Development and Islamic Finance: Directions in Development No. Chapter 10 (19 May 2013): 275 -296.

Sheng, Andrew and Singh, Ajit (2013): Islamic Finance Revisited: Conceptual and Analytical Issues from the Perspective of Conventional Economics. Published in: Economic Development and Islamic Finance: Directions in Development No. Chapter 2 (19 May 2013): pp. 67-92.

Singh, Ajit (2013): Competition, Competition Policy, Competitiveness, Globalisation and Development. Forthcoming in: Elgar Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development

Singh, Ajit (2013): Full Employment in Western Europe and the Regulatory Regime: An Institutional and Historical Analysis Together with a Commentary on Government as an Entrepreneur. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Law and Economics

Singh, Ajit (2011): Globalization, Openness and Economic Nationalism: Analytical and Conceptual Issues A Foreword to Globalization and Economic Nationalism in Asia. Published in: Globalization and Economic Nationalism in Asia by Anthony D'Costa (ed.) No. Foreword (June 2012): ii-xvi.

Singh, Ajit (2011): Financial globalisation and human development. Published in: Journal of Human Development , Vol. 13, No. 1 (2012): pp. 135-151.

Singh, Ajit (2011): The economic and financial crisis of 2008-2010: the international dimension. Published in: The Oxford handbook of the Political Economy of Financial Crisis (13 February 2013): pp. 213-229.

Singh, Ajit (2011): Addendum to India’s Economic Reforms and Development: Essays for Manmohan Singh. Published in: India’s Economic Reforms and Development: Essays for Manmohan Singh (10 May 2012)

Singh, Ajit (2010): Roots of disaffectation in Punjab - Comments on the book "Federalism, Nationalism and Development: India and the Punjab Economy " by Pritam Singh. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. XLVI, No. 5 (29 January 2011)

Singh, Ajit (2009): Tribute to Sanjaya Lall. Published in: International Journal of Institutions and Economics , Vol. 1, No. 1 (1 April 2009): pp. 6-7.

Singh, Ajit (2007): Globalisation, industrial revolutions in India and China and labour markets in advanced countries: implications for national and international economic policy. Published in: , Vol. WP81, No. Policy Integration Department Working Paper Series, International Labour Organisation (1 March 2007): pp. 1-48.

Singh, Ajit (2005): Lal Jayawardena (1934 – 2004) – a tribute on the first anniversary of his death. Published in: Development and Change , Vol. 36, No. 6 (1 November 2005): pp. 1219-1223.

Singh, Ajit (2004): Standing on the crossroads: The Indian economy in the 21st century. Published in: Annual Report, Banque de Luxembourg (1 September 2004): pp. 21-27.

Singh, Ajit (1994): How did East Asia grow so fast? Slow progress towards an analytical consensus. Published in: UNCTAD Discussion Paper , Vol. 97, (1 February 1995): pp. 1-58.

Singh, Ajit (2005): The Doha development agenda: what special and differential treatment? Published in: Gallagher, Kevin P. (ed) Putting Development First (1 October 2005): pp. 233-263.

Singh, Ajit (1998): Financial crisis in East Asia: "The end of the Asian model"? Published in: Issues in Development, ILO Discussion Paper No. No.24 (20 March 1998): pp. 1-30.

Singh, Ajit (1999): Global economic trends, development and social policy at Copenhagen plus five. Published in: Occasional Paper, UNRISD Geneva No. 9 (1 June 2000): pp. 1-71.

Singh, Ajit (1999): The role of employment and work in poverty eradication and empowerment and advancement of women.

Singh, Ajit (1995): "Close" vs. "Strategic" integration with the world economy and the "market friendly approach to development" vs. an "industrial policy".

Singh, Ajit (2001): Corporate financing patterns in emerging markets in the 1980s and the 1990s. Published in: Journal of Corporate Law Studies , Vol. 3, No. 1 (April 2003): pp. 41-72.

Singh, Ajit (1994): How East Asia grew so fast? slow progress towards an analytical consensus. Published in: UNCTAD Discussion Paper, Geneva No. 97 (1 February 1995): pp. 1-71.

Singh, Ajit (1991): The stock market and economic development: Should developing countries encourage stock markets? Published in: UNCTAD Review No. 4 (1 January 1993): pp. 1-74.

Singh, Ajit (1997): Savings, investment and the corporation in the East Asian miracle. Published in: Journal of Development Studies , Vol. 34, No. 6 (1 November 1998): pp. 112-137.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Financial liberalisation,stockmarkets and economic development. Published in: Economic Journal , Vol. 107, No. 442 (1 May 1997): pp. 771-782.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development. Published in: Economic and Social Development into the XXI Century, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC (1 January 1997): pp. 222-265.

Singh, Ajit (1999): Global unemployment, Long-run economic growth and labour market rigidities: a commentary. Published in: Special Contribution, in ‘Perspectives on Globalization and Employment, Dibroy’, B. (ed.), Office of Development Studies Discussion Paper Series, UNDP (1 December 1999): pp. 50-69.

Singh, Ajit (1999): Should Africa promote stock market capitalism? Published in: The Journal of International Development , Vol. 11, No. 3 (1 May 1999): pp. 343-367.

Singh, Ajit (1999): Globalisation, employment and sustainable economic growth: Europe and the Mediterranean region.

Singh, Ajit (1999): The role of employment and work in poverty eradication and empowerment and advancement of women. Published in: Special Report to the UN (1999): pp. 1-23.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Pension reform, the stock market, capital formation and economic growth: a critical commentary on the World Bank's proposals. Published in: International Social Security Review , Vol. 49, No. 3 (1 July 1996): pp. 21-44.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development. Published in: Economic and Social Development into the XXI Century, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC (1 January 1997): pp. 222-265.

Singh, Ajit (1995): How East Asia grew so fast? slow progress towards an analytical consensus. Published in: RIS Occasional Paper Series, New Delhi (1 June 1995): pp. 1-71.

Singh, Ajit (1991): The stock market and economic development: should developing countries encourage stock markets? Published in: UNCTAD Review (1 January 1993): pp. 1-74.

Singh, Ajit (1996): The stockmarket, the financing of corporate growth and Indian industrial development. Published in: Journal of International Finance, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 1-17 , Vol. 4, No. 2 (1 October 1996): pp. 1-17.

Singh, Ajit (1998): Asian capitalism and the financial crisis. Published in: International Capital Market: Systems in Transitions, John Eatwell and Lance Taylor (eds.), Oxford University Press (2002): pp. 339-368.

Singh, Ajit (1997): The future of urban employment. Published in: ILO Special Report, Urban Employment Series (28 July 1998): pp. 1-99.

Singh, Ajit (1994): Corporate financial patterns in industrialising economies: a comparative international study. Published in: IFC Technical Paper No. 2, World Bank, Washington, DC, (ISBN 0-8213-3231-7). (1995): pp. 1-34.

Singh, Ajit (1998): Review of the role of government in East Asian economic development, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997, Aoki, Kim and Okuno - Fujiwara (editors). Published in: Review article, Journal of Development Economics , Vol. 59, (1999): pp. 565-572.

Singh, Ajit (1997): Growth: its sources and consequences. Published in: Thompson, G. (ed.), Economic Dynamism in the Pacific Region: The Growth of Integration and Competitiveness, Routledge and Open University London and New York, No. Chapter 3 (1999): pp. 55-82.

Singh, Ajit (1995): Notes on the Pension Reform in Turkey: an interim report. Published in: Special Interim Report to the ILO (1 January 1996): pp. 1-11.

Singh, Ajit (1997): Globalisation and sustainable development: the employment challenge.

Singh, Ajit (1995): Emerging markets, industrialisation and economic development. Published in: Book Chapter in Sen, S., Financial Fragility, Debt and Economic Reforms, Macmillan, London and New York (1996): pp. 1-30.

Singh, Ajit (1994): The state and industrialisation in India: successes and failures and the lessons for the future. Published in: Book Chapter in Chang, H. and Rowthorn, R.E. (eds.), The Role of the State in Economic Change, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1995): pp. 170-186.

Singh, Ajit (1996): The Asia-Pacific developing countries and the new world trading system: a historical overview of emerging policy issues.

Singh, Ajit (1995): 'Openness' and the 'Market Friendly' approach to development: learning the right lessons from development experience. Published in: World Development , Vol. 22, No. 12 (1 December 1994): pp. 1811-1823.

Singh, Ajit (1995): Institutional requirements for full employment in advanced economies. Published in: International Labour Review , Vol. 135, No. 4-5 (December 1995): pp. 1-45.

Singh, Ajit (1996): Expanding employment in the global economy: the high road or the low road? Published in: Book Chapter in Arestis, P., Palma, G. and Sawyer, M. (eds.), Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt, Edward Elgar, London. (1996): pp. 1-20.

Singh, Ajit (1996): The post-Uruguay round world trading system, industrialisation, trade and development: implications for Asia-Pacific developing countries.

Singh, Ajit (1997): Savings, investment and the corporation in the East Asian miracle. Published in: Book Chapter in Y.Akyuz and R.Kozul-Wright (eds.), East Asian Development, London: Frank Cass (1999): pp. 1-44.

Singh, Ajit (1993): The Anglo-Saxon market for corporate control, the financial system and international competitiveness: notes for the Notre Dame conference on "strengthening U.S. competitiveness". Published in: Book Chapter in Howes, C. and Singh, A. (eds.), Competitiveness Matters, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor (2000): pp. 1-19.

Singh, Ajit and Singh, Alaka and Weisse, Bruce (2002): Corporate governance, competition, the new international financial architecture and large corporations in emerging markets. Published in: Management of Capital Flows: comparative experiences and implications for Africa No. UNCTAD (ed.) (1 April 2003): pp. 1-70.

Singh, Ajit and Singh, Alaka and Wiesse, Bruce (2000): Information technology, venture capital and the stock market. Published in: Department of Applied Economics Cambridge Discussion Papers in Accounting and Finance No. AF47 (1 December 2000): pp. 1-33.

Singh, Ajit and Singh, Gurmail (2013): Almost Steady East Asian Rise: Implications for Labour Markets and Income Distribution. Forthcoming in: Report for the International Labour Office (ILO) Regional Office for the Asia and the Pacific region, Bangkok (2014)

Singh, Ajit and Weisse, Bruce (1998): The Asian model: a crisis foretold. Published in: International Social Science Journal , Vol. 51, No. 160 (1 June 1999): pp. 203-215.

Singh, Ajit and Whittington, Geoffrey (1975): The Size and Growth of Firms. Published in: The Review of Economic Studies , Vol. 42, No. 1 : pp. 15-26.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (2010): The global economic and financial crisis: Which way forward? Published in: An Assessment of the Global Impact of the Financial Crisis (24 November 2010): pp. 36-59.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (2011): Globalisation, labour Standards and economic Development. Published in: The Handbook of Globalisation No. Second edition (29 June 2011): pp. 230-256.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (2000): The global labour standards controversy: critical issues for developing countries. Published in: South Centre No. South Perspectives (30 November 2000): pp. 1-101.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (1996): Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and for UNCTAD. Published in: South Centre Background Policy Research Paper, Geneva (1 January 1997): pp. 1-50.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (1996): Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and the UNCTAD. Published in: Special Report - South Centre Background Paper (1996): pp. 1-52.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (1997): Foreign direct investment, technology transfer to the South and competition for the North: towards co-operative institutional arrangements between the North and the South? Published in: Michie, J. and Smith, J. (eds.), Globalisation, Growth and Governance, Oxford University Press (1 May 1998): pp. 30-49.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Ann (1994): Employment and unemployment: North and South. Notes for a global development agenda for the 1990s. Published in: Book Chapter in Grieve-Smith, J. and Michie, J. (eds.), Managing the Global Economy, Oxford University Press (1995): pp. 93-110.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Josephine Ann (1997): Foreign direct investment, development and the new global economic order. A policy brief for the South. Published in: Policy Brief Book, South Centre (1 December 1997): pp. 1-86.

Singh, Ajit and Zammit, Josephine Ann (1999): International Capital Flows: Identifying the Gender Dimension. Published in: World Development , Vol. 28, No. No. 7 (1 July 2000): pp. 1249-1268.

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