Langlais, Eric (2005): Indemnisation des préjudices et fréquence des procès en présence d'une asymétrie d'informaion sur l'aversion au risque des parties.
Langlais, Eric (2006): Detection avoidance and deterrence: some paradoxical arithmetics.
Langlais, Eric (2006): Criminals and risk attitude.
Langlais, Eric (2007): Too much or not enough crimes? On the ambiguous effects of repression.
Chopard, Bertrand and Langlais, Eric (2007): Renégociation stratégique de la dette, risque comptable et risque juridique.
Deffains, Bruno and Langlais, Eric (2007): Informational externalities and informational sharing in class action suits.
Brunette, Marielle and Couture, Stéphane and Langlais, Eric (2007): Hedging Strategies in Forest Management.
Langlais, Eric (2008): Cognitive dissonance, risk aversion and the pretrial negotiation impasse.
Langlais, Eric (2008): Le "risque judiciaire" et les licenciements en France: le point de vue de l'économie du risque.
Chopard, Bertrand and Cortade, Thomas and Langlais, Eric (2008): Trial and settlement negotiations between asymmetrically skilled parties.
Darri-Mattiacci, Giuseppe and Langlais, Eric (2008): Social wealth and optimal care.
Langlais, Eric (2008): Deterrence of a criminal team: how to rely on its members' shortcomings?
Deffains, Bruno and Langlais, Eric (2008): Legal Interpretative Process and Litigants’ Cognitive Biases.
Langlais, Eric (2009): On unilateral divorce and the "selection of marriages" hypothesis.
Brunette, Marielle and Couture, Stéphane and Langlais, Eric (2009): Amenities and Risk in Forest Management.
Chopard, Bertrand and Langlais, Eric (2009): Défaut de paiement stratégique et loi sur les défaillances d'entreprises.
Hauret, Laetitia and Langlais, Eric and Sonntag, Carine (2009): On the deterrent effect of individual versus collective liability in criminal organizations.
Langlais, Eric (2009): les criminels aiment-ils le risque ?
Langlais, Eric (2010): An analysis of bounded rationality in judicial litigations: the case with loss/disappointment averses plaintiffs.
Deffains, Bruno and Langlais, Eric (2010): Informational Externalities and Settlements in Mass Tort Litigations. Forthcoming in: European Journal of Law and Economics , Vol. 30, No. 2&3 (October 2010)
Langlais, Eric (2010): Safety and the Allocation of Costs in Large Accidents.
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