Paudel, Bikash and Rana, Ram B and Sthapit, Bhuwon R and Maharjan, Shree Kumar and Shrestha, Anuja and Shrestha, Pitambar and Gurung, Asha Ram and Regmi, Bimal Raj and Basnet, Arjun and Adhikari, Anu (2012): Determinants of agriculture biodiversity in Western Terai landscape complex of Nepal.
Paudel, Bikash and Pandit, Januka and Reed, Brinton (2013): Fragmentation and conversion of agriculture land in Nepal and Land Use Policy 2012.
Paudel, Bikash and Sthapit, Sajal (2013): Empowering Rights-holders and Facilitating Duty-bearers to Secure Farmers’ Rights in Nepal. Published in: The Right to Responsibility: Resisting and Engaging Development, Conservation, and the Law in Asia (2013)
Paudel, Bikash and Shrestha, Pitambar and Tamang, B B and Shrestha, Pratap Kumar (2010): Taking a Community Biodiversity Management Approach to ABS in Local Communities: The Nepal Experience. Published in: Square Bracket - l legal instrument, the pro- visions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) No. 3 (May 0201): pp. 10-12.
Paudel, Bikash and Tamang, B B and Lamsal, Krishna and Paudel, Pratima (2011): Planning and costing of agricultural adaptation with reference to integrated hill farming systems in Nepal. Published in: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Report (2011): pp. 1-45.
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