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Items where Subject is "A29 - Other"

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Number of items at this level: 28.


Abatemarco, Antonio and Dell'Anno, Roberto (2011): Certainty equivalent citation: generalized classes of citation indexes. Forthcoming in:

Aithal, Sreeramana and Aithal, Shubhrajyotsna (2020): Promoting Faculty and Student-Centered Research and Innovation based Excellence Model to Reimage Universities. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 1 (19 March 2020): pp. 24-41.

Albers, Scott (2013): Foundations of the economic and social history of the United States: Metaphysical.


bouoiyour, jamal (2009): La formation professionnelle en Tunisie: Forces et faiblesses. Published in: FEMISE No. FEM 31-023 (May 2008): pp. 1-13.


Cebula, Richard and Toma, Michael (2000): The Effect of Classroom Games on Student Learning and Instructor Evaluations. Published in: Journal of Economics and Finance Education , Vol. 1, No. 2 (4 February 2002): pp. 1-10.


Freeman, Alan (1997): Electronic publishing: technical constraints with policy consequences. Published in: Proceedings of the 1997 CALECO (Computer-aided learning in Economics) conference. (1997)

Freeman, Alan and ryan, malcolm (2000): Space, computers and learning.


Georgieva, Daniela (2019): Мобилност на студенти в дистанционна форма на обучение по примера на Международно Висше Бизнес Училище – Ботевград, България. Published in: Иновации и предприемачество в образованието и бизнеса, МВБУ, Ботевград (2019): pp. 48-57.

Georgieva, Daniela (2019): Erasmus + (key action 1) mobility of students in distance learning programs. Empirical analysis based on the example of International Business School - Botevgrad, Bulgaria.

Grimes, Paul W. and Millea, Meghan J. and Campbell, Randall C. (2009): The transition to market-based economic education: evaluating program effectiveness in Kazakhstan. Published in: Perspectives on Economic Education Research , Vol. Volume, (2009): pp. 33-59.


Islahi, Abdul Azim (2009): Teaching Islamic finance in madaris – need, difficulties and solutions. Published in: Teaching Islamic Economics and finance at Islamic Schools in India, New Delhi, Ifa Publications, edited by Ausaf Ahmad (2010): pp. 51-68.


Kaluzhsky, Mikhail (2002): Региональные приоритеты открытого образования. Published in: Федеральные и региональные про¬блемы образования и пути их решения в системах открытого образования: Мате¬риалы региональной научно-практической конференции. (2002): pp. 88-93.

Kannan, Srinivasan (2010): Rebordering the borders created by multidisciplinary sciences: A study.

Kormiltseva, Elena (2003): Психологические особенности студенческой молодежи. Published in: Становление личности будущего врача: Материалы четвертой региональной научно-практической и методической конференции (29 April 2003): pp. 81-83.


L. M., Madhushree and Reddy, Bhuvana and Aithal, Sreeramana (2020): Impact of COVID-19 on Redefining the Services of Educational Institutions using Ubiquitous Technology. Published in: International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) , Vol. 5, No. 2 (31 October 2020): pp. 266-282.

Lallmahomed, Naguib and Taubert, Peter (1989): What can we learn from univariate time series models? The case of sugar production in Mauritius 1879-1987. Published in: Bulletin du GREED, Groupe de Recherche en Economie de Developpement, Universite de Paris I (Pentheon-Sorbonne) , Vol. No. 10, No. February 1989 (23 February 1989): pp. 39-51.


Mohamed, Issam A.W. (2011): إستعراض للموقف في الصومال ، الجشع ، الاستعمار والآثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية.


Nikolov, Plamen (2020): Writing Tips for Economics Research Papers.


Okotori, Tonprebofa and Ayunku, Peter (2020): Banking Reforms and Deposit Money Banks Profitability in Nigeria.


RAVELOJAONA, RAVELOJAONA Nasandratra and RATOVOHERINAVALONA, Zafinjaka RATOVOHERINAVALONA and RABEMIAFARA, RABEMIAFARA Ruffin Michel (2025): Pauvreté, civisme et éducation à Madagascar.

Rena, Ravinder (2005): VALUE-BASED EDUCATION FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT – ERITREAN PERSPECTIVE. Published in: Essays in Education , Vol. 18, No. Fall (November 2006): pp. 1-7.


Suchánek, Petr (2007): Overview of Potential Problematic Fields and Experience With Respect to Implementation of E-Learning in a Company and School Environment in the Czech Republic. Published in: Georgian Electronic Scientific Journals , Vol. No.1(1, No. 2007 (30 June 2006): pp. 41-44.

Suchánek, Petr (2008): Výuka webových technologií v souvislosti s potřebami podnikatelského prostředí a státní správy. Published in: Sborník příspěvků mezinárodní vědecké konference - Čtyři roky členství zemí střední a východní Evropy v Evropské unii (14 May 2008): pp. 704-710.


Tendero, Julieta (2000): Hemispheric dominance and language proficiency levels in the four macro skills of Western Mindanao State university college students.


Vaněk, Jindřich and Suchánek, Petr (2001): Nová ekonomika mění požadavky na vzdělávání na vysokých školách. Published in: Rozvoj regionů v integrující se Evropě u příležitosti 10. Výročí založení Slezské univerzity v Opavě No. 80-7248-121-5 (26 September 2001): pp. 631-639.

Vymetal, Dominik (2008): ICT ve veřejné správě a SMB sektoru: Čtyři roky nových výzev. Published in: Proceedings of Conference "Four years of Central and Eastern Europeann countires in the European Union: the effects and new calls for the national and regional labour markets , Vol. ISBN 9, (16 May 2008): pp. 897-906.


Yakovleva, Elena (2011): Проблемы повышения эффективности и качества вузовской библиотеки. Published in: Роль библиотеки в формировании специалиста XXI века : материалы межвуз. науч.-практ. конф.; 110-летнему юбилею ОмГУПС посвящается. – Омск, 2011. (2011): pp. 29-33.

Yamamura, Eiji and Kang, Myong-Il and Ikeda, Shinsuke (2020): Effect of female elementary-school homeroom teachers on time preferences in adulthood.

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