Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Browse by Authors

Group by: Date | Item ID
Number of items: 120.

March 1988

Freeman, Alan (1988): The Crash of '87. Published in: Capital and Class No. 34 (March 1988): pp. 33-41.

12 January 1991

Freeman, Alan (1991): National Accounts in Value Terms: The Social Wage and Profit Rate in Britain 1950-1986. Published in: Quantitative Marxism, Ed. Paul Dunne No. Book (1 March 1991)

Freeman, Alan (1991): Why Quantitative Marxism?

16 March 1994

Freeman, Alan (1994): Reappraising the classics - the case for a dynamic reformulation of the labour theory of value.

Freeman, Alan (1994): Value and the foundation of Economic Dynamics.

March 1995

Freeman, Alan (1995): Relative Surplus Value and Expanded Reproduction.

25 April 1995

Freeman, Alan (1995): Replacement Costs, Stocks and the Valuation of Inputs.

July 1995

Freeman, Alan (1995): Marx without Equilibrium. Published in: Capital and Class No. Issue number 56, Summer 1995 (July 1995): pp. 49-81.

September 1995

Freeman, Alan (1995): Negative net products with positive profits.


Freeman, Alan (1996): The Psychopathology of Walrasian Marxism. Published in: Freeman, A. and Guglielmo Carchedi 'Marx and non-equilibrium economics', Aldershot: Edward Elgar (1996): pp. 1-29.

April 1996

Freeman, Alan (1996): Price, value and profit – a continuous, general, treatment. Published in: Marx and Non-Equilibrium Economics (book) (April 1996): pp. 180-233.

July 1996

Freeman, Alan (1996): Die Armut von Nationen.

Freeman, Alan (1996): Mr Marx and the neoclassics.

30 November 1996

Freeman, Alan (1996): Ernest Mandel's Contribution to Economic Dynamics. Forthcoming in:


Freeman, Alan (1997): An endogenous profit rate cycle.

January 1997

Freeman, Alan (1997): The New Value debate and the birth of a paradigm. Published in: ASSA conference 1997 (January 1997)

6 November 1997

Freeman, Alan (1997): If they're so rich, why ain't they smart? Another prelude to the critique of economic theory. Published in: SSRN accepted papers series No. Paper 2217892 (14 February 2013)

16 November 1997

Freeman, Alan (1997): Electronic publishing: technical constraints with policy consequences. Published in: Proceedings of the 1997 CALECO (Computer-aided learning in Economics) conference. (1997)


Freeman, Alan (1998): The Material Roots of Western Racism. Published in: Eszmelet No. 1998 (1998): pp. 28-36.

Freeman, Alan (1998): A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.

Freeman, Alan (1998): The indeterminacy of price-value correlations: a comment on papers by Simo Mohun and Anwar Shaikh. Published in: Bellofiore, R (ed) Marxian Economics: a Reappraisal, Volume 2, pp139-162. Basingstoke: McMillan. ISBN 0 333 64411 5 (1998): pp. 139-162.

April 1998

Freeman, Alan (1998): Marx: The Spectre Haunting Economics.

June 1998

Freeman, Alan (1998): A dialogue concerning the two chief systems of value.

July 1998

Freeman, Alan (1998): Fixing up the world: GATT and the WTO. Published in: Labour Focus on Eastern Europe No. Number 59, 1998 (July 1998): pp. 74-93.

12 September 1998

Freeman, Alan (1998): Reply to some objections.

Freeman, Alan (1998): Time, the value of money and the quantification of value.

Freeman, Alan (1998): What happens in recessions? A value-theoretic approach to Liquidity Preference.

23 September 1998

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (1998): Simultaneous and Temporal Valuation Contrasted.

November 1998

Freeman, Alan (1998): What happens in crashes? a non-equilibrium, value-theoretic approach to liquidity preference.


Freeman, Alan (1999): Measuring the UK Economy. Published in: in Dorling, D. and Simpson, S. (1999) Statistics and Society,. London Arnold. ISBN 0 340 71994 X. (1999): pp. 361-369.

March 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): The limits of Ricardian value: law, contingency and motion in economics.

April 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): Between Two World Systems: A Response to David Laibman. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 17 (April 1999): pp. 241-248.

20 April 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): Value from Nowhere: a response to Dumenil and Levy (first submission).

10 May 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): Four endogenous market failures which (TSS) value explains better: Inequality, Unemployment, Crisis and Liquidity Preference.

June 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): The Emperor's Tailor: The Economists and the Crash of ‘98.

October 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): Measuring the UK Economy (Conference Paper).

November 1999

Freeman, Alan (1999): Crisis and the Poverty of Nations: Two Market Products Which Value Explains Better. Published in: HIstorical Materialism No. 5 (November 1999): pp. 29-77.

January 2000

Freeman, Alan and ryan, malcolm (2000): Space, computers and learning.

April 2000

Kliman, Andrew and Freeman, Alan (2000): Rejoinder to Duncan Foley and David Laibman. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 18 (April 2000): pp. 285-293.

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (2000): Two Concepts of Value, Two Rates of Profit, Two Laws of Motion. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 18 (April 2000): pp. 243-267.

Freeman, Alan (2000): Value, Price of Production and Market Price.

May 2000

Freeman, Alan (2000): Making Sense of the Rate of Profit.

June 2000

Freeman, Alan (2000): Has the empire struck back? ‘new paradigm’ globalisation or return to classical imperialism? Published in: Albritton, R, Makoto Itoh, Richard Westra and Alan Zuege (eds) Phases of Capitalist Development: Booms, Crises, and Globalization, London: McMillan. No. ISBN 0 33375 316 X (June 2000): pp. 195-215.

26 June 2000

Freeman, Alan (2000): Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit.

February 2001

Freeman, Alan (2001): The Godless Religion: Economics, Equilibrium, and the Copernican Revolution.

23 February 2001

Freeman, Alan (2001): Two Concepts of ‘Centre Of Gravity’: Commentary on Contributions by Gary Mongiovi and Fred Moseley.

1 April 2001

Freeman, Alan (2001): The Case for Simplicity: a Paradigm for the Political Economy of the 21st Century. Published in: The New Value Controversy (1 April 2001): pp. 55-66.

August 2001

Freeman, Alan (2001): Europe, the US and the world economy: Alan Greenspan’s search for a fifth Kondradieff.


Freeman, Alan (2002): Marx After Marx After Sraffa.

Freeman, Alan (2002): The present stage of globalisation.

May 2002

Freeman, Alan (2002): Valore e Marx: Perche sono importanti. Published in: Proteo No. 2001-2 (2002): pp. 52-61.

Freeman, Alan (2002): Value and Marx: why it matters. Published in: Proteo No. 2001-2 (2002): pp. 52-61.

September 2002

Freeman, Alan (2002): Marx after Marx after Sraffa.

Freeman, Alan (2002): The new political geography of poverty.

November 2002

Freeman, Alan (2002): Creativity: London's Core Business. Published in: Greater London Authority Working Paper No. Report 2 (June 2002)

11 December 2002

Freeman, Alan (2002): The new world order and the failure of globalisation.


Freeman, Alan (2003): Globalisation: economic stagnation and divergence. Published in: Pettifor, A (2003) Real World Economic Outlook, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, (2003): pp. 152-159.

Freeman, Alan (2003): When Things Go Wrong: the Political Economy of Market Breakdown. Published in: Westra; R and Alan Zuege (Eds) (2003) Value and the World Economy Today: Production; Finance and Globalization (2003): pp. 81-118.

July 2003

Freeman, Alan (2003): The Age of War: From World Market to World Conquest (English language version).

1 September 2003

Freeman, Alan and Urwin, Peter (2003): The GLA’s London Workforce Employment Series. Published in: Greater London Authority Economics Papers (1 September 2003)


Freeman, Alan (2004): The Inequality of Nations. Published in: Freeman, A, and Boris Kagarlitsky (eds) (2004) The Politics of Empire: Globalisation in crisis. London: Pluto Press. ISBN: 0 74532 183 6. No. 2004 (2004)

Freeman, Alan and Kagarlitsky, Boris (2004): World Empire - or a world of Empires? Published in: Freeman, A, and Boris Kagarlitsky (eds) (2004) The Politics of Empire: Globalisation in crisis. London: Pluto Press. ISBN: 0 74532 183 6. No. 2004 (2004)

April 2004

Freeman, Alan (2004): London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update. Published in: Greater London Authority Working Paper No. Report (April 2004)

May 2004

Freeman, Alan (2004): Geld. Published in: Historisch Kritisch Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Band 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit–Hegemonialapparat. No. Band 5 (May 2004)

Freeman, Alan (2004): Geld (Money). Published in: Historisch Kritisch Wörterbuch des Marxismus, Band 5: Gegenöffentlichkeit–Hegemonialapparat. No. Band 5 (May 2004)

1 June 2004

Freeman, Alan (2004): Measuring and Comparing World Cities. Published in: Greater London Authority Economics Papers (1 June 2004)

15 July 2004

Freeman, Alan (2004): Confronting the Evidence: Marx's Historians on the Falling Profit Rate.

8 August 2004

Freeman, Alan (2004): Value from Nowhere: a response to Dumenil and Levy (second submission).


Freeman, Alan (2005): Inclusion in a Polarised World.

1 March 2005

Freeman, Alan and Leticia, Veruete-McKay (2005): A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London. Published in: Greater London Authority Economics Papers (1 March 2005)

20 March 2005

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (2005): Beyond talking the talk: towards a critical pluralist practice. Published in: Post-Autistic Economics Review No. 40 (1 December 2006): pp. 26-53.

1 July 2005

Freeman, Alan (2005): Towards a common standard: comparing European and American cities. Published in: Greater London Authority Economics Working Papers No. 13 (1 July 2005)


Freeman, Alan (2006): Die Himmel über uns: Über die Bedeutung des Gleichgewichts für die Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Published in: EXIT! Krise und Kritik der Warengesellschaft No. 3 (2006): pp. 212-241.

April 2006

Kliman, Andrew and Freeman, Alan (2006): Replicating Marx: a Reply to Mohun. Published in: Capital and Class No. 88 (April 2006): pp. 117-123.

1 May 2006

Freeman, Alan and Leticia, Veruete-McKay (2006): A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London (2006). Published in: Greater London Authority Living Wage Unit (1 May 2006)

July 2006

Freeman, Alan (2006): An Invasive Metaphor: the Concept of Centre of Gravity in Economics.

26 November 2006

Freeman, Alan and Cheshire, Paul (2006): Defining and Measuring Metropolitan Regions: a rationale.

1 March 2007

Freeman, Alan and Leticia, Veruete-McKay (2007): A Fairer London: The Living Wage in London (2007). Published in: Greater London Authority Living Wage Unit (1 March 2007)

April 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): London’s Creative Sector: 2007 Update. Published in: Greater London Authority Working Paper No. 22 (April 2007)

7 April 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): The GLA’s interim metro area dataset. Published in: Greater London Authority Economics Working Papers No. 21 (1 April 2007)

1 June 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): Defining and Measuring Metropolitan Regions. Published in: Greater London Authority Working Paper 1 , Vol. 1, (1 June 2007)

2 June 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): Catechism versus pluralism: the heterodox response to the national undergraduate curriculum proposed by the UK Quality Assurance Authority.

September 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): Explaining national inequality: the relevance of Marx and the irrelevance of equilibrium.

Freeman, Alan (2007): The modernity of backwardness.

November 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): Money, Labour and Logic: A Critical Comparison. Published in: Critique of Political Economy No. 1 (12 August 2011): pp. 152-175.

30 December 2007

Freeman, Alan (2007): The discontents of Marxism. Published in: Debatte , Vol. 16, No. 1 (April 2008): pp. 121-131.

January 2008

Freeman, Alan and Kliman, Andrew (2008): Simultaneous Valuation vs. the Exploitation Theory of Profit: A summing up. Published in: Capital and Class No. 94 (January 2008)

19 March 2008

Freeman, Alan (2008): London: a Cultural Audit. Forthcoming in: : pp. 4-84.

26 March 2008

Freeman, Alan (2008): Benchmarking and understanding London’s Cultural and Creative Industries. Published in: Conference Board of Canada, proceedings of the Ottawa/Gatineau conference on creative industries (26 March 2008)

8 June 2008

Freeman, Alan (2008): Datapedia: a Yellow Brick Roadmap.

31 October 2008

Freeman, Alan (2008): Creativity in the Age of the Internet.

December 2008

Freeman, Alan (2008): Submission from the Association for Heterodox Economics to the International Benchmarking Review on Research Assessment. Published in: On the Horizon , Vol. 16,4, No. Special issue on Publishing, Refereeing, Rankings, and the Future of Heterodox Economics (December 2008)

1 December 2008

Freeman, Alan (2008): The Poverty of Statistics. Forthcoming in: Third World Quarterly , Vol. 30, No. 8 (1 December 2009)

1 February 2009

Freeman, Alan (2009): Investing In Civilization. Published in: Bailouts and Bankruptcies (15 February 2009)

8 February 2009

Freeman, Alan (2009): How much is enough?

24 February 2009

Freeman, Alan and Desai, Radhika (2009): How Bad is US Unemployment?

17 March 2009

Freeman, Alan (2009): What makes the US Profit Rate Fall?

April 2009

Freeman, Alan (2009): London's cultural and creative industries – 2010 update. Published in: Greater London Authority Working Paper No. Working Paper 40 (June 2010)

Bakhshi, Hasan and Freeman, Alan and Hitchen, Graham (2009): Measuring intrinsic value – how to stop worrying and love economics. Published in: Mission Money Models Web publication (April 2008)

14 June 2009

Freeman, Alan (2009): The Economists of Tomorrow.

7 November 2009

Freeman, Alan (2009): Marxism without Marx: a note towards a critique. Published in: Capital and Class , Vol. 34, (February 2010): pp. 84-97.

1 January 2010

Bakhshi, Hasan and Freeman, Alan and Desai, Radhika (2010): Not Rocket Science: A Roadmap for Arts and Cultural R&D. Published in: Mission Money Models Web publication (1 January 2010)

2 June 2010

Freeman, Alan (2010): Crisis and ‘law of motion’ in economics: a critique of positivist Marxism. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 26 (2010): pp. 211-250.

2 July 2010

Freeman, Alan (2010): What Causes Booms?

7 December 2010

Freeman, Alan (2010): Trends in Value Theory since 1881. Published in: World Review of Political Economy , Vol. 1, No. 4 (30 December 2010): pp. 567-605.

17 February 2011

Desai, Radhika and Freeman, Alan (2011): Value and Crisis Theory in the 'Great Recession'. Published in: World Review of Political Economy , Vol. 2, No. 1 (30 April 2011): pp. 35-47.

10 March 2011

Freeman, Alan (2011): Association for Heterodox Economics Submission to UK Science and Technology Parliamentary Select Committee on peer review.

17 June 2011

Freeman, Alan (2011): Crisis, Marxism, and Economic Laws: A Response to Gary Mongiovi. Published in: Research in Political Economy No. 27 (17 June 2011): pp. 285-296.

1 July 2012

Freeman, Alan (2012): The Profit Rate in the Presence of Financial Markets: a Necessary Correction. Published in: Journal of Australian Political Economy No. 70 (30 July 2012): pp. 167-192.

2 April 2013

Freeman, Alan (2013): Culture, Labour, and Resources: Principles of a Practical Alternative Growth Path.

20 April 2013

Freeman, Alan (2013): The Road out of Crisis and the Policy Choices Facing Russia.

1 May 2013

Freeman, Alan (2013): The Road to Market Serfdom: Why Economics is Not a Science and How to Fix it.

6 May 2013

Freeman, Alan (2013): Learning from the makers of history: Bolshevism, Bolivarianism, and the Legacy of Hugo Chavez. Forthcoming in: America Latina XXI (web edition) No. web edition (2013)

22 July 2013

Kliman, Andrew and Freeman, Alan and Potts, Nick and Gusev, Alexey and Cooney, Brendan (2013): The Unmaking of Marx’s Capital: Heinrich’s Attempt to Eliminate Marx’s Crisis Theory. Published in: SSRN Working Papers Series (22 July 2013): pp. 1-20.

7 February 2015

Freeman, Alan (2015): The Course of the Profit Rate.

3 June 2015

Freeman, Alan (2015): Going for the Juglar: Keynes, Schumpeter and the Theoretical Crisis of Economics.

14 June 2015

Freeman, Alan (2015): Heavens above: what equilibrium means for economics. With an appendix on temporality, equilibrium, endogeneity and exogeneity, in the inductive sciences and in economics.

September 2015

Freeman, Alan (2015): Social Structures of disaccumulation: a 101 on the rate of profit and the cause of crisis.


Freeman, Alan (2016): The Whole of the Storm: Money, debt and crisis in the current Long Depression. Published in: Marxism 21 , Vol. 13, No. No 2 (July 2016): pp. 190-224.

14 September 2017

Freeman, Alan (2017): Introduction to Michel Husson's 'Value and price: a critique of neo-Ricardian claims'. Published in: Capital and Class , Vol. 42, No. Vol 42, Issue 3, 2018 (1 October 2018): pp. 509-516.

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