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Items where Subject is "L62 - Automobiles ; Other Transportation Equipment ; Related Parts and Equipment"

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Number of items at this level: 89.


Andrikopoulos, Athanasios and Markellos, Raphael. N (2012): Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles.

Attila Havas, Attila (1995): Hungarian car parts industry at a cross-roads: Fordism versus lean production. Published in: Emergo , Vol. 2, No. 3 (1995): pp. 33-55.


Bae, Yong-Kyun (2011): Primary Seat Belt Laws and Offsetting Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Individual Accident Data.

Bae, Yong-Kyun and Benitez-Silva, Hugo (2013): Information Transmission and Vehicle Recalls: The Role and Regulation of Recall Notification Letters.

Basov, Suren and Danilkina, Svetlana and Prentice, David (2009): When does variety increase with quality?

Bayari, Celal (2001): How Does Labour Work Now? A Quantitative Survey of Labour Practices in Japanese Multinationals Post 1996 Workplace Relations Act (Commonwealth). Published in: Proceedings of the 2001 Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference No. 2001 (1 December 2001): pp. 1-14.

Bayari, Celal (2004): Japanese Business in Australia: A Management Survey of Industry Interaction with Locational Factors. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 30, No. 2004 (1 December 2004): pp. 119-149.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Hybrid Factories in Australia: Analysing Labor Relations and Reflecting on the Work of Tetsuo Abo. Published in: Euro Asia Journal of Management , Vol. 20, No. 39 (2) (1 December 2010): pp. 111-134.

Bayari, Celal (2011): The Japanese Management and Production System in Australia Recruitment, Training and Bonus in Japanese Hybrid Factories. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings. , Vol. 14, No. 14 (26 November 2011): pp. 331-336.

Bayari, Celal (2010): Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation. Published in: Annual Convention of Japanese Association of Administrative Science Proceedings , Vol. 13, (12 October 2010): pp. 369-374.

Bayari, Celal (2008): Japanese auto manufacturers in the Australian market and the government industry assistance spending. Published in: The Otemon Journal of Australian Studies , Vol. 34, No. 34 (1 December 2008): pp. 87-107.


Cecchini, Kerlyng and Guilhoto, Joaquim José Martins and Hewings, Geoffrey J.D. and Chokri, Dridi (2007): Brazilian automotive industry in the nineties.


Ekizceleroglu, Caner (2011): Türkiye’de Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Bilgi Yoğun Malların Dış Ticareti (1969-2009). Published in: Marmara University Journal of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences , Vol. XXX, No. I (1 June 2011): pp. 209-228.


Fantazzini, Dean and Toktamysova, Zhamal (2015): Forecasting German Car Sales Using Google Data and Multivariate Models. Forthcoming in: International Journal of Production Economics (2015)

Friberg, Richard and Huse, Cristian (2012): How to use demand systems to evaluate risky projects, with an application to automobile production.

Frigant, Vincent and Miollan, Stéphane (2014): The geographical restructuring of the European automobile industry in the 2000s.

Frigant, Vincent and Zumpe, Martin (2014): Are automotive global production networks becoming more global? Comparison of regional and global integration processes based on auto parts trade data.

Frigant, Vincent and Zumpe, Martin (2014): The persistent heterogeneity of trade patterns: A comparison of four European Automotive Global Production Networks.


Gavazza, Alessandro (2010): Leasing and Secondary Markets: Theory and Evidence from Commercial Aircraft.

Gavazza, Alessandro (2010): The role of trading frictions in real asset markets.

Gavazza, Alessandro and Lizzeri, Alessandro and Rokestkiy, Nikita (2012): A quantitative analysis of the used-car market.


Habibifar, Saeed and Kashaninia, Alireza and Farokhi, Fardad (2017): Robot path planning in a dynamic and unknown environment based on Colonial Competitive Algorithm (CCA) and fuzzy logic. Published in: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , Vol. 04, No. 10 (October 2017): pp. 1677-1682.

Havas, Attila (2010): Diversity in firms’ innovation strategies and activities: Main findings of interviews and implications in the context of the Hungarian national.

Havas, Attila (1998): International Co-operative Agreements in Hungary in the mid-1990s: Evolution, organisational forms and industry characteristics.

Havas, Attila (2007): The Interplay between Innovation and Production Systems at Various Levels: The case of the Hungarian automotive industry.

Havas, Attila (2006): Private Sector R&D in the New Member States: Hungary.

Herz, Benedikt and Mejer, Malwina (2020): The effect of design protection on price and price dispersion: Evidence from automotive spare parts.

Herz, Benedikt and Mejer, Malwina (2020): The effect of design protection on price and price dispersion: Evidence from automotive spare parts.

Huse, Cristian (2014): Fast and Furious (and Dirty): How Asymmetric Regulation May Hinder Environmental Policy.

Huse, Cristian and Koptyug, Nikita (2016): Bailing on the car that wasn’t bailed out: bounding consumer reactions to financial distress.

Huse, Cristian and Lucinda, Claudio (2013): The Market Impact and the Cost of Environmental Policy: Evidence from the Swedish Green Car Rebate. Forthcoming in: Economic Journal


Jakhotiya, Girish (2019): A critical evaluation of the economics of Indian automobile industry.


Ketabdar, Milad and Strom, Kyle and Qian, Qin (2015): A Literature Review on the Sediment Transport Process in Shallow-Grade Culverts and Storm Sewers. Published in: ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference (March 2015)

Kincses, Áron and Tóth, Géza and Tömöri, Mihály and Michalkó, Gábor (2017): Characteristics of transit tourism in Hungary with a focus on expenditure. Published in: Regional Statistics , Vol. 6, No. 2 (February 2017): pp. 129-148.

Kirkpatrick, Colin and Raihan, Selim and Bleser, Adam and Prud'homme, Dan and Mayrand, Karel and Morin, Jean Frederic and Pollitt, Hector and Hinojosa, Leonith and Williams, Michael (2011): Trade sustainability impact assessment (SIA) on the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada: Final report. Published in: European Commission Trade Assessments (September 2011)

Kleinbaum, Rob and McManus, Walter (2009): Fixing Detroit: how far, how fast, how fuel-efficient.

Klößner, Stefan and Pfeifer, Gregor (2018): Synthesizing Cash for Clunkers: Stabilizing the Car Market, Hurting the Environment?

Krammer, Sorin M.S. (2015): The role of diversification profiles and dyadic characteristics in the formation of technological alliances: Differences between exploitation and exploration in a low-tech industry.


Lampón, Jesús F. and Cabanelas, Pablo and Frigant, Vincent (2017): The new automobile modular platforms: from the product architecture to the manufacturing network approach.

Lampón, Jesús F. and Lago-Peñas, Santiago (2013): Factors behind international relocation and changes in production geography in the European automobile components industry.

Li, Yumin and Li, Shiyuan and Li, Guodong and Liu, Minquan (2020): Low-Carbon Incentives and the Diffusion for New Energy Vehicles: Evidence from Shanghai.

Luo, Zunian (2022): Powering up a slow charging market: how do government subsidies affect charging station supply?


METAXAS, THEODORE and NIKOU, RANIA (2020): Tax competition in EU and USA: A comparative analysis of the automotive and telecommunication industries.

Machado, Tiago and Moniz, António (2003): Assembling Toyota in Portugal. Published in: GERPISA International Colloquium proceedings No. 11 (2003): pp. 1-11.

Machado, Tiago and Moniz, António (2005): Models and Practices in the Motor Vehicle Industry – contrasting cases from the Portuguese experience.

McManus, Walter (2006): Can proactive fuel economy strategies help automakers mitigate fuel price risk?

McManus, Walter (2007): Economic analysis of feebates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from light vehicles for California.

McManus, Walter (2007): The link between gasoline prices and vehicle sales:economic theory trumps conventional Detroit wisdom. Published in: Business Economics , Vol. 42, No. 1 (January 2007): pp. 54-60.

Miguez, Thiago and Willcox, Luiz Daniel and Daudt, Gabriel (2015): The capital goods industry: diagnosis of the 2000-2012 period and perspectives based on the Brazilian economic scenario. Published in: BNDES Setorial No. 42 (September 2015): pp. 297-336.

Mogens, Fosgerau (2016): A regression model of product differentiation.

Mohelsky, Lukas (2010): Eastern Europe shifts second gear. Published in: Trendy v mezinárodním podnikání (26 June 2010): pp. 228-243.

Moniz, António (2006): Competitividade no sector automóvel e formas inovadoras de gestão do emprego em Portugal.

Moniz, António (2004): Discussão de temas de cenarização para a indústria automóvel para aplicação do método Delphi em Portugal. Published in: WorTiS Research Reports No. RPT_DELPHI_05 (June 2004): pp. 1-17.

Moniz, António (2004): Elementos para o estudo de um caso de sucesso na montagem automóvel em Portugal: a Opel Portugal. Published in: WorTiS Report Papers No. RPT_SIOT_07 (2003): pp. 1-26.

Moniz, António (2007): Futuros da indústria automóvel: Qual a sua importância para a definição do produto, modelos de produção e estratégias de mobilidade? Published in: Actas dos ateliers do Vº Congresso Português de Sociologia (May 2004): pp. 1-11.

Moniz, António (1996): Novos modelos de produção na indústria automóvel? Análise de uma fábrica de motores em Portugal. Published in: Actas do Congresso Luso-Afro_Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro , Vol. 4, (July 1996): pp. 1-9.

Moniz, António (2004): Resultados provisórios do exercício Delphi WorTiS (1ª fase). Published in: WorTiS Research Reports No. RPT_DELPHI_06 (August 2004): pp. 1-25.

Moniz, António (1994): The automobile sector and the organisation of the industrial space: the case of Setúbal Region (Portugal).

Moniz, António and Kovács, Ilona (2000): CONDITIONS OF INTER-FIRM CO-OPERATION IN A VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE CONCEPT : THE CASE OF AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR IN PORTUGAL. Published in: Proceedings Rencontre International GERPISA No. 8 (2000): pp. 1-8.

Moniz, António and Krings, Bettina and Van Hootegem, Geert and Huys, Rik (2001): Technological practices in the European auto industry: Exploring cases from Belgium, Germany and Portugal. Published in: Proceedings Rencontre International GERPISA No. 9 (June 2001): pp. 1-23.

Moniz, António and Machado, Tiago (2001): Novos Modelos de Produção na Indústria Automóvel Algumas Interrogações. Published in: Actas do Encontro SIOT, Lisboa No. 9 (March 2001): pp. 1-8.

Moniz, António and Paulos, Margarida Ramires (2008): Futures of automobile industry and challenges on sustainable development and mobility. Forthcoming in: Proceeding of GERPISA International Colloquium No. 16 (June 2008): pp. 1-13.

Montout, Sylvie and Mucchielli, Jean-Louis and Zignago, Soledad (2001): Horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade of Nafta and Mercosur: The case of the automobile industry.

Morero, Hernan Alejandro (2013): Internacionalizacion y Sistema Nacional de Innovacion argentino: una perspectiva de tramas productivas. Los casos automotriz y siderurgico.

Morero, Hernán (2010): Internacionalización, Tramas Productivas y Sistema Nacional de Innovación. Published in: Journal of Technology Management & Innovation , Vol. 5, No. 3 (November 2010): pp. 142-161.

Mostofi, Kasra Hossein and Kolbadi nezhad, Rooholla (2016): Evaluating the effect of upside and downside slope on flow hydraulic in cylindrical overflows by using Flow 3D software. Published in: international Academic Institute for Science and Technology , Vol. 3, No. 2454-3896 (10 November 2016): pp. 73-81.

Motta, Jorge and Morero, Hernán (2008): El conocimiento productivo aplicado en el sector autopartista de Córdoba: sus distintas dimensiones.

Motta, Jorge and Morero, Hernán and LLinás, Irene (2007): Procesos de aprendizaje y de acumulación de conocimiento en las empresas autopartistas argentinas.


Osti, Davide (2020): Valutazione marchio FRB.

Osti, Davide (2021): Returns to scale with a Cobb-Douglas production function for a small italian mechanical firm.


Pradhan, Jaya Prakash and Singh, Neelam (2008): Outward FDI and Knowledge Flows: A Study of the Indian Automotive Sector.

Pradhan, Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Singh, Neelam (2008): Outward FDI and Knowledge Flows: A Study of the Indian Automotive Sector.


Russo, Margherita and Simonazzi, Annamaria and Cetrulo, Armanda (2023): Automation in the automotive sector: Romania, Spain and Germany. Forthcoming in: Joint Research Centre (JRC)


Sandberg, Åke (1995): Enriching Production: Perspectives on Volvo's Uddevalla plant as an alternative to lean production. Published in:

Santoso, Muhammad Rifky and Bukit, Rina Br (2019): The determinant factors of automotive industry investment decision in Indonesia. Published in: JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHER , Vol. 5, No. 1 (May 2019): pp. 3-17.

Saripalle, Madhuri (2006): Learning across policy regimes: A case study of the Indian Automobile Industry. Published in: International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management , Vol. 12, No. 2 (May 2012): pp. 197-217.

Schvarzer, Jorge and Papa, Javier and R. Breu, Mariana (2003): La industria automotriz argentina en perspectiva. La reconversión de la década del noventa como prólogo a la crisis actual. Published in: CESPA - Documento de Trabajo No. 5 (November 2003)

Singh, Neelam (2013): Automotive Industry Response to its Global QMS Standard ISO/TS-16949.

Sirat, Ali Parsa (2018): Loss Minimization through the Allocation of DGs Considering the Stochastic Nature of Units. Published in: International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research , Vol. 7, No. 2 (2018): pp. 113-118.

Sánchez Navarro, Dennis (2013): Análisis de elasticidades en el mercado automotor colombiano (2009 - 2011) mediante un modelo logit anidado.


Todorut, Amalia Venera and Paliu-Popa, Lucia and Cirnu, Doru (2016): Interdependence between iron ore production and maritime transport. Published in: Metalurgija , Vol. 4, No. 55 (15 October 2016): pp. 859-861.

Tyabji, Nasir (2015): From the Phased Manufacturing Programme to Frugal Engineering: Some Initial Propositions. Published in: Economic and Political Weekly , Vol. L, No. 14 (4 April 2015): pp. 45-50.


Uluta¸s, Alptekin and Karabasevic, Darjan and Popovic, Gabrijela and Stanujkic, Dragisa and Thanh Nguyen, Phong and Karaköy, Ça˘gatay (2020): Development of a Novel Integrated CCSD-ITARA-MARCOS Decision-Making Approach for Stackers Selection in a Logistics System. Published in: Mathematics , Vol. 1672, No. 08 (1 October 2020): 01-15.


Varma, Vijaya Krushna Varma (2012): High efficiency turbines. Published in: htttp://turbines.net.in No. DECEMBER -2012 (9 December 2012)

Vistesen, Claus (2009): Audi vs. BMW – On the Physical Heterogeneity of German Luxury Cars.

Volpato, Giuseppe and Stocchetti, Andrea (2006): Product-line variety and innovation along product life-cycle in car market: are carmakers’ policies really effective?


Yagi, Michiyuki and Managi, Shunsuke (2016): Demographic determinants of car ownership in Japan. Forthcoming in: Transport Policy

Yoo, Sunbin and Hong, Sungwan and Park, Yeongkyung and Okuyama, Akihiro and Zhang, Zhaozhe and Yoshida, Yoshikuni and Managi, Shunsuke (2021): Danger, Respect, and Indifference: Bike-Sharing Choices in Shanghai and Tokyo using Latent Choice Models.


Zhao, Wei (2013): Estimating Dynamic Merger Effciencies with an Application to the 1997 Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Merger.

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