Eliasson, Jonas and Fosgerau, Mogens (2013): Cost overruns and demand shortfalls – deception or selection? Forthcoming in: Transportation Research Part B
Eliasson, Jonas (2017): Congestion pricing. Published in: Cowie, J., and Ison, S. (eds.): Handbook of Transport Economics (2017)
Eliasson, Jonas and Fosgerau, Mogens (2019): Cost-benefit analysis of transport improvements in the presence of spillovers, matching and an income tax. Forthcoming in: Economics of Transportation
Eliasson, Jonas (2009): Forecasting travel time variability.
Eliasson, Jonas (2019): Distributional effects of congestion charges and fuel taxes.
Eliasson, Jonas (2019): Modelling reliability benefits. Published in: Transport Findings (March 2019)
Eliasson, Jonas and Savemark, Christian and Franklin, Joel (2020): The impact of land use effects in infrastructure appraisal. Forthcoming in: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2020)
Eliasson, Jonas (2023): Tillbaka till framtiden: en nygammal planprocess. Published in: Nyström, Johan (ed.) Vägval – fem tankar om framtidens planeringsmodell för Sveriges infrastruktur. No. Svenskt Näringsliv, Stockholm
Eliasson, Jonas (2023): Cost overruns in Swedish infrastructure projects.
Eliasson, Jonas (2024): Cost overruns of infrastructure projects – distributions, causes and remedies.
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