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Items where Subject is "J48 - Public Policy"

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Number of items at this level: 39.


Afful, Efua Amoonua (2014): Does Employment Protection Legislation Induce Structural Unemployment? Evidence from 15 OECD Countries.

Agovino, Massimiliano (2013): Do “good neighbors” enhance regional performances in including disabled people in the labour market? A spatial Markov chain approach.


Azuara, Oliver and Marinescu, Ioana (2011): Informality and the expansion of social protection programs.


Bashevska, Marija (2014): "Политиките на пазарот на труд и сиромаштијата во Македонија, 2008 - 2013".

Bayari, Celal (2011): The Japanese Management and Production System in Australia Recruitment, Training and Bonus in Japanese Hybrid Factories. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings. , Vol. 14, No. 14 (26 November 2011): pp. 331-336.

Bayari, Celal (2014): Labour-centred Politics and Judicial Institutionalisation: The Lineaments of an Early Proto-Regulatory State Model in Australia. Published in: Discourses on Global Studies , Vol. 1, No. 4 (14 September 2014): pp. 42-60.

Bayari, Celal (2012): The Origin of Minimum Wage Determination in Australia: The Political and Legal Institutions. Published in: Journal of Global Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1 (1 December 2012): pp. 163-198.

Beleva, Iskra (2016): Labour Market Policies for Encouraging Economic Activity and Labour Productivity in Bulgaria.

Beleva, Iskra (2015): Labour Market Policies for Increasing Economic Activity and Labour Productivity in Bulgaria. Forthcoming in:

Beleva, Iskra (2015): The contribution of operational program "Human Resource Development 2007-2013" for encouraging employment and labour productivity in Bulgaria.

Bertranou, Fabio and Casanova, Luis (2015): Employment Formalization in Argentina: Recurring and New Challenges for Public Policies.


Cabrera, José María and Cid, Alejandro and Veneri, Federico (2022): Hot Spots, Patrolling Intensity, and Robberies: Lessons from a three-year program in Uruguay.

Castro, Alyssa Mae and Deluna, Roperto Jr (2013): Factors Affecting Call Center as a Job Preference among Employees in Davao City.

Cebula, Richard (1982): Administering Foreign-Worker Programs. Published in: Southern Economic Journal , Vol. 49, No. 3 (25 January 1983): pp. 879-880.

Chakraborty, Lekha S and Singh, Yadawendra (2018): Fiscal Policy, as the “Employer of Last Resort”: Impact of Direct fiscal transfer (MGNREGA) on Labour Force Participation Rates in India.

Christl, Michael and Köppl Turyna, Monika and Kucsera, Denes (2015): Employment effects of minimum wages in Europe revisited.

Cogliandro, Gisell and Ariel, Melamud (2010): Análisis del Gasto Público Social en el Presupuesto Nacional 2010. Published in: Fundación Siena Website , Vol. 1, No. Documento de Trabajo (2010): 01-56.


Fleming, David and Komarek, Timothy and Partridge, Mark and Measham, Thomas (2015): The Booming Socioeconomic Impacts of Shale: A Review of Findings and Methods in the Empirical Literature.


Grigorescu, Adriana (2006): Public and private affairs marketing in rural tourism development. Published in: Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. Rijeka, Croaţia, No. ISBN 953-6198-89-4 (May 2006): pp. 381-388.


Hossain, Md. Mobarak (2021): Relationship Between Health Insurance and Self-employment: A Systematic Review.


Karpov, Valery (2010): Основные направления развития трудового потенциала в условиях рынка труда Сибири. Published in: Инновационный бизнес региона: актуальные проблемы развития: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции в рамках Международного экономического форума «Человеческий капитал – ключевой ресурс модернизации Российской экономики» (2010): pp. 72-75.

Kuriakose, Francis and Kylasam Iyer, Deepa (2018): Job Polarisation in India: Structural Causes and Policy Implications. Forthcoming in: Indian Journal of Labour Economics


Manheim, David (2023): Building less-flawed metrics: Understanding and creating better measurement and incentive systems. Published in: Patterns , Vol. 4, No. 10 (13 October 2023)

Mason, Patrick L. (2010): Assessing difference: examining Florida’s initial teacher preparation programs and exploring alternative specifications of value-added models.

Mason, Patrick L. (2010): “Does teacher preparation matter? pupil academic achievement and teacher’s college preparation”.

Mason, Patrick L. (2010): Examining FAMU’s supply of teachers: a value-added analysis of college of preparation on pupil academic achievement.

Merz, Joachim and Stolze, Henning and Zwick, Markus (2006): Wirkungen alternativer Steuerreformmodelle auf die Einkommensverteilung von Freien und anderen Berufen.

Moniz, António and Dinis, Marco (1996): Study of Instruments and Tools to Anticipate the Effects of Industrial Change - Portuguese report.

Moniz, António and Kovács, Ilona and Vicente, Duarte and Ramos, Ana R. (2000): Fisheries Development and Fisheries Dependent Communities in Portugal: Socio-Economic Change and Strategic Planning. Published in: David Symes (ed.): Fisheries Dependent Regions, London, Fishing News Books (February 2000): pp. 143-153.

Moniz, António and Woll, Tobias (2007): Main features of the labour policy in Portugal. Published in: IET Working Papers Series No. 02 (November 2007): pp. 1-13.


Rodriguez-Oreggia, Eduardo and Cardozo-Medeiros, Diego and Parra-Diaz, Pedro Pablo (2014): Measuring a Territorial Labor Market Development Index.


Savioli, Marco (2009): Il tirocinio per gli studenti di Economia di Rimini: matching di volontà reciproche? Published in: Sistemaeconomico No. 1 (January 2009): pp. 5-19.

Schlauch, Michael (2014): The Integrative Analysis of Economic Ecosystems: Reviewing labour market policies with new insights from permaculture and systems theory.

Simeonova-Ganeva, Ralitsa (2005): Human Capital Formation during Communism and Transition: Evidence from Bulgaria.

Stukach, Victor and Marus, Julia (2006): Инфраструктура аграрного рынка труда региона: методы анализа, эффективность функционирования, развитие институтов, воспроизводственный процесс. Published in: Издательство Омского государственного аграрного университета , Vol. 136, No. Проблемы развития регионального АПК (2006): p. 173.


Tacsir, Ezequiel (2009): Elección de ocupación: factores personales y aspectos sociales. Published in: Las Universidades frente a las Demandas Sociales y Productivas (2009): pp. 245-273.

Taiwo, Kayode (2024): Teachers’ Retirement Age Act: Tenure and Teacher Quality in Nigeria. Forthcoming in: The Social and Management Scientists , Vol. 1 & 2, No. 16 (2024): pp. 1-14.

Tiwari, Aviral (2010): On the dynamics of energy consumption and employment in public and private sector.

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